This diary is to recognize the service of women in the U.S. military. There are too many aspects to show the many places and ways they have served since the Revolutionary War. There are many sites devoted to the service of men…and few for the women.

This is my way of honoring those that serve now, have served, and gave everything because they believed.
Army – because they fight

Putting on camo
U.S. Army – 1st Cavalry Unit
Photo credit: U.S.Army Women’s Museum Foundation

Air Force & Army – because they fly

Aviator – Bosnia/Kosovo

Paratroopers – 1990’s
Source (2): U.S.Army Women’s Museum Foundation

Marine Women: The Fewer – The Prouder

Marine Woman – 1970’s with M16

Marine Sgt in Iraq
Sources: Webshots Community

For more information on “The Fewer and The Prouder” please check out the website for the Women Marine Association

Women & Water – Navy and Coast Guard

Woman Navy Diver

Lt. Cmdr M. Webber: Commander of San Diego Surface Fleet
Source:  Sailors Magazine

– – –

In Memory – not to be forgotten

Annie Ruth…The Wall…Mother’s hands

Get a box of kleenex – click on the links below…
 – Look at the faces
 – Feel the loss
 – Feel the anger and outrage
 – Get your letters to the Senate, Congress, and editors ready
 – Get out your walking shows for the next anti-war protest

Continue ranting and raging against this administration….and all administrations that send anyone to an unjust war…

Iraq and Aghanistan
As of July 21, 2005

A Place on the Wall and in Our Hearts
American, Australian and New Zealand – Civilian and Military Women – Who Died in the Vietnam War (1959-1975)

Vietnam Womens Veterans – Memorial

The most comprehensive list of names I’ve found…<u>just keep scrolling</u&gt…from the Civil War through Current….during peacetime and at war…

Women that gave all to their country

Sisters of the Heart

I stand beside you, my sisters,
To dance on the rainbows, and sing in the clouds,
To howl at the moon, and laugh at the stars,
And to share the delights of our lives together.

I stand beside you, my sisters,
To cry at the heartaches, and revel in the joys,
As well as sharing ideas, new and different.
Together we can reach the full potential of our hearts.

I stand beside you, my sisters,
In good times and bad, the happy and the sad,
In order to stretch the limits of who we were,
So that we can blossom to who we really are.

I stand beside you, my sisters,
As equals in the eyes of the Universe,
But I also will stand in front of you,
To defend you with all that I have in me.

We are the dreamers, sharing the power of real Love
Of this Sisterhood that we can awaken in each other.
We stand beside each other and know this joy:
For we are truly Sisters of the Heart.

Kari Schad

Parts of this diary have been cross-posted as comments at Cheers & Jeers on DailyKos this week and at My Left Wing.