Progress Pond

Today’s Topical Limericks

Click to enlarge THE THREE ABU-GOOGES

Seems the “wet willie”, the “noogie” and “wedgie”,
Have the children of Oregon edgy.
Are these harsh consequences,
For “Three Stooges Offenses”…
Or Garib once removed from the pledgee?

(six more after the fold)
Peter Jennings at 67 has died,
Presenting news from a perspective, worldwide.
Literally born to be Anchor,
Showing calm amidst rancor,
And remembered as dual citizen pride…

Judge Roberts says “No privacy right!”
And implies it was no oversight.
He even said its “so called”,
So does he see why we’re galled,
With decisions to keep HIS records from sight?

Mel Gibson should take on Tom Cruise,
And the views that each star would suffuse.
Which messiah would fall,
In a pay-per-view falderal,
L. Ron Hubbard, or the King of the Jews?

Benjamin Netanyahu has quit,
O’er a Likud intra-party type snit.
Feels their shooting a blank,
In deserting the West Bank,
So he seeks Sharon’s political obit.

Vladimir Putin should be very much pleased,
From the nets the submariners were teased.
Now his critics will grouse,
For an administration delouse.
Twixt a rock and a hard place he is squeezed.

The shuttle returned mighty early;
Dawn skies with the stars shining pearly;
With Mission Control,
Touching match to a bowl,
(Limerick cancelled ’cause the weather looks surly.)

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