Okay, now I’m mad. Remember when I said that my Religious Left blog disappeared from Blogspot? I sent several messages to the “help desk” wherever that is, asking why all of my blogs were gone.  But all I got was an automated message

Thanks for contacting Blogger Support. Since we cannot always respond personally to every message we get, we encourage you to check Blogger Help, where you can find answers to many common questions. Here are some of the top articles which could help you out

The links were of no use, and I never got a response. And now someone has freaking grabbed the religiousleft dot blogspot dot com url and is using it to post anti religious left stuff. I could just spit. See below the fold what this person is up to.

This blog “Religious Left” was created to highlight how politically active the religious left is. We often here voices decrying political activism from the religious right; however, there is far greater political activity among religious groups on the left. A secondary purpose of this blog will be to examine corruption, misconduct and hypocrisy within left-leaning religious institutions. I can mostly speak only from my own experiences, so I will welcome input, comments, anecdotes and information from others. A separate e-mail address is religiousleftmail@yahoo.com.

Okay, hindsight is 20/20, and I suppose I should have logged in to the “create a new blog” function to see if that address was still available and grabbed it. My blog was up since 2003, and I was totally blindsided when that and other blogs disappeared. I certainly wasn’t planning to have to start from scratch, but that’s what I’ve been doing in whatever free time I can find. Since I could get no response from a human being at Blogger/Blogspot, I directed my energies to starting a new blog on our own web space, where hopefully it could be more resistant to this sort of thing. I wasn’t even thinking about some jerk taking advantage of my misfortune and putting up something like this.

One thing I need to do, I guess, is find out who had linked to me, and warn them of what the site has become. Other ideas?