Progress Pond

Today’s Topical Limericks

Old Dub thumbs his nose at Zawahri,
And that guy he can’t find, al-Zarqawi.
Says al-Qaeda he’ll best,
Putting America to test,
In his Global Petroleum Safari.

(six more after the fold)
Bob Novack, it appears, seemed to lose it,
On CNN, posed a question, refused it.
He was profane, just like Cheney,
In retrospect, not too brainy.
He’s apologized, now says that he rues it…

Discovery’s been cleared for a landing,
After nipping and tucking and sanding,
Retire it they must,
`Fore some mission’s a bust,
And subjects all aboard to a stranding…

Would New York security be possibly blunted,
With a suit o’er the way terror is hunted?
Could we all be much safer,
With no Scotland Yard strafer,
And Homeland Security’s publicity stunted?

Bush is losing his confidence game,
More people opt for disdain than acclaim.
Back to Crawford he’s fled,
Ignoring dead he’s misled,
His burning Bush auto-theocracy’s lame..

On Kim Jong-il, North Korea sure dotes,
His legends, a special website promotes.
He’s shot eleven holes-in-one,
He’s a fighter jock just for fun.
OUR dear leader’s website should take notes…

O’Reilly’s teed off on Rumsfeld,
O’er facts from America withheld.
He’s so rarely a spoofer,
This Fox right wing loofa,
Matters not, which one of the bums felled!

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