Gooood Eeevvenning, BooTribbers!
Or morning, as the case may be.
You are no doubt STILL
asking yourselves. . .
What can I do
to support this site!?
Oh, boy, oh boy,
what can I do, what can I do?
Tell me, tell me!! I want to do it,
I want to do it now!
Click on the ads!
(One click a day makes the ad guys pay.)
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(Are YOU drinking from a BooMug today?)
Lure your friends here!
(You know they want it!)
And, of course, visit the Café early and often!
(Every page view adds revenue, too!)
The bar is open, the coffee’s perking. . .
It’s Thursday night (for some of us) at the Froggy Bottom Cafe!
Hi, Guys!!
It’s Support the Site Day here at Froggy Bottom!
So I’m drinking coffee from one of my two BooMugs and in a minute I’m going to click on all the ads at the left side of the front page.
Every time any of us visits this site, every time we click to another “page,” we boost the visits and page views that determine advertising participation. Want to see our stats? Go down to the bottom of the page, look at the right-hand corner and click on “Site Meter.” Want to see where BooMan ranks in comparison with other liberal blogs? Go to the line of ads on the left side of the page and click on Advertise Liberally.
Every time we come here we help make it possible for there to be a BooTrib for us to visit tomorrow. But by purchasing a little something from the store and by clicking on the ads we make that even more likely.
How will you win your BooHalo today??
Hi kansas!
I was planning to sit on my stoop waiting for my Booman Tribune Mug (it was shipped 2 weeks ago, but hasn’t arrived). But, now I’ll take the laptop with me so I can spend the day clicking on ads while I wait!
You’re still on vacation, aren’t you? Have you done anything vacation-y?
Yes! I’m on vacation (it’s a wonderful state).
I went to an amusement park on Monday and we had a good time. They have mini-theaters scattered through the park. So you can get out of the heat if you need to.
I’m hoping to meet up with a friend sometime tomorrow.
And we still don’t know if we’re going to go up north or not. If we go, we have to leave on Saturday, I think.
Sounds dull, doesn’t it? But, I’m having fun just being unscheduled – walking, reading, hanging out with mister katiebird whenevery I want.
Ohhhhhhhhh … you’re so great, Kansas! I’d like a halo but I’d also like a pair of horns, please.
P.S. I’m drinkin’ my fresh-brewed Peets* coffee out of my Booman mug. I LOVE the size .. big but not toooo big.
And, I’m always heating water in the microwave with the Booman mug. Now, I have some mugs that don’t like that … their handle gets very hot, and the paint cracks. Not the Booman mug. I haven’t burned my fingers. Important for me since, after I have my morning coffee, I guzzle tea all day.
Of course, I stain every cup I own, so I put my Booman mug in the sink last night with a touch of bleach to make it pretty inside again.
*Peets comes from Berkeley, Calif. Good for leftwingers. And it’s really good. On sale at Safeway at the moment.
Even though I’m trembling with envy (I haven’t got my mug yet), I’ll share this tip: Just sprinkle some baking soda in the cup and wipe it around. Baking soda takes out tea and coffee stains/residue like magic. And it’s totally nontoxic.
It works on the coffee-film on coffee makers too.
THANK YOU! Will try it. I feel guilty when i use bleach because it’s bad for everything, including my beloved whales.
(Hope this doesn’t break the site. Or totally ruin people’s breakfasts.)
Peets Coffee! I’m so jealous! Best coffee ever.
I saw some for sale at Marshall’s yesterday, should I have bought it?
Can you imagine having HIM for your father?
Hmm, the ads just appeared on the right side. Are they undecided voters??
Good morning, Froggers.
Just wanted to quick lurking for a minute and say thanks to all for this site and this cafe. I always stop by during my morning break and at lunchtime to read. I really enjoy the aestetic posts/comments here and the absence of arrogance to those aren’t mainstream Democrats.
I’m in Philly, and I regret not making the Meet-Up last night, but I was just too beat from being a lush all weekend and then playing cards until after midnight Tuesday. Then again, I don’t really consider myself a Democrat or “liberal” (whatever that means these days). I was a registered Libertarian until the Spring of 04 so that I could support Dean in PA’s meaningless primary. I don’t think that I can be part of a club that endorses the anti-choice Bob Casey as a candidate and wouldn’t want to rain on anyone’s parade.
I also want to send out a quick “Jeers” to the Green Party that I just ‘joined’ for $35 (no – I did not change my official registration). Their welcome packet consisted of copies of a form letter from a Nat’l director, a few pages of names and addresses of contacts, a Green Party newspaper from February, and a cheap bumper sticker with the lame slogan – “Go Green – We’re good to go”. They must have been running out of ink in their copier b/c most of the pages were competely unreadable and WTF is that slogan about? I love their idears, but they really need to step up their production if they ever want to be a viable alternative. I suppose they figure that since I just donated, they don’t need to impress, but it would’ve been nice to receive some literature that I would be proud to show to friends and other possible recruits.
So glad you de-lurked to say hello! It’s reassuring to hear your comments about how someone with your political leanings feels received on this site. I know we think we’re welcoming, but it’s good to hear actual testimony that it is, in fact, so.
Are you a poker player? My son loves it toooo much. 🙂
Yep. I love it. But none of that online business or the reality-TV World Series of Poker shows. Give me a table full of friends, or even strangers in Atlantic City, but it’s got to be in person.
Peace, all. I have to get back to the grind.
BTW, just ordered a T-shirt from the shop since it’s trendy today. Had to restrain myself from heading over to the disc-golf section of that site. That’s some fun stuff, right there.
Boy, the mojo flows freely here. Thanks again.
You’re probably off to work now, but I just have to respond. . .
That’s what my son loves about the game, too, the fun and laughter and gathering of friends.
Cool about ordering the t-shirt!
And, yes, we are definitely mojo sluts here at the cafe. 🙂 Sprinkling 4’s is a way to say “hi” and “I read your comment.”
Good morning tribbers!
Off to get coffee and draw unicorns for kids all day.
I think you’re going to have to explain the unicorns. 🙂 (Any chance of us getting to see one of yours?)
heh, I’m working at an art camp for the summer.. and everyday I have a plan for the kids, but the youngest class just asks me to draw them things.. and a unicorn is the most popular.. I’ll get you a pic of one sometime..
Here is a painting I did.. (the pic is a little blurry).
Jeez louise! Are you rich and famous? You ought to be! That is incredibly, no kidding, wow, good.
not yet, :]
(I’m being tongue in cheek here) I’m only very slighty pretentious /snark
geeze louis, me too echoing Kansas, Iam wondering why you have posted said pic on My Left, and not here.
Just rem. if you do, put it in new comment, not reply, and please do post here.
So that is what you look like, cool!!!
I posted that pic over at MLW for a “Who’s Who” diary that is going to be archieved. I’ll share some more stuff sometime. :>
That is sort of what I look like, the proportions are exagerated, its sort of a psychological self-portrait insofar as it emphasizes how I think about my own body.
One more way to help this site. . . and it’s FREE!
Recommend these cafe diaries so they’ll stay up top and get lots of visitors, thank you very much.
Thanks for being here! And I thank my parents and teachers for teaching me how to read and write. That’s what (one of) my rants is about.
Because soooo many people have fallen through the cracks of public education and because of the acceptability of the devil’s own box (tv) there are an enormous amount of folks in the US who can’t read, don’t read, won’t read. And guess who is most easily manipulated by the Forces of Darkness to believe every little lie? I’ve met so very many people who fall into this category that I’ve come to believe that different styles of learning have not been properly promoted and that learning disabilities are far more prevalent and undiagnosed than previously thought. Literacy and access to information is a right being treated as a privilege.
My other rant (sorry to sound so judgemental, Mason and others) is the fashionability of drunkeness. Maybe it’s just popular in my neck of Cascadia but why is it OK to fry your brain on perfectly legal but addictive substances that make you act like an idiot and make you sick? I did it myself in younger days, because it was acceptable in my social circle, and it was a complete waste of time.There’s an enormous amount of fun to be had in the world that doesn’t need chemical props. It really hit home for me when I met a boyfriend’s parents who were doing exactly the same thing that we were but of course it’s really REALLY unattractive when you’re over 35. Drinking to excess is one of those things, like voting Republican, that’s legal but a bad idea. We only think it’s OK because we’ve been brainwashed by the liquor companies.
Now I’ll run off leaving my mess behind-seldom can get back to actually have a dialogue.
Hi homeade, I am with you on the alchohol, and I’ll tell you at 62 alchohol excess doesn’t look attractive in the slightest way (to me)young or old and I agree it especially does not look attractive in the older crowd.
I have 2 kids in mid 20’s who sometimes do the drink thing on their weekends get togethers and then suffer the next day or two. I clack my tongue at them on occasion, tell them of the woes associated, but you know, I am ‘just the mom’.
I was never much of a drinker, I think due to the fact that we were allowed in my family as older teenagers to have our small glasses if we wanted so I never felt the urge to be one of ye old crowd, except for a time or two, or three I confess. My big thing always was, I did not want to lose control of myself in that way…
Kansas I have to hand it to you, you really run a nice cafe and you are more than attentive to the guests, kudos and thanks for being you!
Not to say that the other hosts are not simply fab, all the hosts are great and all are a little different which is what makes this cafe au lait, so wonderful.
Good morning everyone, I hope this Thursday is the greatest for you.
Gee I am running out of superalitives, so I’ll wrap up.
And um, er, was that Susanhu I saw up thread, stepping off the FP to visit here…we want to see more of you here, dear Susan, take rests and come over to the FBC, Booman too. Helps to relax!!! Right fellow patrons?
Why, thank you, Diane! And now that you’ve just said those nice things about how attentive I am, wouldn’t you know I have to skedaddle for a while?
See you guys later.
Are you sure you don’t need just one more coffee cup? 🙂
Morn’n Froggers,
It’s a cloudy day here at the swamp so far, but think it’s gonna clear for the afternoon, then get HOT.
I’m hav’n fresh ground coffee/Bailey’s, (breakfast of champions) a fine Honduran Cigar, and a lil’ herb tea from da swamp…Hooooo Laaawwd
Ol’ Yellar is lay’n down by the lake, pretending to be bait for the gator’s, he’s sneaky like that.
This afternoon, will be fir’n the smoker up, for some fresh tenderloin, (pork) marinated for 36hrs in a special brew ; ) and injected with fruit juices, wrapped in garlic, and green onions.
Fresh Baked taters will be accompanying the pork, and their sliced with onion slices inserted and fresh whole butter, wrapped in smoked pepper bacon, and baked until fall’n apart.
Fresh Corn on the cobb, soaked in Gulf Salt Water for 24hrs, still in the shucks, and placed on the grill at the last, all you do is add butter and fresh ground black peppercorns. (remember to shuck before eat’n, makes it much easier ; )
Home grown watermellon, for a after treat.
Finished off with a “Two Smoothie” (Amaretto, Kahlua, and whole milk, equal parts, pour all contents into shaker with ice, shake/strain)
and final is the HAMMOCK….for a short nappy nap.
Hope everyone’s day is a dayumed good one….peace
“Bang” mmmm mmmmm snacks ; )
Tanky Panky….peace
I’ll be there, if invited, about what time??????
Sounds yummy indfidel and since I just got up and haven’t eaten yet, the whole thought of your food is getting my stomach in an uproar.
Better yet, could you box some food up and send it by airmail out to Ca.???
well, I think there would be a problem passing the food criteria in inspection…LOL
I can see the look now of the person on the x-ray machine when he see’s a skeletal image ~@^@~
LOL..that would be the lizard…but now for the pork, I’ll see what we can do ; )
You do want that fresh, correct? I’ll have to buy one of those animal air crates, and you’ll have to knock it in the head yourself when it arrives…(that should be a sight to see)
these ol’ swamp pigs can get kinda “fiesty” when they take a mind too…and they got some pretty nasty tusks, but hey, I know you’ll overcome the lil’ probs..; )
Big change in the weather here…cool [hi 50’s lo 60’s].heavy overcast and rain…very much appreciated!
Join me and pig
in celebration of
Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong’s
birthday: 4 Aug. 1901
dayum, anutter fan of the great Sach….I knew you had something about ya that I really liked.
yeppers, it’s the Sach’s B-Day…and I do have some CD’s that are gonna get some play time today ; )
thanks for the post and pic dada….peace brother
Captain and Gator boy!! oh say there I am so happy to see you sporting the new tag line, that is one of my favorite songs.
And I am of course of the era of Louie, for you younger folks, we used to have ‘music hour tv’, lots of music by the really famous, then later on it expanded into comedy mixed with music.
Some of the greatest shows ever of this nature were in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s. Can any oldsters name a few!
Dinah Shore Show, see the USA in our Chevrolet….
Sid Caesar, then later on Carol Burnett, oh so many more, help me to fill in here.
The Red Skeleton Show
Lawerence Welk
What’s My Line
Chrysler Theater
Sky King
Howdie Doodie
Playhouse Theater
uhhhh…scuz me, I have CRS, and sadly it’s terminal..they say I don’t have long till it developes into TCRS…(sigh)
(CRS can’t remember shit) (TCRS totally can’t remember shit)
peace out all ; )
The Dick Van Dyke show
Bozo the Clown
Twilight Zone
Lost in Space
Time Tunnel
Addams Family, The
Andy Griffith Show, The
Avengers, The
Gilligan’s Island
Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C
Green Acres
Hogan’s Heroes
I Dream Of Jeannie
Munsters, The
Alfred Hitchcock
One Step Beyond
Ed Sullivan
Get Smart
Leave it to Beaver
Dennis the Menace
Sid Caesars Hour
Jack Benny
Dean Martin
Laugh In
Ozzie & Harriet (in honor of Rick Nelson) “Garden Party”
Wagon Train
The Green Hornet
Jakie Gleason
Have gun will travel
Candid Camera
The Untouchables
12 O’clock high
Danny Thomas show
My three sons
77 sunset strip
Streets of San Francisco
Perry Mason
The Red Skelton show
Dr Kildare
Sing Along with Mitch
Ben Casey
The Gary Moore Show
The lone ranger
Wanted Dead or Alive
The Man from Uncle
Great mixolydian theme (major key except for the 7th–‘ti’ –which is minor). I’ve never seen in since it was on but I still have the theme memorized.
Perry Mason probably had the greatest theme for any T.V. show. It’s not at all my own kind of music (Celtic) but it’s glorious just the same. I’d love to be in the band playing that one, any day. That, and “I Am a Walrus.” Twilight Zone is right up there too. And I always liked The Untouchables theme.
–oo oo– (Gunther Tootie of “Car 54”): The Theme for Alfred Hitchcock’s “Thriller.”
Cute themes included “Hennessee,” “Gilligan’s Island” and “Beverly Hillbillies” of course.
Another show noboby’s mentioned is “Aquanauts” starring Jeremy Slate and another guy I forget. Some show set in Alaska where Keenan Wynn played the father in a father-son construction co., named Kodiak. I don’t have the themes for those in my aural rolodex.
And let’s nobody forget the supremely transparent children’s cartoon show:
“I’m Tom Terrific,
great adventure lover.
Terrific is the name for me,
’cause I’m so clever.”
His name is spelled “tee-ee-are-errific.” The theme is not much but, hey, it’s less mind-oblitering than Barney.
The only quote I remember, against a mad scientist: “Isotope Feeny, you’re a meany!”
And the one I was mad for was It’s About Time
Two astronauts, after breaking the speed of light, accidently travel back in time to prehistoric Earth. Unable to return, they make friends with the “natives”.
Scorpio – American spaceship seen on the sitcom IT’S ABOUT TIME/CBS/1966-67. The Scorpio (ID No. E-X-1) was manned by Air Force astronauts Captain Mac Mackenzie (Frank Aletter) and Lieutenant Hector “Hec” Canfield (Jack Mullaney). While returning from a NASA mission (that exceeded speeds of 60,000 miles per second), the crew of the Scorpio land in a remote jungle which they feel is the terrain of another planet. But after seeing a cave man and a Tyrannosaurus rex, they quickly conclude they have broken the time barrier and are now existing in the year 1 million B.C. They also discover that their spacecraft is damaged (faulty condenser points) and so they set out in search of the minerals to repair their engines and return to their own time. With the assistance of a cave family consisting of Gronk (Joe E. Ross), Shad (Imogene Coca), Mlor (Mary Grace) and Breer (Pat Cardi), the astronauts discover a diamond from the eye of an tribal idol that could correct the condenser points and send them home. Unfortunately, the cave family is now vilified by the local clan and so to protect them, the astronauts (called “evil spirits” by the tribal elders) take them onboard the Scorpio and travel back through time to modern America. After the Scorpio lands about 50 outside Los Angeles, the astronauts sequester their prehistoric friends from the staring eyes of twentieth century onlookers and teach them to adjust to their new and strange surroundings (which they call “The Other Side of the Hill”).
I used to sing it:
It’s about time
It’s about space
It’s about the end of the human race.
But it really went:
It’s About Time, It’s About Space,
About Strange People In The Strangest Place.
It’s About Time, It’s About Flight,
Travelin’ Faster Than The Speed Of Light.
About Space People And A Brave Crew,
As Through The Barrier Of Time They Flew.
Past The Roman Senators, Past An Armored Knight,
Past The Firing Minutemen, To This Modern Site.
It’s About Time For You And Me
To Meet These People Of Amazing Feats.
It’s About Two Astronauts And How They Educate
A Pre-Historic Woman And Her Pre-Historic Mate.
It’s About Time It’s About Space
About Strange People In The Strangest Place
They Will Be Here With All Of Us
Dodging A Taxi, A Car, A Bus.
Where Will They Go What Will They Do
In This Strange Place Where Everything Is New.
Will They Manage To Survive
Watch Each Week And See.
Will They Get Accustomed To The Twentieth Century.
It’s About TimeFor Our Good Byes
To All Our Pre-Historic Gals And Guys.
And Now,It’s About Time
It’s About Time
It’s About Time
It’s About Time!
In This Strange Place Where Everything Is New.
Will They Manage To Survive
Watch Each Week And See.
Will They Get Accustomed To The Twentieth Century
I know now why I so desparately need psychtherapy. In the world in which I entered, where everything was quite new, I was never sure if I would manage to survive. This was probably one of the worst TV shows ever made… but it had Imogene Coca and ooh-ooh Gunther Toodie as Cave People. I took all of this quite, quite literally. I didn’t know what planet I came from and didn’t know what planet I had landed on, and I felt a stranger in a strange land……
I never did get used to the 20th Century. And it’s worse now in the 21st…. I must go attempt to make a living, or to get laid, whichever comes first.
Me and my Dad always loved to watch the Odd Squad together, and sometimes M*A*S*H. Mom was always busy in the kitchen. The good ole days…
Amos & Andy, loved that show..on the radio, and the tube.
26 Men
Adventures of Jim Bowie
Adventures of Kit Carson
Annie Oakley
Bat Masterson
Big Valley
Black Saddle
Boots and Saddles
Brave Eagle
Broken Arrow
Buffalo Bill Jr.
Casey Jones
Cisco Kid
Cimarron City
Cimarron Strip
Cisco Kid
Davy Crockett
Gray Ghost
Have Gun Will Travel
High Chaparral
Jim Bowie
Kit Carson
Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp
Lone Ranger
Men From Shiloh
My Friend Flicka
Range Rider
Rin Tin Tin
Roy Rogers
Sky King
Tales of Wells Fargo
Wagon Train
Wanted:Dead or Alive
Wells Fargo
Wild Bill Hickok
Wild Wild West
Wyatt Earp
Yancy Derringer
in Tombstone Terr-i-toh-ry.
all these old shows, and the themes were always about the good in life, when times were simpler, and our ideals could actually be counted on.
hmmmm, then they took one of the cowboys off the screen, made him president, and the rest, is history, (sadly still beeing written, and it ain’t good)
dayum, did’nt that bust a great stroll down memory lane…..
Forget I made this post, and let’s get back to our memories ; )
Bob Hope: “Thanks for the Memories”
this should have/could have been a diary subject, yeppers, I am picking up the gator boy vernacular, and speaking of old time and old days, head on over to this diary;sid=2005/8/4/12155/26974 in honor of the old Infidelpig, and join in the tribute to the great Sachmo… and maybe just maybe you all could talk over the great old days there.good subject, eh…
The posturing of forces, the mass-killing gunfights–the whole western genre in the TV era was just thinly disguised WW2 movies.
They were simple all right, but next time watch a rerun as war propaganda.
Sometimes I think the boomers went anti-war half because they’d grown up immersed in the subject and just had enough.
I was looking for Zorro, and would have forgotten Yancy Derringer. My favorite part was when Yancy with his derringer couldn’t quite handle it, Chawcktaw (sp?) and the double barrel shotgun always came to the rescue.
Damn!! I could be dating myself here. Oh well!
May I please have a double Irish Mist, with just a few ice cubes. Will go ad clicking presently….
It IS nice to be wanted. Butch and Sundance always said so.
Wait. By “double,” you meant. . .
There’s always Louise to think about.
I went ad clicking and couldn’t afford anything…. and Sen. Byrd is on my shit list today because I’m listening to a talk given by John Bonifaz, Boston Constitutional lawyer, co-founder of, and someone from Byrd’s office told Bonifaz, in effect, to take a flying when JB suggested that Byrd join in a case against GWB as the war in Iraq had not been declared by Congress, and was therefore, unconstitutional. Well that case became Doe v. Bush, a case brought by three US soldiers, their families, and about 31 members of the House of Representatives. And that case is worth reading, believe me.
But the gist of it is that Byrd doesn’t want my money, because I would be considered a “foreigner” even though I am inclined to support him because. I THINK THE WORLD OF SENATOR ROBERT BYRD!!
Will somebody go listen to this, because I don’t trust myself to understand anything about anything… my brain is mush.
John Bonifaz: The Downing Street Minutes & the War on Iraq Radio Program: THE OTHER SIDE w/ Mickey Friedman; Great Barrington, Mass; July 21, 2005.
There, I think my ice has melted….
Today’s summer morning view is boats moored in Puget Sound with the Cascade Mountains backlit in the misty distance. Even in my dinghy it’s glorious to go messing about in boats where 80F is considered “hot.”
And below, although blurred, is our newly-one-eyed Toto buddy finally freed of his stitches and anti-scratch head cone–smiling and romping once again.
Free at last, free at last. Thank dog a-mighty I’m free at last.
That’s great news Gooserock. I was wondering how he was managing post-surgery.
And I love your pic for us today – beautiful. I can almost feel a cool breeze just by looking at it.
Just say no to head cones 🙂
Actually got a workout in today; I went over to our small-but-serviceable fitness room and did about 10 minutes on the treadmill. I’m starting out slow and working my way up — I want to start using the exercise equipment so I can keep up the habit on our SoCal trip. Both places we’re staying have fitness rooms and complimentary continental breakfasts, so I figure I can (1) get up early, (2) go work out, then (3) swing by and pick up a light snack for me and the spouse. Bought a new case for the iPod; it has a removable spring clip that works much better than the other case did, and also an armband that’s perfect for when I’m working out on the machinery. I’m feeling tired, but energized at the same time; those of you who are workout kings and queens probably are used to it, but for this couch spud, it’s a new experience.
Late night tonight; the spouse and I are heading to SF for a comedy show put on by The Party Progressive, featuring Will Durst and Johnny Steele. [Diane, here’s another embarrassing moment for your file: the last time we saw Will Durst perform, we got stuck at a table front and center, and I was laughing so hard Durst actually stopped his routine, came over to our table, and asked if I was all right! (I was evidently turning an attractive shade of purple.)] I’ll try to catch a nap sometime today, maybe when the spouse is out getting the car washed; we’re not driving all the way to SF, just over to Fremont to take BART into the city. BART gives us a little more flexibility than CalTrain in coming home. So if I’m not in the evening Cafe tonight, don’t panic…
Hope everyone has a great day… 🙂
My house was struck by lightning Aug 1st and we’re still trying to clean up the damage. Modem and router-phone,cable, hot tub got fried. 3 trees had to be cut so brush and sawdust is everywhere. It was the loudest KABOOM I have ever heard and I am almost completely deaf LOL!
The funny coincidence is I was in bed reading “Everything Happens for a reason”…guess I need to ponder the whys now LOL! And I just finished What God Wants- which is nothing…so the lightning strike may have been an ‘Oh yeah??’
Life is fun ain’t it?
Wow Rosie, that must have been awful, did your computer suffer at all.
Lightening is soooo dangerous and unpredictable..
I had an experience once when I was standing in a garage with the door opened, watching a storm brewing and spewing when all of a sudden this cloud/energy mass gathered about 20 feet off the ground just over the houses across the street and headed straight for me in the garage full of metal, I started to run for the door to the house, and just as it would have hit, it lifted and went up and over the house and hit a house in the street behind us.
The sound was deafening also, it sounded like an electric bomb is the closest I can describe it.
Anyway very interesting you were reading the book “Everything happens for a reason” I hope you will let us know the reason when you discover it.
Luckily my computer is plugged into a UPS unit otherwise it would’ve gotten fried. The tree it hit ‘was’ about 3 feet from the back of the house and 90′ high. The firemen said that if it had been an older tree it would’ve split and crashed and severed our mobile home in two so we were very lucky. The electrical charge then ran the length of the house and any electrical stuff in that vacinity was zapped including phone and cable. The tree had to be cut from the top down because we built a big deck around it (Now it’s a pedestal for a big pot of flowers LOL!) the other two trees were cut as a precautionary measure as we are in a very wooded area.
The upside is I get more sun on the deck and less pine pitch LOL!
And infidel…don’t think HAARP etc., didn’t cross my mind…LMAO
ROTFLMAO…my thought was: “dayumed good thing rossee did’nt have her tin foil hat on” ; )
For one split second I did think DAMN- they found me and lasered me. LOL!
LOL..I have a habit of mov’n away from people when they’re tell’n a “Big One” and they’ll look at me and say: “what are you do’n” and I tell them: “well even God miss’ once in a while, and I don’t want that lightning bolt hitt’n me for your big story, and I know he makes mistakes, look at the Avocado, the pits waaaayy too big” ; )
glad they missed ya…and welcome back…in one peice, with all your hair..LMAO
Well there you go, it was your reason, nothing got fried that was’nt replaceable, you needed a break from all the gloom and doom of political crap, and now, you’ve “heard the thunder” ; )
glad all is ok, and no serious damage done, everything for a reason ; )
welcome back, peace
back in our Ohio life.
I’m glad that at least you didn’t have fire and worse damage.
Once camping, I was retying my tent to a tree at the edge of a clearing during a lightning-less rain. Suddenly I was sitting in mud 10 feet away, hearing a huge rumble. Evidently I’d been tagged with some side currents “close enough” to the actual strike.
When moving into a house 10 years ago, our small 1/8 acre suburban lot was hit with 4 strikes in 3 minutes. We had no fires, and since none of our appliances was plugged in yet we saved a fortune on that kind of damage. But the built-in alarm was fried, and our now-one-eyed Toto suffered Post Lightning Stress Disorder.
He’s one Toto who’s glad to have moved near the Emerald City and not in ‘Kansas’ any more!
LOL..glad to see Toto without the “emperial collar”…and yeppers, Ohio is prone to strikes, I was fishing with my young son once at a stocked catfish place, he was about 4, and a storm came up.
We had just made it back to my Land Cruiser and shut the doors when “BAM” it hit right in front of it, his eyes looked like saucers..and in an instant, he was wrapped around dad’s neck like a fur collar..LMAO
Needless to say, our hair looked like a demo at a science fair ; )
You and and Infidel always crack me up… So glad you are safe though. HAARP.. no kiddin. Each time my computer hiccups I think uh oh it’s Gitmo time for me.
We had lightning strike our front yard during a summer storm. Totally melted the wire under the house. Phone company of course said it was an act of G-d… (what do they do if they person is an atheist?)
The house was filled with this humming sound that went right through your gut. Was just me and the kids and let me tell ya we all were freaking and ran to the truck. The vacationeer is a firefighter and he was running to us because he thought it hit our house. He knows my son and also helped calm him down.. but damn.. Mother Nature sure does pack a punch.
Neighbors have been “on it” in trying to help the feral cat that some numbnuts decided to tape.
Looking forward to seeing several people in Berkeley this Sunday. Beware, my hair is shorter and blonder…
I’ve got to get my “schtuff” ready for Friday’s FBC. YIKES! 🙂
since we’ll be out late tonight…but I’ll have to make it into the Cafe just for you, dear!
Well, Rathje’s left the Sharks…but they were pretty deep in defensemen anyway. I’m actually looking into starting a Sharks/hockey blog (using Soapblox) after I get back from SoCal; think you might be interested? 🙂
Looks like SoapBlox wants political blogs only — so I may either be stuck with Scoop, or might go with another plan. Diane, who is hosting Village Blue? 🙂
Drupal…very good I think so far, I also used ‘open source hosting’, which will install the program for you and that saves a ton of stress, I really had no idea how to do it, and they did it in a few minutes…
You have to get domain name first,,,before you get a host and that’s about 5.00.
Our word uses Drupal.
BTW after it’s installed you still have to get it all going, big control panel and advise you have help with that unless you are a computer wiz, at least an advisor.
Any questions you have, you can ask on my site, ok…will be glad to answer them.
I may not be able to sit at the FBC all day and tending it but I’ll do my best. Maybe make it a “self serve” bar?? 🙂
Yeah… Slothje… can ya tell I didnt’ like the (insert wicked bad name here)
As for hockey.. I know of a great insane sanctuary that I go to for my hockey fix and et all fix. It’s a warped bag. Always been that way (now we have some newbies there that don’t “get it” but for the most part it’s filled with wonderfully creative people who are extremely sarcast 🙂 Me and Mrs. Ski are there. You’ll love Ken. Very political and doesn’t hold back on the keyboard 🙂 I go by “Azul” there. 🙂
just out of curiousity, how does one go about de-taping a cat? and for the sake of the mental image, what kidna tape was it???
It looks like brown packing tape. I have no idea how someone could even get close enough to the cat to do it.
Neighbor said it could possibly be shaven off.
Now we are wondering if the cat didn’t get into some of the construction area (3 houses going on up on my street) or something? But it looks tied …
Friend of mine sent these shots of the work of Brit Artist Julian Beever. Pastel 3-D drawings on pavement…this cat is good!
Not a real coke:
Guy on the right is real:
I’ll try to get more by Sunday…
Incredible,,,,and many thanks man..that’s some great stuff…KUDOS
Amazing! Those are so cool.
What a week this has been! A roller-coaster of so many ups and downs frought with so many variables that Hubby had to stay home sick today from the confusion of it all. But, as of Sept. 9th, we will be free, free of the house in GA! Able to pay off our debts! Able to seriously search for land to build our little farm!
One remaining uncertainty is Hubby’s employment. His employer and the client are still at odds. But, Hubby has been approached by the client’s management about working directly for them. That confusion should be resolved within the next month hopefully.
But, today there is great joy and relief in sjct’s home. We’ve jumped over the biggest hurdle and the next one seems much smaller by comparison.
CONGRATS and Best Wishes for your Future….peace
Hurray for you SJCT, I have been wondering and thinking about you, have not seen/read you for a few days and I begin to fret.
Boy what a relief that must be, so did the original lady sell the house, just as you predicted!
Yes, that premonition came true.
My other problems this week have been transitioning back to my old computer and all my files from the last 4 months — including the stuff I was writing for Village Blue are over on what is now Hubby’s computer. Ah, you say, just copy the files to a CD… but the CD writer seems to be broken. It’s been a week of frustrations… Now, if I could just get access to Hubby’s computer, I could start emailing my files to myself but so much has been going on emotionally that I haven’t focused on that. I’ll get myself back in gear eventually. Don’t fret, Diane.
Before I forget, these are for you!
I am so happy and not fretting to know that your mind is at rest on this one thing..
Computer frustrations I am having my own, hope it didn’t pick up a bug somewhere. lots of restarting is required now…
And speaking of the missing members of the site, where the heck is Zander, she returned, then left/then returned only to drop a couple 4’s yesterday.
Do we now have to wait for the shuttle to return to earth to get her on the site and posting.
I guess she doesn’t know how much she is missed and we/I hope she will hurry on back.
It’s a busy time for some. 🙂
Kids, house remodeling, HOT days where you want to go hide out, did I say Kids?? and summertime activities, and camping, and vacations….
In Calif.. we also get those lovely “power outages”. Thanks alot Enron/Bush.
I’m starting to “write and get pix” for the intro for Friday’s Cafe.
But aside from the pixel post rules… there aren’t any “rules” right?? 🙂
A FBC host virgin!!
No other “rules,” except we put Froggy Bottom Cafe, spelled out, in the title that shows up on the front page. A lot of people don’t recognize “FBC,” and there will always be those who are totally new, too.
It’s good to remind people to recommend.
I can’t think of anything else. We’re loose.
It’s wonderful that you’re doing this, DJ. Hope you have a great time. I always do.
Yeah – that’s me to a ‘t’ – Virgin 🙂
Which is the great thing about the idea of reincarnation. 🙂
Cool, I’ll have to be on and off the computer.
Don’t worry about popping in and out. We all do. Life must be lived and some of it doesn’t involve typing. You’ll find that if you get the ball rolling there are lots of great players who then keep it going. The hardest part is giving 4’s to everybody! I hope your index finger is limber. Damn but we need that Blanket 4 Button.
I have a system now about the 4’s, I try to keep up with them when they first post, cause if you don’t woah, it can take awhile. yeah we sure need the whole blanket 4 thing,good term Kansas, tried tothink of something, then I looked at what you said and voila, perfect.
Hey yalll, Infidel is now sitting in Alice’s diary Red Hot Jazz, all forlorn cause no one else is there, can you guys go over and join him, we are now singing It’s a wonderful world.”
send me an email and I will send you an invite to the yahoo group site the FBC hosts use to coordinate, etc. other info on there…templates too!
sounds too complicated for me LOL
I think I’ll just wing it. If it sucks, you can all take turns calling me “doofus” 🙂
There’s a new poll up top!
first car rider here, can’t wait to get to magic mountain and ride some rollercoasters.
I am so jealous! I would LOVE to be like that. I have flown airplanes by myself, for god’s sake. . .okay, just a few and only little ones, but still :). . .and yet I am scared to death of roller coasters. Must be a control thing, you think? I’ve only ridden on one roller coaster, back when I was a teenager subject to fits of peer pressure. HATED IT.
riding in the first car of a 70 mph rollercoaster that is going into a loop and from there goes into a pitch black tunnel, expecially at night. I don’t remember all the rollercoasters I have been on, but I do remember that I have ridden in the first car at least once on every rollercoaster I have ever been.
I have been on rollercoasters in OH, MO, CA, TX, and FL, damn they are the best.
Sorry to hear that you can’t get over that fear of being winged away while earth bound. I know I love to fly in small crafts too, what a blast, wish I was a pilot so I could it whenever I wanted.
Waiting for the chance to do the Rollercoaster in Vegas at the top of that Needle. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Yet rollercoasters are the next best thing.
My daughter is now addicted to them also. We measured her and measured her every damn day before our trip to Knott’s Berry Farm (beats out Rat World where Homeland Security is more friendly)
She made the 48 inch limit 🙂 She rode every coaster. Her brother was worried apeshit over each time. But then he got the thrill of the Ghost Rider wooden coaster 🙂
It’s genetic, baby 🙂
Front car here…except for the upside down rides…I like the old ones best…
And I’m totally terrified of heights…just not roller coasters and planes….go figure
I don’t go upside down either. Just ain’t right.
oh what a world!! 90 degrees in the Pac NW.
We had a major storm here in Tucson this evening. Lots of lightning, thunder and rain. No power outtages tho! How is everyone doing?
P.S. Newbies and lurkers are ALWAYS welcome in the Cafe, break your silence and say hello! 🙂
Yah, you betcha, still nightowling it here in Fargo. Saw a great movie the other night at our restored art deco theater, March of the Penguins, absolutely amazing. How the hell did they ever film that? Gotta do a google and find out soon.
Hey NDDem, I heard about the film and have been meaning to find a screening nearby. I’m debating sleep here but have alot on the mind so that isn’t a good combination.
I’m still up, but I’m headed for bed now. Left a comment on your diary. Excellent diary, btw. Thanks. It’s really important to remember our history, especially when the right-wing is attempting to rewrite it as fast as they can.
Have a great night and thanks for reading. You both have inspired me to 1)go buy another book and 2)look up a film screening. 🙂