The UN has a big problem, and it’s not John Bolton. For the last five years the 191 member countries have been trying to put a stop to terrorism by finalizing their Convention against it … the problem is they cannot yet define it. Here’s the most recent statement released last Friday .. see if you can find what the snag is:
We (the world leaders) affirm that the targeting and deliberate killing of civilians and non-combatants cannot be justified or legitimized by any cause or grievance, and we declare that any action intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants, when the purpose of such an act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population or to compel a government or an international organization to carry out or to abstain from any act, cannot be justified on any grounds, and constitutes an act of terrorism.”
The UN is saying that war is terrorism when it targets civilians and non-combatants. Like the destruction of Fallujah, for instance. Under the above definition that was an act of terrorism. Civilian casualties are not “collateral damage” — they are a fact of modern warfare. Civilian casualties in the First World War were 15%, in the Second World War were 65%, and in all wars since are more than 95%. This is not an accidental side-effect of war… this is how wars are won, or are they?
Here’s another definition, this time from Dr. Hassan El-Najjar:
Terrorism is terrorizing or being terrorized, a mode of governing, or of opposing government by intimidation. The term should be used to describe individuals, groups, and governments, which are involved in terrorizing the civilian populations. Corporate media journalists use the term routinely to describe individuals and groups but never use to describe the governments which target the civilian population by killing them, destroying their homes and fields, or by subjecting them to collective punishment. For a balanced approach, both terms of terrorism and state terrorism should be used. (Source: Conflict Terminology)
While the UN cannot quite say yet what terrorism is, Kofi Annan has said, again, what it is not.
Annan dismissed the charge that terrorism is being driven primarily by religion. “It’s not Islamic,” he said. “I don’t attach it to any specific religion. We’ve had it in England; we’ve had it in Spain; we’ve had it here.”
Asked about the London bombings that were carried out by people who were born and raised in Britain, Annan said: “You do have violence in situations where people are in despair.”
“And the main thing is to deal with the perpetrators, for who they are and what they are. And of course, it is difficult to generalize along the lines that it only occurs in societies governed by despotic leaders,” he added.
Another Voice:
Egypt’s interior minister Al-Adli said it was not yet known who was behind Egyptian bomings that left more than 88 dead, “but whoever it is, or whatever groups they belong to, this is ugly terrorism, and there’s no humanity or values or feel of belonging in these acts.”
Asked whether he thought the blasts might be related to Islam, he replied, “What Islam? This terrorism has nothing to do with any religion, because all religions do not allow aggression and do not allow killing civilians in innocence. Those don’t belong to Muslims. They are a gang of criminals.”
Now I’m sure I heard that exact same thing said before, and it was from the late Pope Paul II. But it’s very unfashionable to quote the late Pontiff on religious, anti-war and humanitarian matters. But at the time he said it he was hosting an international day of prayer in an effort to stop what looked like an inevitable war of aggression against Iraq. He gathered 200 world religious leaders to pray for peace in January of 2003. When the Pope puts away crucifixes lest they be offensive to Buddhists, Jews and Muslims, I think we can say he’s made an extraordinary effort to be inclusive and respectful of the diversity of the world’s religions.
“The different faiths separated into smaller groups to offer prayers for peace in accordance with their own rites. Crucifixes had been carefully removed from the areas used by non-Christian religions. The response from other religions has been enthusiastic. A representative of the World Muslim League described the Pope’s initiative as “magnificent”. (Source: World Day of Prayer for Peace)
Never again violence, never again war, never again terrorism. In name of God, every religion has to bring on the earth justice and peace, forgiveness and life, love.LETTER OF JOHN PAUL II
FEBRUARY, 2002To Their Excellencies
Heads of State or Government
Decalogue of Assisi for Peace1. We commit ourselves to proclaiming our firm conviction that violence and terrorism are incompatible with the authentic spirit of religion, and, as we condemn every recourse to violence and war in the name of God or of religion, we commit ourselves to doing everything possible to eliminate the root causes of terrorism.
2. We commit ourselves to educating people to mutual respect and esteem, in order to help bring about a peaceful and fraternal coexistence between people of different ethnic groups, cultures and religions.
3. We commit ourselves to fostering the culture of dialogue, so that there will be an increase of understanding and mutual trust between individuals and among peoples, for these are the premise of authentic peace.
4. We commit ourselves to defending the right of everyone to live a decent life in accordance with their own cultural identity, and to form freely a family of his own.
..We do well to remember that the modern practice of diplomacy arose in Europe only after the horrors of the wars of religion convinced European statesmen to separate power politics from religious belief. (George W. Bush’s Holy War; By Michael Lind; The Globalist; Sunday, March 23, 2003 (This was just 3 days after the bombing of Baghdad — the beginning of the ‘official’ war on Iraq)
Demand That Johnny Come Home Counterpunch; August 2, 2005
..If one recalls General Boykin’s remarks calling the Muslim religion idolatry and the Iraqis as Satan, it’s not a far jump for a Marine or GI to make the same claim, especially if they come from a conservative Christian background to begin with.
Well I for one find it impossible to forget General Boykin. I can’t forget that GW Bush and Colin Powell declared war in church the Sunday after 911. And a Holy War, at that. I can’t forget that Bush called the war on terrorism a crusade, or that during the crusades in the 16th century Christians used the severed heads of Muslims as missles, catapulting them over the walls of their enemy’s fortresses.
The Gospel of General Boykin
Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon this June, General Boykin proclaimed, “we’re a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian.”
He continued, “The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God.”
To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, “He was appointed by God” to be leader of the United States.
To another religious group in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, General Boykin declared that the true enemy in George W. Bush’s wars “is the principalities of darkness. It is a demonic presence in that city that God revealed to me as the enemy.”In a religious flyer, General Boykin is quoted as saying, “Bin Laden is not the enemy. No mortal is the enemy. It’s the enemy you can’t see. It’s a war against the forces of darkness.”
Comparing himself to a follower of Islam, General Boykin offers the taunt that “my God is bigger than his.”
…Confronted with these comments, the Bush Administration supported General Boykin. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld refused to criticize General William Boykin’s ideas about an American holy Crusade against Islam, or even to say that his remarks were diplomatically unfortunate. (Source: Is Bush’s War on Evildoers a Holy Crusade? Irregular Times, September, 2004)
The problem confronting the UN is to define terrorism without including state terrorism, to address its causes being despair, without referring to the illegal war in Iraq, and to diffuse the international timebomb of racism and religio-fascism which has been played out in the streets of London over the last three weeks. The UN must address the issues of locating and bringing terrorists to justice without mentioning racial profiling, the loss of civil liberties, human rights, quality of life, and without mentioning the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes.
The challenge for the UN with the newly positioned Bolton is to carry on the business of the civilized world as if the US were not there, the way the US has carried on its crimes for the last several years, as if the UN were not there. When the UN finally nails down the definition of “terrorism” it might have to address the illegality of the war in Iraq. Now would be a good time.
you did
You need to change your sig line, for you are one of them ; )
Kudos & Recommended
ps. Bolton was put there to run more spin for the administration. It’s all a cover up from this group.
I hope you’re right about Bolton’s placement in the UN. I’m in fear he’s the guy to push that nu-clu-er button. It would be the worse diversion ever!
This is why “religion” and “politics” was never, ever meant to be mex.
Here’s hoping desperation from the hopeful “I” (yeah… will believe it when I see it) doesn’t shove these madmen off the cliff taking us with them.
I agree about the religion and politics, and fortunately Bolton does not have the power to push any real buttons, other than the people he’s work’n around…and that’s the really scary part ; )
Time will tell, I’m with you,,,don’t take me with you when you go madmen…
Thank you for your diary. I saw some blowhard blowing Bolton, and muttering “UN reform… can’t even define terrorism…” and now I understand.
I’m very tired of political linguistics. “Weapons of Mass Destruction” becomes Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs” becomes “Weapons of Mass Destruction-Related Activities”, the “War on Terror” becomes the “Struggle Against Global Extremism”. Want to make something even more disingenuous? Keep slapping words on it.
Or try adding categories. In this war, errr.. struggle, there are enemy combatants or enemy non-combatants. You’re with us or you’re against us. And we decide which. Apparently, lacking proper uniforms, everyone is “fair game”. Except for “our” side, ’cause we’re better.
So, if BushCo. can’t define terrorism as targeting civilians, how about a new definition? Maybe they’ll try “Struggle Against Global Extremism Enemy Combatant and Non-Combatant Related Activities”. Since we’re the only ones defining it, we get the final say in who’s “fair game”.
That g-da*n Boykin, I’m about up to my neck with that guy. He’s been involved in so many Special Ops that you can’t even begin to imagine it all. I’m serious. And he is one super kooky looky guy too and so are his men.
“Well I for one find it impossible to forget General Boykin. I can’t forget that GW Bush and Colin Powell declared war in church the Sunday after 911. And a Holy War, at that. I can’t forget that Bush called the war on terrorism a crusade, or that during the crusades in the 16th century Christians used the severed heads of Muslims as missles, catapulting them over the walls of their enemy’s fortresses.”
I too, cannot forget that Bush called this war a crusade. HE started the “religious” wars. Our future is in the hands of a bunch of cartoon characters that have no idea exactly what they stirred up. If they had really wanted to get the “terrorists” that led 9/11 they would have “stayed the course” in Afganistan. They have tried to use fear to get votes and they suceeded because OBL is still out there. They think they can use that fear forever I think they figured wrong. All the crap they have pulled, all the lies, all the manipulation of intelligence to fit the policy is catching up with them. The real “Satan” is in the WH and his spewing “Chrisian” bullshit. This is not about God ot Allah or Buddah. This is about power and money and greed.
Well, I cannot forget that they covered the reproduction of Picasso’s “Guernica” at the UN, so that Colin Powell could make his pitch for war in Iraq, untroubled by images of civilians being massacred. Can’t possibly consider the horrors that war visits on innocent civilians when you’re trying to sell just such a war, now can we.
That is a time I want not to forget as well. Colin Powell choked on the lies…. I want to go read about that again.
on how to define terrorism.
Here’s my fantasy for the day – Let the UN sell that beautiful property on the river in NYC and use the funds to move their headquarters to Niger, hopefully near the uranium mines. I dream of the parents who can’t feed their children suddenly getting jobs. Fat diplomats learning to subsist on a bowl of millet a day. Oh, and wrecking their fashionable outfits in the cattle-driven carts.
We don’t need no stinkin’ Congress!
We don’t need no stinkin’ Senate!
John Bolton, UN ambassador.
John Bolton should be arrested under the anti-terrorism act for saying one could remove the top ten floors of the UN with no ill effect.
Bravo..excellent, this would truly be a dream come true, and let us not forget the robber barons as well.
As this discussion continues, you can put money on Bolton trying to drive the definition process to an end that will exonerate the U.S. from any wrongdoing, ever. Terrorism will only be when a third world country or individuals commit an act against the U.S. and its allies.
In his autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom”, Nelson Mandela makes a distinction between 4 types of violent action:
Clearly, there is such a thing as a valid violent response to oppression. Our own country and many others were founded on it. It seems to me that a stronger U.N. that could help settle such disputes would go a long way to ending violent conflict in our world. One way to strengthen the U.N. is for the U.S. to agree to submit to international law and treaties. We can’t expect others to do what we are unwilling to do ourselves.
Unfortunately, Bolton is going to push for the opposite – a weakened U.N. that is little more than a U.S. puppet. He is a major part of this problem.
But the weakened UN is not a US puppet.
The US would like the UN to fall into ruin…. they would like the UN to crumble…. they would like the UN headquarters in NYC for the real estate…..
I must go and look up the word “unitary”
Putting the focus on Bolton is wrong-minded, in my opinion. He represents one out of 191 member nations. This bulldog is not top-dog…. and they’ve had four years to prepare for this.
They have a thick Bolton file. The same file we all have…. the lies about yellowcake, the record as a “serial abuser”…. and they have the Downing Street Minutes, and the US record of trying to strong-arm the Security Council on Resolution 1441.
And they have the terrorist attacks…. all of them…. What the US suffered on 911 was not suffered by the US alone. The world community gathered in solidarity with the US after 911. But that alliance didn’t last long, as it became apparent that GWB was on a “mission from God.”
“The Boss Has Gone Crazy” is what the people around the worldsaid about GWB.
The war on terrorism was GWB’s own personal vendetta…. and he wrote the script, entirely…. The 190 other members of the UN are not stupid. They have followed the whole horrorshow in Afghanistan and Iraq, in Guantanamo, in Abu Ghraib, and the CIA torture flights… that continue because GWB through C. Rice, intervened to REMOVE LEGISLATION alreadey passed by the Senate which would have made ghosting of prisoners to countries that practice torture illegal.
The UN is also the International Court of Justice. The UN is also the body which imposed sanctions on Iraq. The UN has the opportunity to redeem itself.
Not since Nikita Krushev has there been such a person to arrive in the UN. I would like to send Bolton a commemorative shoe to pound on the table of the UN. “We will bury you!!!” shouted Kruschev.
And Bolton must face all those members of the UN who were opposed to the war on Iraq.
Vive la France! Vive la Resistance!
A few problems.
First of all international law assumes that states have a much wider right to use violence than non-state actors. As a result certain actions by individuals will be terrorism while when conducted by states they will not be.
THe sad fact of the matter is that the law of war is riddled with loopholes regarding the protection of civilians against occupying powers and even worse on protecting them from their own government.
3. When I went into the Geneva Conventions to find out the duties of the occupying forces I found them pretty clear:
My point here is that an illegal war and a “just war” are not the same. In “staying the course” in the illegal war on Iraq, the US occupying forces must go by the Geneva Conventions. Have they?
I think on this last point we’re in basic agreement.