O’Reilly repeats out-of-context quotes from a newspaper story, refuted in our Aug. 8 story, “Drudge Quotes Cindy Sheehan Out of Context.” Crooks & Liars has the video and choice quotes:
“I think Mrs. Sheehan bears some responsibility for this [publicity] and also for the responsibility for the other American families who lost sons and daughters in Iraq who feel this kind of behavior borders on treasonous.”
Update [2005-8-10 17:7:59 by susanhu]: See Suskind’s new diary, “Speaking Truth IS Power — Cindy Sheehan”
Update [2005-8-10 21:32:48 by susanhu]: See Media Matters’ excellent rebuttal to this smear campaign.
And, C&L told me that Newshounds has more.
I love their slogan: “We watch FOX so you don’t have to.” HA!
O’Reilly reminds me of the Titanic. Remember how they said it could never sink? He is going down and he knows it, anything he says these days has an air of desperation about it.
This just in from a Kos diary:
Here’s the Daily Kos diary link… it’s in the recommended list.
“this kind of behavior borders on treasonous.” WTF?! Asking to speak to the president is treasonous? O Gawd! These people make me sick with anger. <breathes slowly, in and out>
Loving your children and feeling their loss is treasonous??? Wanting answers and accountability from the man responsible for the loss of your son is treasonous?
Do these people think the public is that stupid? I think the parents of the dead are the one thing the administration can’t just swift-boat to oblivion. I applaud them for standing up and speaking for their children.
I think it’s going to be fun to see them try. Because I hope it’ll result in a massive public backlash against them.
I agree with you- bashing someone whose child made “the ultimate sacrifice” (God, I hate that term!) just doesn’t seem like it would sit well with anyone except a sociopath, does it?
Nope, there’s nothin’ partisan about the love of a parent for a child.
I’m trying to parse that quote.
Let me try to get it straight: Sheehan bears responsibility for inaccurate publicity? I thought it was the responsibility of the media to get things right… oops, I forgot: O’Reilly is part of the media and he never has cared about getting things right, only about conforming to the party line.
And what’s this about responsibility to other families who lost sons and daughters? Sheehan is acting for herself and has never claimed otherwise. Sheehan is asking for answers, not compromising anything. Where can responsibility to others enter in?
And finally, just who would feel that someone wanting the President to explain himself fully is treasonous?
Just what “behavior” is O’Reilly talking about? Acting like an American? Taking seriously the rights and responsibilities of American citizenship?
Tell me, Bill, how exactly is that treasonous?
And who, exactly, are these people who feel Sheehan’s behavior is treasonous?
Can you bring them forth?
If you can, can you assure me that you (or someone else) did not prep them? Can you assure me they came to this feeling on their own and with full information about what Sheehan is doing?
that the true enemy of our armed forces is not the insurgency but domestic opinion. Only the loss of domestic support can result in the loss of the war.
So the 68% of the people that do not solidly support the President’s performance in Iraq are all traitors.
BooMan, you are scaring me!
No, not you, but the “truth” of what you are saying.
The logic there, that the enemy is domestic opinion (the same logic that says it was the left that made us lose in Vietnam), is so inherently unAmerican, so against everything I believe this country should stand for that it makes me fear even more than ever for the future.
My optimism, my belief that things can get better, is being sorely shaken, these days.
Yes to scary! He puts the BOO! in BooMan!
O’Reilly is a fuckwad.
I’ve missed some of Al Franken’s show this morning, but you’d think that Al would be ALL OVER THIS SHIT.
Fuckwad…I like it…no, I love it! They are all a bunch of turdblossom fuckwads!!!!
I am fighting them even before their message reaches me… Speaking Truth IS Power — Cindy Sheehan She can’t be smeared… she is what used to be called a “Solid Citizen”
SusanHu, did you just say “fuckwad”??
is that a bad word? How about, “I hold Mr. O’Reilly in contempt.”
but my phrase of the day is “limp dick”
will you please do me the favor of going over and editing this diary on Speaking Truth IS Power, as I’d like to send it off… and won’t be able to file for awhile….
I want to post here as I did elsewhere that at
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonl…8/10/104739/ 859
there is a notice that Cindy Sheehan has developed a fever and sore throat. 3 1/2 inches of rain last night and her camp is soaked. That is a post by Joe Trippi asking for help for Cindy at her camp. They need people to gather supplies and equipment and take it to Crawford. Trucks are asked to go to Crawford Peace House as there is not room for trucks at Cindy’s camp. Peace House info is at http://www.crawfordpeacehouse.org
This appears to be an established organization with facilities. It is soliciting monetary donations for the Cindy Sheehan action as well as the supplies and equipment. I hope I have this correctly. Please check those two web pages.
THX! I’ll post this and some other new info in a story shortly.
has his head so far up O’liely’s ass, that you can’t tell if it is turdblossom or O’liely stating the spin in the NO spin Zone. I wonder how much longer Rupert the fascist Murdoch is going to continue to lose money at Fox before he dumps the whole damn thing before he loses his ass on that purchase.
Flies To Texas From California To Offer Support
Iconoclast Publisher Makes Midnight Visit To Camp Casey
By W. Leon Smith
Publisher, The Lone Star Iconoclast
PRAIRIE CHAPEL ROAD — A distinct calm permeated the grounds of Camp Casey as the midnight hour slipped into Wednesday morning. Crickets sang amid the backdrop of trees on one side, as lights from Waco in the far distance on the opposite side outlined the open prairie in between.
The camp was dark, save the predictable flicker of a thunderhead in the south and the occasional light-up of a cell phone that doubled as a flashlight for a few human night owls seeking a place to get comfortable.
An intermittent sweep of drizzle kept the air muggy, but cool. A few tents and numerous graffiti-scribbled signs were silhouetted as they jutted up from the grass.
In all, about 15 vehicles had made their way to the sanctuary in the ditch where fate decreed an icon of peace to take her stand.
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I could let myself become upset by this, but Bill O’Reilly and his Republican fellow travelers belong to a class of people who would not under any circumstances serve their country in wartime. If we were invaded by a foreign army and about to be overrun, Bill O’Reilly would not rush to the barricades; he would sit in the comfort of his studio blathering about how the invasion was the fault of liberals. He has, in a purely legal sense, the right to an opinion, but in any conceivable moral sense, he does not. I will not, therefore, waste the output of my adrenal gland on him.
The traitor here is George Bush, a president who, without having been elected, led the nation into a pre-planned war based on wilfully false pretenses, squandering the lives of our soldiers in an affair so mismanaged as to raise the question of his mental competence, and leading to a situation in which the United States is more unsafe and more vulnerable to attack that it ever has been at any time in its history. George Bush could not be more responsible for the needless death of almost two thousand American soldiers if he had lined them up and shot them himself. And he has been aided and abetted every step of the way by people like Bill O’Reilly, who have attacked the very foundations of American freedom and democracy, to say nothing of basic human decency, in order to hide the evidence of gross crimes and misdemeanors and to evade justice for those crimes.
If there is any justice left, George Bush and everyone else who has dirty hands in this affair — Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Feith, Perle, and the rest of the lot — will be tried, convicted, and publicly hanged.
It’s a good thing I’m not a politician and I can afford to speak the truth without mincing words. There has been far too much tiptoeing around the hideous truth that the US has been taken over by a band of brazen criminals bent on profiting from the destruction of the country. There is no parallel in American history for the depths to which they have sunk, and if they are not dealt with as the murderous criminals they are, it is questionable whether there will be much further added to the history of America. Impeachment is not nearly enough. There must be trials for treason, and there must be executions of the guilty. America must have its own Nuremburg Trials, or we will be fighting this Republican criminal syndicate until the end of time.
Because, I think, Tony Blair is fighting terrorism with legislation…. tightening up immigration policies and outlawing speech which supports or condones terrorism.
When terrorism includes state-sponsored terrorism (i.e. war on Iraq) then any speech that is non-supportive of government policy becomes potentially treasonous. The first to fall in this debate was, not the Muslim extremists in England, but George Galloway who spoke emotionally on television in Syria.
See also:
I know I am a like a broken record on this one, but I can’t get beyond Fact #1:
The war on Iraq is illegal.
Once one gets one’s head around that one, it is a short trip to ask “What is this military action?”
When one recognizes there is such thing on Planet Earth as state-sponsored terrorism, then I think we’re prepared to deal with the real issue… and we will all be prepared to address the criminals in power…. with appropriate language and legislation.
I love their slogan!!!!
I do not watch that silly news station! I get sick just thinking of that two that you headline here tonight! What a bunch of looney toons….
Bill O’Reilly – No Greater Sacrifice –
“Your son died in a noble cause.”
“If you’re a Christian, there is no greater sacrifice than to give your life for someone else.”
“I respect your son, he is a great patriot.”
My interpretation and conclusion:
The only good patriot is a dead patriot, especially when he comes from a minority group and would have voted Democratic. And now everyone, please SHUT UP and don’t question our president. BTW he is unavailable right now, he has more important things on his mind.
The president has done his military thing, to compensate for being awol in Alabama.
Mission Accomplished <political humor>