The editors at The Whispering Campaign have been busy adding to our menu. Among our most recent additions is a three-part series from Juan Cole’s excellent essay on the history of the “War on Terror”:
Radical Republicans Created Vast Terrorist Network,
Reagan Armed Radical Muslims; Bush Alienated Them and
The Bizarre Set Of Actions Called ‘The War On Terror’
We’ve added the following pieces as well:
May God Forgive Us For Our Apathy by Cindy Sheehan
We Won’t Be Coming Home For A Long Time by John Bruhns
Iraq Vet: Bush Statements ‘Not Credible’ by John Bruhns
Innocent Civilians Killed By U.S. Troops by Richard C. Paddock
Piling Lies On Top Of Lies by Molly Ivins
As always, we thank our friends here at BT who have been printing, copying and distributing the articles we have posted. If you haven’t yet joined them, please consider doing so. Sharing real journalism with your friends and neighbors has never been easier.
The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!
It always amazes me how many really great ideas come out of the blog/netroots community. Keep up the good work and I’ll add your link to my list.
Thanks for including the Juan Cole article; it’s succinct, easy to read, and right on target! Great job, oh chilled one, every little bit helps.
On behalf of the group, I thank you for your kind words … and for your support. Let’s keep those photo-copiers busy!