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Stolen ‘Religious Left’ Google ranking–help!

[promoted by BooMan]

My blog’s Google ranking has been stolen, and I’d really appreciate some help getting it back. Go to Google and type in "religious left". You will notice that the first thing that comes up after the sponsored site is a site with the address religiousleft dot blogspot dot com. The description of the site startes out "Detailing the misadventures of the religious left … His insights come from years of experience observing the religious left up close. .." If you were to actually click on that link, you would find a blog that only went up at the end of July. Now go to the Wayback Machine. If you type in that url I spelled out above, here is what you find. The archives you find there go back to 2003, and what you find there is a very different sort of blog than the one this thieving johnny-come-lately says he is creating. MY blog. That url used to point to my Religious Left blog. It was also my blog that Deidre Pike wrote about in the Reno News and Review in August of 2003. To find  out why that is no longer the url of my blog, see my diary here.
I’ve been working on building a new blog on my own web space, and I have contacted many of the people who linked to me in the past. Since those links are how artificially boosting the fraud’s Google ranking, I want to make sure as many people as possible change their Religious Left links so that they direct to my site. A few people have already changed the links, but at this rate it’s going to be really slow going getting my hard-earned Google ranking back.

I could really use some help. Take another look at the Google search results and you will find another sites called The  Religious Left several results down, which has this url:

That is my Religious Left start page, with links to a handout I created comparing Bush and Jesus, another page explaining why I created the site, and, of course, a link to my new religious left blog. I’d really appreciate any help people can give me in linking the words "religious left" to this start page.

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