This statement deserves a diary….Dean tells Bush like it is.
I am linking to the Washington Times because Howard’s statement about Bush’s economy is well worth it. Bush is so deserving of this statement.
Bush Plays up the “strong” economy
“The economy of the United States is strong,” Mr. Bush told reporters at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, after meeting yesterday with his principal advisers on domestic policy.
“My policies allow more Americans to keep more of what they earn, to have more control over their daily lives — from health care to education to their retirement,” he added. “I’m pleased to report that the strategy is working.”
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said the president’s meeting with his economic team was a meaningless gesture.
“A combination of rising interest rates, rising debt and fewer good-paying jobs are making it harder for America’s families to make ends meet,” he said. “The president should use his Texas vacation to spend time overhauling his economic policies, not staging photo ops.”
I know, we should not just post articles, especially ones from that paper….but this just struck me right tonight. Made me feel good…Go Howard. That is the kind of fight we have been needing.
Sometimes a very large and lenghty story can be said in one very short word: LIAR
Now, if the zombies could actually hear, and see,….