[From the diaries by susanhu.] It’s the headline we’ve been dreading, yet knew was coming. WARMING HITS TIPPING POINT says the Guardian, because a vast part of Siberia, ” an area of permafrost spanning a million square kilometres – the size of France and Germany combined – has started to melt for the first time since it formed 11,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age.” {The Guardian)
It is a scenario climate scientists have feared since first identifying “tipping points” – delicate thresholds where a slight rise in the Earth’s temperature can cause a dramatic change in the environment that itself triggers a far greater increase in global temperatures. MORE BELOW:
Because of the feedback effect and the resulting release of methane gases, estimates of temperature rises over the next century will probably be revised upward as much as 25% just based on this single finding.
“This is a big deal because you can’t put the permafrost back once it’s gone. The causal effect is human activity and it will ramp up temperatures even more than our emissions are doing.”
Various climate scientists and ecologist have been warning that something like this was around the corner. But the oil-drunk Bushheads, soaked in flatulent denial, are so far behind on the climate crisis that the public is also several steps from understanding the nature and dimension of the problem, and especially what must be done.
The argument about how aggressively to curb greenhouse gases that has absorbed everyone now becomes an argument primarily about responsibility to the far future. Passing the tipping point in Siberia means that nothing anyone does now, not even a 95% reduction in carbon dioxide, is going to stop the melting.
The things that are going to have to be done first to deal with the inevitable aren’t even being discussed, because the Bushheads and their supporters deny it is happening.
Another danger we face is the public not understanding that cutting emissions, etc. won’t benefit them (except in terms of healthier air and water, of course)because it probably won’t affect the climate for a very long time, and so they could refuse to continue to switch to clean renewable and sustainable energy, thus condemning the future to even greater horrors, such as an end to the earth’s ability to sustain many of the life forms that characterize the planet. Or, as some describe it, the earth as we have known it since the dinosaurs.
If there IS a 50 years from now.
You just scared the hell out of me,Captain.
Sorry, but the problems may not be insurrmountable–if we begin to face them. The sooner the better.
Good catch. Thanks very much. It’s been very quietly “immortalized” here.
Remember the hole in the ozone? About 20 years ago they stopped putting chlorofluorocarbons in aerosol cans so it wouldn’t get any bigger? But they said, too, that the chlorofluorocarbons already in the atmosphere wouldn’t dissipate entirely or do all the damage they’re going to do for another hundred years?
Remember that? That’s when I knew we had no idea what we were doing and that we’d probably already fucked the system up beyond our means to fix it because even our best minds don’t understand it well enough. A few years after that I accidently punched a hole in my refrigerator and listened as all the freon hissed out of it.
Sorry for the pessimism.
You hit the nail on the head. 50 years from now our generation will be cursed like the Germans of the 1930’s, by all of humanity, and deservedly so.
I knew this needed to be blogged but I’m too bummed to think/type. Thanks for doing it.
I’m seriously bummed today…
Come on over to the cafe…we’ll cheer you up!
This diary should be a top ten. Highly recommended.
I’m hoping that finally this issue will get the attention it deserves, and it deserves to be front and center.
This report by reputable scientists is a warning, should one be needed, that we have to change our ways of living, and do it soon.Certainly the use of automobiles must be minimized and gradually phased out, replaced by public transportation.The use of extensive airconditioning systems in massive sealed skyscrapers and glass houses must be replaced by naturally ventilated homes and offices.Every step must be taken to keep carbon Dioxide emissions to a minimum.
Like the OP points out even with all these steps, we may have already arrived at the tipping point.As the Second Law of Thermodynamics says, don’t mess with me.
And, we have a leader who doesn’t even have a grasp of the dangers we face because he is so absorbed in teaching the Muslims a lesson. When the deluge comes, like last year’s tsunami, it wouldn’t recognize Christians from Muslims or Jews from Hindus or Buddhists. It is time to realize that we are all one.
We don’t have a leader, we have a chump-or was that chimp? He can’t grasp his own ass with both hands.
Bush is a tool of the Oil Cabal. He doesn’t even know it,which is why he is such a tool.
I sent out an e-mail in March 2003, warning people of what a clusterfuck this whole war was going to be.
No response.
No surprise.
Global warming is only going to affect those people over there —-> ya know.
You know, those brown people.
The only emotion I can summon is a tired resignation.
My estimation, as I’ve said before, is we are already in the midst of climate change and it will happen much quicker than anybody expects. Climate is non-linear and when it moves to a different wing of the ol’ Butterfly it does it NOW! There is pretty good evidence from Greenland ice cores the earth moved from the last Ice Age to the historic climate in 10 to 20 years.
“Always look on the bright side of life”
I suppose the Powers That Be will wake up when their yacht clubs are 8 meters under water and decide to do something.
That, or when they’re wading through the NY Stock Exchange.
“Dinosaurs? You mean them so-called fossil thingies that’s actually like leftover, uh, whaddya-call-em, levithians or somethin’ left over from Noah’s flood 3000 years ago?. Y’know, it’s OK if our childrens is bein’ taught about the dinosaur theory and all, but it seems to me that they oughta be hearin’ about the levithian theories too.”