Gooood Eeevvenning, BooTribbers!

Or morning, as the case may be.
You are no doubt STILL
asking yourselves. . .

What can I do
to support this site!?

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Oh, boy, oh boy,
what can I do, what can I do?
Tell me, tell me!!  I want to do it,
I want to do it now!

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Click on the ads!
(One click a day makes the ad guys pay.)

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Shop at the store!
(Are YOU drinking from a BooMug today?)

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Lure your friends here!
(You know they want it!)

And, of course, visit the Café early and often!
(Every page view adds revenue, too!)

The bar is open, the coffee’s perking. . .

It’s Thursday night (for some of us) at the Froggy Bottom Cafe!