Okay. I’m back from a long night of politicking and consuming free beer. We had a meetup at the Yards Brewery, which is both a brewery and a decrepit semi-abandoned factory in a bad part of town.
We listened to 5 Democratic contenders pitch their candidacies for the four GOP owned seats they are contending for. And we drank free beer. Did I mention that the beer was free. Anyway, I met some of the candidates and I chatted them up and told them how they should quit playing pattycake and post some diaries at BooTrib if they ever want to get anywhere in this world.
I also met Delaware Dem, who I have known for a long time from DailyKos. And I had a lot of fun.
We will be working hard to build our Pennsylvania insurgency and we have some solid candidates. Personally, as I was telling Cicero on the subway home, now that I have turned 35 I think I should just run for President myself and stop relying on losers to represent my dead-on super intelligent positions.
Cicero didn’t think my checkered past of drug abuse and binge drinking should be an obstacle after the precedent Bush has laid out. I half agreed, as I belched loudly and asked where the after hours bar was.
Fuck it, when you’ve sucked in the aphrodisiac of Democratic activism no obstacle seems too large. That is, until you wake up the next morning with cottonmouth, and a super duper headache.
So, what did you all do tonight?
What’d I do…tried to enjoy a bit more of the vacation that shall soon end. Spent time w/the kids, played some Lou Reed tunes & now everyone’s asleep and I’m burning some cds and grooving on some old Sly Stone tunes (“There’s a riot goin on” and “Fresh”).
the bar I ended up in tonight was playing some Velvet Underground. It was a nice touch at the end of a fun evening.
I’ve been a slug most of the evening; the spouse and I went out to do errands earlier today, had dinner out, then came home. He fell asleep on the bed from a couple of hours before getting the laundry going in our brand new laundry facilities (great new machines, bigger and better, and prices didn’t go up as much as feared), while I added more songs to iTunes, learned how to sync my calendar to the iPod, then did so.
Tomorrow (well, technically today since it’s past midnight) we’ll be out late; we’re seeing a comedy show being put on by The Party Progressive, featuring Will Durst and Johnny Steele. Should be a great show; last time the spouse and I saw Durst, we got stuck at a table right up front, and I was laughing so hard he actually stopped his routine, came over and asked me if I was all right. (Yes, I was quite embarrased!) We’re driving over to Fremont from the Silly Con Valley and taking BART over to SF; it gives us a little more flexibility than taking CalTrain (we’d have to wait about 2-1/2 hours for the midnight train after the show is over), and we can nap since we’ll be getting off at the last stop. I have to admit, there are benefits to having the spouse off work for a bit…but I’ll be glad to get back to what passes for normalcy around this place…
I went out and had a coupla beers and played pool. It was fun. Other than that, nothing interesting to report. Glad u had a good time, maybe Atrios will add you to his blogroll now <grin>
Study, study, study. Finals today. Beer tonight. Then two-and-a-half weeks of bliss before I climb back into the meat grinder.
I’m in the home stretch. Only one more semester ’til I graduate with an utterly useless degree in English Lit.
Woo hoo!
Last night, last night. It was so recent. Nothing political, well almost. A little work on the upcoming Great Democracy Auction see http://www.hancockdems.org and then a half hour phone survey by some firm obviously fronting for electric utilities which prompted research on a pending FERC rule which will force ratepayers in New England (and elsewhere) to pay utilities to expand their infrastructure. I’ll turn this into a radio piece for my weekly 5 minutes of consumer info. Traded massages with my GF while we watched Kathy Griffin (who is wound pretty tight I noticed). Lost an EBay auction for a game called Dirty Minds. That’s ok, there will be another. Still on an emotional Hackett high. Can you say Gov. Hackett? I know you can. The 50 state campaign starts Now 🙂
Ah. . .a night on the town. . .the focus changes a bit as you get a little long in the tooth. I cleaned up some of my email files, cursed at my computer. . . .all the blogs are running so slow on my dial up connection it is driving me nuts. . .only been so the last 2 or 3 days. . .
By then I notice it is 1:30 in the A.M. and I suddenly want a cappuccino. I get myself presentable and drive the 20 miles into the “Big” city of Idaho Falls, find the all night grocery sometime after 2. I do my dog food, cat food, Shirl treats shopping with no other customers in the huge place. I say “Hi” to the folks busily stocking the shelves. Save myself some serious $$ over the nearby to my home (5 miles) grocery, and enjoy the look up into a cloudless night sky that is dazzling with stars. Sipping away on my cappuccino, it was a pretty fine time out in the big city.
Yep, my night out on the town. . .
it was date night….date night was supposed to be tuesday night but it ended up being deal with relationship issues night….wed was supposed to be politics night and i hoped to drag savage over to the meeting but he had to work and i had to have make up sex…sorry i missed that meeting…any other interesting things happen at the meeting?
Your night sounds like mine. (minus the edible panties.)
I am here now. Hey BooMan, I wanna T shirt.
Seriously, good times last night….unfortunately I have to work now, and the hangover is complicating matters.
the shirts are available at the store.
It was good meeting you, and I hope your hangover is gone by now…it’s noon.
This is Jeff Davidson (jdavidson2 from Kos) and I’m hoping to put you in touch with a board member of PA NARAL to help raise awareness for their financial plight and the possibility of closing down NARAL PA.
There is also a fundraiser at Mugshots Coffee House – mugshotscoffeehouse.com – next Thursday evening (21st and Fairmount). Tickets available there or
at http://www.prochoicepennsylvania.org.
{Disclaimer: I’m not a member of that organization, nor am I being paid by them – but an artist I may be working with is performing at the event).
I’m a student at Stanford, grew up in Philly, and have done a lot of work (for my age) in progressive politics. I’ve worked for Dean (in Burlington, actually–the most amazing experience of my life), Hoeffel, Tom Daschle, and Rendell, and I’ve been curious ever since it first started to blossom what makes the Philly progressive netroots scene what it is. I’m applying for a grant this fall to take an academic look at it, and its ramifications for the local and national party, as well as for the nature of politics generally.
Anyway, to get the grant from Stanford to do this (I need an apartment in Philly, etc., because my parents moved, alas) I have to submit the proposal this fall. So if there are people who would be interested in being interviewed next summer, as ridiculously early as it is to ask such a thing, it’d be very helpful if you could drop me an email at gwinant@stanford.edu.
Thanks a lot, and hope to be in touch.
PS I’m cross-posting this or similar comments on a bunch of Philly blogs. Sorry if I’m being a bit aggressive. Such is the world of undergraduate research at Stanford.
Well, it wasn’t so exciting as free beer.
I went to the local county Democratic Party steering committe meeting. I’m a co-chair of the budget committee and The Primate is Chair of the events committee (as well as Democratic committeewoman from our township.)
We discussed the planning for the 2006 campaign.
As I said, so free beer.