Progress Pond

A Candidate Who Listens ("How refreshing")

MA democratic gubernatorial candidate Deval Patrick continued his conversations (aka the blog blitz) with political bloggers around the state. This time, he called up Michael DeChiara, of Wonk NOT! whose blog is devoted primarily to matters of framing, in the manner advocated by linguist George Lakoff.

Here is an excerpt from DeChiara’s account of the conversation:

“Deval said that he wants his campaign to re-inspire people to see ourselves as citizens. This is a powerful statement and I am in agreement here as well. He used a powerful example (which was also a totally great frame!). He said that when he was working in Washington he’d see young people come down in the spring and visit the national monuments. Beyond the external “cool” clothes and attitudes, you could see the ones who were impressed deep down by the philosophy and values reflected in the monuments and institutions. He used for examples the writings at the Lincoln memorial, being in the Rotunda of the Capitol or on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.”

“My wife and I took our 9 and 6 year olds to DC this spring, and my nine-year old took pictures of all the inscriptions of Lincoln’s speeches. And then to stand on the monument steps, overlooking the Reflecting Pool where the March on Washington took place, standing above an inscription that read “I Have a Dream” — this was deeply moving for her (and me).”

Deval Patrick is an unusual candidate. He talks with people. He listens well. “That willingness to listen,” DeChiara says, “separates him from 99% of the politicians. It also signals that while he’s clear what he thinks, he’s open to considering various perspectives and new information. How refreshing.”

[Crossposted from]

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