Progress Pond

Hackett for Congress: Part Two

It’s still too close to call. This is a fresh thread for easier refreshing.

Results Page

Update [2005-8-2 21:53:43 by BooMan]:

From Chris Bowers: Just got a call from Tim–91 precints left. Hackett down 700 votes. Only Clermont left. This is within the automatic recount margin. Gather everything you can about election irregularities.

Update [2005-8-2 22:39:17 by BooMan]:Various accounts out of Clermont. They claim humidity is fouling up the automated ballot counters. Yeah, it’s only humid in Clermont. Meanwhile the Clermont Board of Elections Page has gone dead. I smell a rat.

Update [2005-8-2 22:49:54 by BooMan]:

Final Results

Clermont County:

Schmidt: 17,320 votes (58%)
Hackett: 12,439 votes (42%)

100% of precincts reporting

Hamilton County:

Schmidt: 25,011 votes (51%)
Hackett: 23,597 votes (49%)
100% of precincts reporting

Warren County:

Schmidt: 7,556 votes (58%)
Hackett: 5,420 votes (42%)
100% of precincts reporting

Brown County:

Schmidt: 3,100 votes (44%)
Hackett: 3,950 votes (56%)
100% of precincts reporting

Pike County:

Schmidt: 1,559 votes (37%)
Hackett: 2,659 votes (63%)

100% of precincts reporting

Adams County:

Schmidt: 1,911 votes (48%)
Hackett: 2,101 votes (52%)

100% of precincts reporting

Scioto County:

Schmidt: 2,638 votes (35%)
Hackett: 4,925 votes (65%)
100% of precincts reporting

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