I don’t like god diaries. Mostly because I hardly ever agree with them and seldom see myself as religious. I gave up the catholic church while attending a catholic high school. Nobody was practicing what they were preaching. Nobody!

That speaking out of both sides of their mouths is what turns me off of all organized religion. “God loves you but will strike you down if you stray..” “You can only go to heaven if you believe THIS way”..

Yesterday I posted a god diary. And serendipity (there are no coincidences) has stepped in.
I found this article today:Religious fervor with evil deeds serves a false god

Some snippets from it:

Religious fervor with evil deeds serves a false god

 ..the “demon of the absolute,” the human craving to worship absolutes of our own making and call them “god.”

This “demon” is not the real God but the false god of our own arbitrary political or emotional needs. This demonic craving turns God into a “fictitious tyrant” who demands blood, vengeance, a purified world order, a boundless hatred — violence that creates world headlines…

..What’s the alternative to violence? The Way of the Pilgrim, he says. It’s a spiritual attitude. Pilgrims are voyagers who accept homelessness. They are free. They “move with God.” They are not stuck in any situation. Ideally, they have nothing to defend and live only to “care for everything that is,” he says.

“To become too attached to place and property is to become one who will be forced into violence in order to acquire territory and defend it.”


I am not a preacher, don’t want to preach, but I would like to share some thoughts.
What would happen if the god that many believe in is neither male/nor female? If the god many believe in was just Life? And if the god many believe in wanted NOTHING from us? If god is god why would god need anything? Why would god demand anything from us? For what purpose?
Most religions believe that there is only one god although god has many different names. If there is just the one god why does god seem to want different things from different groups of people? This never made sense to me.
I always believed that God is love. And with that belief I never bought into the HELL, the judgement day part of religion.

But I did get sucked into the FEAR part because I was so ‘little’ so ‘imperfect’, so ‘needy’ etc., compared to god.

But if I consider that God wants nothing, if God is Life/love, if we are all part of god (in god’s likeness) what the fuck am I afraid of?
We do have two undisputable gifts-Free Will and Life. Does it really matter where those gifts come from? We DO have them. We need to start LIVING again with Free Will.

I have come to the conclusion that the Politics of the day are squelching my Free Will and I am not going to ALLOW it anymore. I am not going to allow myself to get sucked into the endless chaotic circle of mindless chatter that has solved little. I WILL do what I can to change things with actions as opportunities are presented to me. But I am giving up the angst of politics. I will support those who spout the Golden Rule and actually practice it with their words and deeds. But I will not give Bushco one more ounce of my energy or time.

Well, maybe a little now and then..until I can master my new thoughts and get back to my real passion. Me/god..you/god..
What the fuck is there to fight about? Let’s get back to the real purpose of Life.