This is an OPEN THREAD, but thought you’d be impressed with the White House’s technical savvy: Have you seen that the president’s weekly radio address is a podcast? It’s currently in the top 100 at 91 and the funny part is that it’s labeled explicit. I subscribed to it and learned the explicit rating comes from a radio address on the "holy union between a man and a woman", so he must have been speaking about marriage, which certainly is a dirty word to some people."
— Via‘s Laurie Duncan.
Do you think Bush’s follower’s are technically savvy enough to know how to operate a pod? </snark>
No, most of them were actually hatched in pods. (perhaps I’ve been watching too many old sci-fi movies.)
Well I wish they’d just return to the mother ship, then…
Have you listened?
but I barely have time to keep up with all the Air America podcasts…when the hell are they going to update Al Franken’s, for crying out loud???
Actually thought about subscribing to the one from Focus on the Family, in a “know thy enemy” sort of thing…
To paraphrase George’s mother” And pollute my beautiful mac?”
I guess I’ll try it (ugh, good thing I haven’t eaten lunch yet)…have you listened? Do you want a report? I could do it for the benefit of the group, I guess. 🙂
That’s HILARIOUS!!!!
I hear ya Girl. I remember her giving that interview and I just could puke afterwards . Babs is just a closed mind for nothing else of quality to call her that is not very good in my language. And besides she does not let dad read anything or listen to tv that is not what she thinks is what he ought to read or listen to. NOw that is a control freak IMHO.
I seriously think that dubya has a mind of any intelligence that can see any difference between fiction or reality in anything short of getting some ice cream from the freezer…and then he could not decide if he wanted it with any flavor or not. I think he has a serious mental problem, period!!!!!
ROFLMAO!!! Explicit indeed.
Did you see this. Appears the poc* has changed his story … Removed the name of ‘the aunt’… possibly b/c someone was able to find her coordinates (which have been removed) … Will Rivers Pitt says he’s aware of it.
*piece of crap
No wonder I couldn’t find anyone by that name listed anywhere in the entire f–kin’ USofA. They don’t exist! (Well, one post says the aunt apparently spelled her own name wrong!)
Olivia, I’ll be going out shortly. If something major develops on this, please post it or diary it! THANKS FOR CATCHING THIS! You’ve got eagle eyes.
Apologies if this has been posted already. From the UN Wire, and article in the Guardian:
Iraq is to get its first independent news agency run and staffed by Iraqi journalists and backed by Reuters and the United Nations. The launch of the agency is aimed at providing breaking news to local, regional and international media and is expected to help strengthen professional journalism, facilitate social dialogue and promote democracy in the war-torn country.
The agency will have journalists reporting from each of the 18 governorates in Iraq and is backed by Reuters Foundation – a charitable trust set up by the global news agency to support journalists in developing countries – the United Nations development programme and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation.
Here’s the direct link to Voices of Iraq.
I have a question regarding formatting on the front page. Is it possible to increase the space between posts by a few pixels? I think it’ll help differentiate between posts better. I’m not talking alot, but it helps with the eyes if there’s some space between them. If it’s a big PITA, don’t worry about it; just an observation.
that was a hoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to the happy story, by carnaky (SP)