At The Whispering Campaign, we’ve spent the evening preparing a set of broadsheets that YOU can take to the streets.
The following pieces are online now:
Who Is The Real Threat To National Security? by Bob Harris
What One Mom Has to Say to George Bush by Mike Ferner
Rally in DC on August 10 by David Swanson
Impeachment Tour: The Beginning Of The End? by Jim Downing
Meeting With Bush Was ‘Bizarre And Disgusting’ by Greg Szymanski
May God Forgive Us For Our Apathy by Cindy Sheehan
… and we will have more coming soon.
What Cindy needs most of all is support on the ground in Crawford, and we urge any readers who can go there to do so, immediately! But we understand that not everybody can go to Crawford.
Those who cannot go can still make a difference, and one way to do that is to visit our site, print these pages, make tons of copies and distribute them everywhere! The more people who know about what’s happening there, the better it will be for Cindy, and for the rest of us too.
So, if you cannot go to Texas, please spend some time and energy very quietly educating the people around you.
Being The Media has never been easier. Or more fun.
The Whispering Campaign
Visit. Print. Copy. Distribute. Repeat.
Knowledge Is Power! Pass It On!!
What else does Cindy need? Donations doing ok? Media interviews still going on? What about getting on people like Don Imus, Howard Stern, Obermann, etc to go interview her?
Howard Dean has had plenty of chances, no? If he was gonna be the answer, he would have been there a long time ago. I don’t think any major media figure or any politician is the answer. In my view, What she needs most is a few million “boots on the ground” along with her. That’s only my opinion, but you are entirely welcome to share it.
Unconventional of me, I know, but I put your “whisper” on a hockey forum I mod. Also I copied the Harris print out to a post of mine there with links to get to your activism site.
Thank you!!!!!!
Well, it’s an unconventional site, so why not do some unconventional publicity? Thanks very much for your support!
I go by Azul there.
It’s an unconventional crowd. Hockey, humor, brains and politics. And we even have our own troll…. from texas no less.
If you go to the Crawford Peace House website, they have paypal up now.
I just donated…finally!