Back in May, when the Downing Street Memos first went public, I like many others thought; ” finally this is the watershed moment that will awaken the American people to the duplicitous actions that took this country into a war that has cost so much in blood and treasure.” In the weeks that followed the release, the netroots/ blog communities worked feverishly to force an apathetic press to take notice. Web sites like DSM sprung up, letter-writing campaigns were organized and daily updates posted on the progress to Awaken the Media.
Slowly but surely the media began to take notice, but the public seemed to turn a deaf ear. Having become accustomed to being lied to, even many hardened Bush opponents saw nothing new in the revelations, and “we few, we happy few, we band of brothers” could do nothing to persuade them any differently.
Out of frustration, I began discussing the situation with fellow Kossaks. We tied to figure out what it would take to finally force the public to come to its senses. Out of those discussions, I eventually met the people behind and the “Misled into War: a Timeline” project was born.
(“Misled to War; a timeline” is a complete, searchable database of all the events, statements, news reports, military activity, and press releases dealing with the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq. With well over 500 individual entries thus far, it is poised to become a one-stop resource for all information on the subject, and a valuable research tool for those interested in finding out just how the American people were bamboozled. And if I may say so ,it’s a very compelling read. But- this story has as much to do with what I learned from the experience of working on the project, as it does with the project itself.)
So it’s late May-Early June, and the blogosphere is all abuzz about the Downing Street Memo, Kossacks are writing diaries like mad, Conyers is starting his campaign to collect signatures, is well on it’s way and Smintheus is in full swing with the “Awaken the Media” campaign. All of this activity is starting to have an effect and the media is taking notice. First in the op-eds, then the main pages and finally on TV. “This is great,” I think, “finally the truth will come out and the American people will wake up.” But as time went on, the fickle public and ever changing news cycles moved on to juicier, sexier stories, and the Memos seemed to slip from most people’s consciousness.
Around this time I started talking about the situation with fellow Kossack, Nydem25. We both felt that the public had become so immune to revelations of lying by this administration that it would take something more concrete to catch their attention. We finally reached the conclusion that if we could separate Bush’s deeds from his words, people might start to see the light. We decided to start looking at the actions taken by the Administration; funding, troop deployments, military contracts, base construction, covert actions, increased bombing in the NFZ and such. Figuring that making war on this scale is not something you throw together on the fly, there would be a trail leading back to it’s inception. To that end, we started to do research and put together a timeline and some diaries, and formed a working group we named IraqFact.
To make a long story short, the folks over at had also started to look at ways to further the story and were working on their own timeline of statements, memos, press releases and news stories. They became aware of our work, and contacted us to see if we’d like to come on board their project. So began my little journey into the Bush administration’s heart of darkness.
After a few days of e-mails and introductions, the work on the database began. Each with his or her own area of specialty, we started working and the entries began to be logged in. Date, Title, Published, Source, Link, Summary, one after another, individual pieces of data, minutia by themselves, began to be entered into the database. After time these seemingly random events and words started to form a complete picture of an administration that had lost all moral bearing on an insane quest to take a nation to war.
Fueled by caffeine and the passion of zealots, the entries flew in day and night. Check a link, Google up a better source, enter…. Date, Title, Published, Source, Link, Summary, enter…over and over this same ritual was repeated by people you only knew through e-mail addresses and blog names. People with KOS names you knew like Ukiyo1, Topdog08 and Highacidity. People whose work you read and admired like Smintheus and Terre, each working towards a common goal. Every once in a while you’d pull up the master to see what the others were up to. Holy shit 100 entries, then 200, then 300…wow this is going to be cool. But then, sometime in the wee hours when you became too tired to trust your spelling or typing, it was time to just sit back and read the titles that had been entered so far.
“President vows to get Bin Laden Dead or Alive”, ” Special forces moved from Afghanistan to Iraq”, “Rumsfeld orders deployment of 35,00 more troops to gulf “, “Bush assures war only as last result”. One after the next the entries told a story. Not as individual facts, but more like the brushstrokes in an impressionist painting. When viewed at close range they’re nothing more than dots and squiggles, but step back, view the picture as a whole and the real subject appears. “Cheney’s Energy Task Force issues maps of Iraqi oil fields”, “Saddam tries to buy yellowcake from Niger.” This is what began to happen as the database took form. Events taking place thousand of miles apart, separated by time and space began to come together. “Bush signs increased funding for CIA” “Iraqi opposition groups begin weapons training in Texas”. “Tenet meets with Kurdish opposition”…. The picture became clearer with each new entry.
As of today I think we’re approaching the 550th entry. I don’t know how many more there will be, or how much longer it will take to finish this project, but I do know that when it’s completed, no rational thinking person could ever read this timeline and think that the Bush administration and it’s allies were nothing less than evil, manipulative liars who purposely squandered the lives of nearly 2000 young people on some personal quest for empire.
Cross- posted at: My Left Wing , Daily Kos
Do you have a link to it?
It’s still being worked on as we speak. It should be completed shortly and will be available through the web site.
It’s one of those projects that each time we think it’s almost done, someone comes up with a whole bunch of new facts and links to enter in. But we are getting close. When it is finished the people will do an official launch.
DSM, Dr. Kelley’s suicide, Gannon, Plame outing along side each other we would see the threads weaving in and out. Gannon is a very important piece here for some strange reason, as is Chalabi and his sitting next to Laura Bush during the SOTU. They are not important in an of themselves, but because they are pawns hiding the real action. And they keep coming back into play somehow.
The same names always seem to turn up going back to Bush I. Not just during his presidency…before that.. CIA, Republican Party Chairmen time period. These guy have been working towards this for years, they didn’t just pop up on inguagaration day 2001.
Wow! Just wow! I am blown away but your group of dedicated people. This proves the statement,,,By the people for the people of the people. Thank you to all of you at I receive your updates in my email and appreciate them tremendously. I joined a meetup yesterday because of the site.
Hopefully when this project is finished we can reach out to those who have not yet seen the light by providing a resource where facts can be acquired to counter the propaganda that the RWM and Bushco put out everyday.
Kudos to you and your collaborators. Best wishes for your continued good work.
We’ll be posting a link as soon as it’s up and running. It will definitely be worth checking out.
I am constantly awestruck by the energy that dedicated people have invested in what I can only fervently desire. I know my puny gratitude cannot satisfy you as much as a job well done will.
The lackluster response doesn’t mean that people don’t care, it’s just that it takes an awful lot of energy. We are grateful.
Went to the (impressive) site you’ve built and noticed the “UN Reso” area devoid of links. The timeline for elections and transfer of power are contained in UNSCR 1546 (2004).
Keep ’em flyin….
Since the timeline project began, I had to stop working on putting that site together, but I’ll get back to it as soon as time permits.
You’re probably one of the first people to actually visit that site. I started building it, got envolved in the timeline, pretty much stopped blogging so couldn’t promote it at all. Thanks for visiting it, it was probably getting very lonely 🙂
Very clean and easy to navigate. I like places without these: !!!!!!