Larry Johnson, former CIA/State Dept. intelligence analyst (bio), reports that sources who were briefed on a principals meeting of the Homeland Security Council, held yesterday, were astonished that the president disputed the shift in terminology from WOT (the War on Terrorism) to Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism (GSAVE).
Johnson’s sources report that Bush said, “No one checked with me.”
The president’s “comment brought an uncomfortable silence to the assembled group of pooh bahs,” says Johnson. “The President insisted it was still a war as far as he is concerned.”
The battle over language and the confusion within the National Security Council is an unfortunate reminder of the chaos that is afflicting the Bush Administration’s effort to deal with terrorism. Unfortunately, every agency and department is doing its own thing without strong, clear direction or control from the White House. Makes longtime bureaucrats long for the days of Richard Clarke, when at least there was someone in charge. Larry Johnson‘s “The WHAT on TERRORISM?” at his blog, No Quarter … MORE BELOW:
Johnson continues:
While the Bush Administration has trumpeted that it is waging a war on terrorism rather than treating it as a law enforcement problem, the reality is that the terrorists do not present a target that can be readily attacked with military assets. In fact, the major captures of terrorist targets, such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Hambali, have been carried out through intelligence operations or thru police round ups.
Last fall I was told by friends in the counter terror community that the NSC was pushing to change the Global War on Terrorism into the War on Extremism (WOE). The original intent was to eliminate GWOT and replace it with WOE (I realize this sounds like a skit from the Daily Show, but it is the honest to God truth). Apparently someone at the White House realized that WOE would provide endless grist for comedy writers and decided instead to go with GSAVE.
The sad reality is that there is still no one in charge of directing a coordinated U.S. Government policy to combat terrorism. General Wayne Downing, who was put in charge in October of 2001, tried to do so but was slapped down by Don Rumsfeld. Downing resigned in frustration after spending less than a year on the job. Since then we have seen a virtual game of musical chairs, as different folks move in and out of the NSC slot responsible for coordinating terrorism policy.
At the end of the day this episode is a reminder of why Bin Laden is still at large. We cannot even agree on what to call the fight against Islamic radicals (FAIR is already taken as an acronym). We had WOT, thought about WOE, moved to GSAVE and may go back to WOT. Someone needs to find out WHAT is happening.
From Larry Johnson‘s “The WHAT on TERRORISM?” at his blog, No Quarter
Postcript: I’d quote Whitman’s “O Captain, My Captain,” but that was a lament for a lost heroic president. We just have a president who is lost.
My husband came home from work the other day and I was making fun of the War on Terra again and he informed me that I needed to catch up because it wasn’t the War on Terra anymore. Can’t wait to tell him that I ain’t stupid! I check with the president first before I go around shooting my mouth off! The whole War on Terror thing just flat sounds Jackass Ignorant anymore and I was bummed that they were going to change the “mission” and attempt to distort what a bunch of idiots they all are. I am newly relieved and refreshed that George isn’t afraid of looking like an idiot today, tomorrow, or yesterday. He is consistent and he does stand for something damn it, and he does stay the course!
But I’m afraid somebody’s gonna have to pay if georgie gets laughed at too much.
The Marx brothers could only hope to reach this level of lunacy.
The fact that our “imbecile in chief” wasn’t consulted about the rebranding of the so-called “war on terror” shouldn’t surprise anyone.
It’s pretty obvious, given his astonishing lack of awareness, that Cheney and Rove keep Bush on a strictly “need to know” basis. And he doesn’t need to know much, since others are making all the decisions in his name anyway.
Separately, bin Laden is still at large because he’s more useful to Cheney and his neocons as an active boogeyman than he would be as a captive. Bin Laden’s a vital element in their campaign of fear.
When I read your comment I thought of the Married With Children episode where Kelly Bundy is on a sports trivia show, and Al has packed her head full of so many facts that each new one punches out another fact.
I think our Smirking Chimp’s dome is done full of them facts, no need to provide any more pesky things like renamining the operation that he has staked his whole legacy on, which is draining our treasure and our military.
Actually, when the re-naming came, I thought one rationale was that it was to avoid “war-crimes” (as if that would work after-the-fact.) These clowns can’t even keep themselves anywhere near the same page, and I can’t imagine Senate Republicans are too happy with recess appointments.
I think the renaming of the whole effort is based on some pretty simple concepts.
First, a “war” is something that has a beginning and an end. More importantly, “wars” need to be “won”, and when they’re not won, those who wage the war look bad.
Second, Since “war” is a concept that most people understand as something you do,you win, and you bring everyone home, this was a clever way of getting at least half the public, (and more important, 90% of the MSM),to support the venture. But had the Bush regime told the public we were going to be actively fighting and maintaining a huge battle-ready force in the MidEast for the forseeable future, and that we’d have no way of proclaiming victory, then I don’t think they’d have been able to go forward. I think even the MSM would have opposed them.
So, they used the “war” language and tried to give the impression that we’d be victorious without it all dragging on for so long in an active combat mode.
Now however, because they can no longer use the “war” terminology without sounding increasingly more ridiculous, they have to re-condition the public into accepting that the situation is now one of perpetual conflict. No longer do they want us to be eagerly awaiting news of a great military victory, because they know that’s notgoing to happen.
So the “Global Struggle Against Extremism” is born. Che Guevara, Lenin, couldn’t have come up with a better slogan.
Lenin, couldn’t have come up with a better slogan
Hmmm. Does this have anything to do with the rumor that Cheney is going to make a speech at the Finland Station?
I didn’t know Cheney was rumored to be going there, but if he does maybe we can all chip in and find him a special hat and chair like these so he can better get into the spirit of Lenin style speechmaking.
How about the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty. Those were won, right?
My point exactly.
And still no one has read the memo to him…
(sorry… guess that’s not really an update, is it?)
in more or less the same way that they used to update Generalissimo Francisco Franco’s condition on Saturday Night Live.
Love the part about how someone recognized that War On Extremism didn’t create the best acroynym of the week.
You will remember, yes?, that the original name for the (illegal, super-expensive, failed policy, killer of other people’s children) war on Iraq was Operation Iraqi Liberation.
which was (get ready for it)
Forces Achieving Irqai Liberation Using Rapid Effectiveness
Ach! Omir, you make theese up, non? You joke wiz me.
On the other hand, given the collective smarts and achievements of this so-called administration, it’s probably true.
but honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if that had been considered somewhere along the way.
I thought it was Operation Iraqi Liberation…O I L
ps: how to you get BOLD type?
< B >L< /B >ike < B >T< /B >his (but without the spaces).
I tried using asterisks but that apparently only works on entire words, not elements within words.
If this keeps up Karen Hughes will have to resign again to spend more time with her family for a week and then be reassigned to her old WH job again.
Memos are for important people in the government. Bush? He’s the government’s Mortimer Snerd.
This is part of a pattern. Not too long ago our homeland security folks came that close to shooting down a private plane that strayed across the no-fly-zone. The Capitol was evacuated, but no one thought to inform Georgey Boy who was riding his bicicle at Camp David.
If the people with their fingers on the button think he is too stupid to be included in the loop, what should we think???
what the hell is it going to take, and if the scales do fall finally from people’s eyes, will the entire idea of government be completely discredited?
This ass is some kind of commie now! They must have finally changed the DVD in the White House entertainment center.
I’d really like to know what bush does all day besides exersizing. I’m serious, he doesn’t do any reading or anything to do with running the country..just what does he fucken do?
Unless I missed a diary on this- did anyone read Johnson’s diary on Novack the day before titled ‘Bob Novack-Colostomy Bag Extraordiane’…? where he says that calling him ‘douchebag’ as Stewart does is simply too nice for him and explains why. It’s an understatement to say Johnson must view Novack as the vilest of creatures after reading that diary.