Paul Hackett, candidate for Ohio’s 2nd congressional district, interviewed by CBS News Sat. night. Click on the image to view the video (MP4 format). Courtesy of our videographer, Al Rodgers.
Contribute at Hackett’s ActBlue page. Add .03 to show it comes via
We just have to get this guy in office. Have to… if he loses this one, he needs to keep running.
We start the ’06 take back of Congress here and now…
Donation sent via ActBlue…+.03
SPECIAL THANKS to Al for sending us the video! It’s a nice report, as far as I’ve gotten.
God he is handsome.
No shit.
but Hackett’s chances are greatly enhanced by his good looks.
Imagine you are a parent of a daughter. This guy is a lawyer, an officer, a veteran Marine, AND he is great looking. Do you think he can’t be a solid provider for his family?
What parent doesn’t want a man like this for their daughter?
And please don’t interpret this as sexist. It’s political analysis.
He is quite good looking, but it isn’t just a matter or features. He looks like a decent, caring person. His smile is genuine. If he had that snotty young Republican look, he wouldn’t be appealing even if everything else was exactly the same.
Similarly, his opponent isn’t inherently bad looking. She just looks means and stingy. If she had a warm, caring look, she’d be much nicer looking.
I completely agree and this means something coming from me because I really hate men at the moment.
if this is the kind of candidate the Democratic Party is attracting,
And this is the kind of campaign we’re going to see more of,
the time of being a Bushie, Rover type Lap-Dog may be on the down-swing…
Now about those ‘Dliebald contracts, touchscreens, barcode reading software and rare coins…
ActBlue is reporting donations to the Hackett campaign have now reached $441,763.71 – or almost matching the $500,000 the GOP tossed at the race.
I wish I knew if my little effort Saturday night did anything. I didn’t take money directly but pointed people to the ActBlue site.
According to a diary on dKos, there are several Paul Hackett ActBlue sites going on and the total of all of them has exceeded 500K.
I hope so. Funny, the average contribution from the netroots is $51.56. I wonder what the average contribution to the Schmidt campaign has been.
And as a bit of eye-candy here are pictures of the candidates:
(Ok, ok, the photo of Schmidt was ‘photo-shopped.’)
I could barely tell…
Wondering if there is any information coming out of OH2 yet.
Not yet.
The SwingState Project has an interesting take from the Cook Political Report and a little bit of reality based rebuttal from Tim Tagaris.
I don’t think we will get hard data until the polls close at 7:30 CST; we may get impressionistic reports starting this afternoon.