I’m going to change tracks here and write something completely devoid of snark… sorry for the shock, my bad, I probably should have warned you sooner… 🙂
Okay, starting now no snark…
I just want to say Thank You to each and every one of the contributors on BooMan Tribune. I have learned so much from you, been inspired, gotten fired up, been informed of events I would have missed, but are just as important as any others, and seen the best of humanity come alive in the diaries and comments of this site.
I am truly grateful that we have a community of such diverse and passionate people who care deeply about the world as a whole and believe everyone is deserving of respect.
The diaries welcoming newcomers, the spiritual and moving diaries, the fun and frivolous diaries (okay, yes, I’m talking about mine here.. 🙂 damn, I said no snark… ugh), the environmental and poverty diaries, each of them make this site what it is today.
A true community.
Our wonderful hosts BooMan and Susan deserve our respect and thanks for creating and embracing the community… they set the standards by which the community tone has grown. It’s a beautiful thing.
Anyway, it may be the lack of sleep making me all sappy but I just wanted to let you all know how much I value the friends I have made and all that you do each and every day to make this place home.
I think I need some sleep, I just asked my dog to get me a refill on my coffee… 🙂
many thanks to you spider, for being a part of the human race.
ps. if that dog gets your coffee, do you want a partner?? ; )
I’ll gladly join you in the gratitude. Two weeks ago a storm knocked down a tree branch in my backyard, which knocked out my cable line. I was without internet service for 10 days. I won’t get too sappy about how much I missed my visits here – but I did feel a little lost. Its soooo good to be back!!
Welcome back! Good to see you.
Yeah, this has quickly become my favorite place to hang out. No sniping, no name-calling, no frat boy/girl humour…just lots of nice folk that feel like family.
A slightly sappy and dysfunctional family….but that’s what real families are!
Cheers to you all.
I join you in gratitude for this unique place in the blogosphere. I too have learned so much from each of you. The atmosphere is one of hope and love. Each of us only wanting the best for each other and the world at large. And because of the high tolerance for inexperience and gentle nudging from others we are finding our voice here.
I assume you are speaking of others when you reference “gentle” nudging… ’cause I’m more the bull in the china shop type…
Naw, you a bull? LOL
Right backatcha, Spidey. I just got back from a wedding shower and as I was sitting there watching the bride-to-be open her gifts I realized how calm and happy I felt and that it wasn’t only because of where I was at that moment. It was also a result of where I had been. . .here, at the Trib.
We want entertainment, not wet hankies!¨
Get a grip, spider – you”ll be posting cute puppy and anthropomorphic feline pix next.
Aak! I’m disappointing my public! Aak! The pressure, the pressure… quick, somebody start a flame war with My Left Wing…
Look what we have to contend with.
On a serious note, a grateful person is a happy person. Thank you for all your contributions even your snarkless thank you note.
I feel the same way. Every now and then it just hits me how fortunate I feel to have this pond to swim in, a pond full of fabulous, funky frogs :O) It’s got me through more than a few challenging days, and lifted my spirits, and deepened my knowledge.
A fine, fine place, full of fine people.
I feel the need to print this out and put it on my wall, I think it will be perfect blackmail material for spiderlead in the future. 😛
Seriously though, this is a great place to find comaraderie and commentary. It’s my homepage at home and at work. Why? So I can stay informed and say hi to online friends.
Cheers to you all!
Just try it! I’m on to you & your snarky ways Man E…
don’t you fret, there will be a relapse soon… I mean, gosh, I had two diaries on the reco list when I wrote this and people were paying attention to me… so of course I got all sappy… now, if Boo calls me a ‘loudmouth’ again things may quickly change… 🙂
I could hardly see through my tears to get my shoes off so I could jump into the pond and splash happily with all y’all.
Me too. Plenty of room to roam, I feel like a frisky colt again.