A $20,000 Challenge
“After watching the stupidity and arrogance of Ann Coulter on the O’Reilly Factor (thanks to Crooks and Liars) it seems to me we ought to challenge Ann to put her body where her mouth is,” Johnson writes. Johnson refers to video of Coulter’s appearance last night on Bill O’Reilly’s FOX show.
“I’ll pay for her to travel business class to Baghdad and stay there a week,” Johnson challenges, “but on these conditions:
- She must take a public taxi from the airport;
- She cannot hire a bodyguard or security detail; and
- Most important of all, she must stay at a hotel outside of the Green Zone and eat at a different restaurant every night using public transportaton (i.e., a taxi).”
If Coulter is correct, says Johnson, “that things are going well and are safer today than one year ago, I say go show us. Maybe FOX News will assign one of their intrepid cheerleaders, oops, I mean correspondents, to accompany Ann and show the world that a new day has dawned in Iraq.”
(As I noted, in his Aug. 4 promo, O’Reilly said he and Coulter would “shoot it out.” Which left us giddy with anticipation.)
he was talking about milk from their noses…
Anyhoo BooTribbers… I am off for another all-nighter (please pray for me ;)) so I’ll check in tomorrow without having slept again… should make for another sappy weekend…
Cheers guys and gals! I hope ya’ll have a good one!
Oh yawners! Have a good night.
yawners is right… I will surely be tired tomorrow. 🙂
You too Susan! See ya in the am… when I hope you’ll have an update stating that the entire Faux News organization has decided to take Johnson up on his offer & all head over to Baghdad… although, I think they should take an unescorted charter flight to Fallujah and spend a few days there as well… it really is a beautiful country, perhaps they could get some cool pics to share in the Froggy Bottom Cafe…
(there, any better in terms of snark??)
Great idea! And when they get to Fallujah, they could rent a car and take a drive around the Anbar province!
And she should wear that black outfit she wears on the cover of her book. To show what respect the US has demanded for women in its occupation.
for twenty times twenty thousand dollars. None of these “supporters” of the invasion ever want their personal asses to be on the line.
Not one major official of the Bush administration has ever made an announced visit to Iraq. Yet every time one of them goes there, the press makes a point of saying that it’s an “unnanounced” visit.
Just once I’d like to hear someone point out that every one of these folks, Bush included, feels the need to sneak into Iraq under cover of darkness, like a thief in the night.
And when “people” like Rumsfailed do their version of the Baghdad Bounce, they are careful to use heavily armored vehicles, even tanks. None of this jaunting about town in under-armored Humvees or in amphibious vehicles, such as those poor Marines from Ohio were using.
And what the great bloody hell is the army doing using an unarmored amphibious vehicle in the middle of a desert war? That, as much as anything, speaks of the massive disorganization, inadequate supply lines, and lack of planning of the entire Bush war scam.
C&L added this:
Can we take up a collection for another $20K to send O’Lielly with her? I personally would be willing to chip in- maybe Rush should go too.
Lets offer the dear Ms. Coulter a cool $1 million to do something like a student exchange where she goes to live with an Iraqi family for a year. And then maybe the family gets to send someone over here to write her columns and “shoot it out” with O’Lielly. There are just so many ways that would be worth a million.
NOTE: The Site is Not Work-Place Safe.
Here’s my contribution ($$$) for Mann-Date Coulter’s hair dye. You didn’t really believe she’d even consider the challenge unless a dozen or so Deathly Pale Blonde #1 bottles accompanied her, now did you?
Sorry, is she nekked in that photo? I, too, will contribute to send her anywhere. The next space walk, on a Russian sub…
She looks like the right wing Morticia (sp?) Addams.
Somehow I think Larry’s $20,000 is well-protected by Counlter’s cowardice.
On a semi-related topic, however, an American General being intereviewed today on NPR stated that of Iraq’s 18 provinces, only four are out of control. The rest are relatively peaceful and rebuilding is proceeding apace. [An aside – “apace” – I don’t think I have ever had a chance to use that word before.]
My question is – how accurate is the General’s characterization of the situation in Iraq?
Does it include the apparent breaking up of Iraq suggested by Steven Vincent’s reports from Basra before he was kidnapped and killed? I can see how a U.S. military General responsible for pacifying Iraq might not be too concerned with the future of democracy in Iraq.
Or is he counting provinces because that puts a better face on the situation than if he were couning population centers. One of those provinces has to be the one Baghdad is in.
This may be a rather jarring question to some here who are emotionally invested in how bad the war is Iraq is, but I am asking what I consider to be an intelligent audience what evidence there might be to support the General’s characterization. What happens if he is right?
I recall the “4 restive provinces” story being bandied about last winter. Yes, it’s four of 18 provinces, but these four provinces are where the bulk of the poulation lives (Baghdad is included).
Pure and simple spin.
Yeah, after I wrote that I read Armando’s excellent Diary about what Steven Vincent had to say regarding what it meant to win in Iraq.
An Iraqi housewife has to feel secure in going shopping and taking her children to school, and there needs to be measurable progress in providing electricity and clean water.
Instead, Steven wrote, six months ago he could still leave his hotel in Basra without an Iraqi guard. Now he no longer could. [This was shortly before he was kidnapped and killed in Basra.]
Steven also pointed out that a guerrilla doesn’t need to win. All he needs to do is keep living conditions miserable and not lose.
I had forgotten this stuff. I guess I sort of get habituated to the news out of Iraq and forget what I previously knew. Not always a bad reaction, since it might make me aware of changes, but it does leave me looking a little dumb at times.
I don’t expect Iraq to get better now. That is going to be a threat to the Bush admininstration, and they will have a hard time concealing it, but I expect to see paroxyms of fury next Spring and Summer as they try. So my prediction is that the administration will find some excuse to declare victory and get most troops out of Iraq by next August or early September.
They can’t do it too early since the inevitable mess that will be left behind in Iraq much not be allowed to be obvious until after the election in November. I suspect the Iranians will provide military support to their co-religionists in Southern Iraq and Baghdad, and the Kurdish Pesmerga will take Mosul and set up a line against the Sunnis to their south.
The Sunnis are going to be very afraid, and rightfully so. The result is going to be an increase (over what is happening now, even) in guerrilla violence. We won’t hear much about it here because we don’t trust Al Jezeera and our reporters will be getting the same treatment as Steven Vincent from both sides.
And that’s my more optomistic view.
It wouldn’t matter, the only thing that could kill her would be a stake through her heart. (If she had one.)
Where’s Buffy and the gang when we really need them?
Hey, do you think we might try the “Carrot and the Stake” approach with Coulter??
I love this site and all of archive!
You are a great webmaster
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