I just decided to put up this diary to celebrate the week we all just went through, with our Boo Tribbers in Texas, some heading there soon, it is time to celebrate.
We can also celebrate Cindy Sheehan and give her some good toasts and tributes, for she has done what we all wish we could have.
So bring the food, the music and the fun and lets have a good time tonight..
Hellooooo Everyone! come to the party at the cafe and celebrate this last week!!!!!
Come write your tributes and your toasts!
I lift my glass in the first toast to all those who travelled to Crawford!
like celebrating — Real Life is still too much with me. We’ve made progress, but every day the newspaper headlines scream how far we have to go; every day that the Republicans hold control of our government is a grim reminder that we can’t let up our guard for an instant. And that’s not even counting the upheaval in the personal life, but it’s tough to hold a pity party when I’ve got so much more than many people in this world.
This is just temporary…I know I’ll bounce back in a day or two…
Raising a glass anyway to all our fighters, near and far…
So you were the no vote!
Cheer up Cali, we have just made a great giant step forward, the spirit of the Nation will be arroused, in the coming months, all good things are coming, it is just a matter of time.
Please put forth a positive energy as that will build and grow and make our dreams possible…try!!! I know it can be hard at times, but the energy is important. We must believe and then we can manifest our dreams!!!!!!
Hoooooooooo Laaaaaaawwwwwwwwd now dat’s da tickeet, some good Que, some brew, and take a break from all dis ass kick’on… LMAO..
I brought da gator…and some of dat “swamp shine” ; )
Now, I wants to heah a big “HELL YAH” from all ya’s…..(hold’n hand to ear)
mercy, mercy me, I done forgots muh mannuhs, and tank ya Miss Diane for abide’n us wit dis gatherun ; )
Bless ya chile ; )
“HELL YAH” AND ‘HOO LAWDDDDDDD’, which I find myself saying lately, since you weren’t here to add yours.
Good to see your here Infi, and thanks for the gator, and the ‘shine’, I will take a little tip of that, thank your very much, round up some of your fellers and bring them on over to the ‘cue’ and oh, could you bring the Captain too, I feeling like a little dancin and he;s the one I want to spin me around on the floor….Hoo Lawd, now that would be something…
I’d have to fight all the boogals off I spect!!!!
(tak’n her by the hand and on to the danc’n floor…”sawdust” )
Would you be kind enough deah lady, to honoh this humble servant with this furst dance of the even’n?
Suh, I would be delighted, what song is that now playing, I can almost get it, whatttttt is it?
I know your ear for music is better than mine, dear suh’ so’ do tell’…
My you are a mighty fine dancer, just as I suspected…
why that would be “Moonlight Over Savanah” my deah lady. A fine ol’ Suuth’n Waltz, of course
Saturday Night Fish Fry
Marinated in fresh spices served w/ moro and frito verde and a green salad…Yummmmmmy!
Repost from end of previous cafe…K Diane? :{)
PS: Yo Pig, good to see ya bro! Peace
Oooooh lovely, looks delish, the first food is here folks, oh sorry I forgot about the gator..
Now I have a chance to use this emoticon:
and this one:
Hooooooooo dat dada…he done brungt da feesh….Laaaawwwdddd…
you da man ; )
oh my god that looks good!
Coho’s are running in Puget Sound. I’ve just basted ’em with salted, garlic’d olive oil–plain, simple & quick.
You can never be too skinny or have too much fish!
Fucken A..sorry diane.
Hey diane, thanks for hosting this shindig. Yeah I feel like a bit of celebrating. With so much to get all us good liberals, moderates and sane rational people down with the steamroller that is bushco this week at Camp Casey has been a real ray of hope and sunshine on our weary bones and minds. I think it’s the beginning of a resurgent anti-war movement that isn’t going to go away-dam well better not. We’ve got a long way to go but I believe also that the media just might have to start covering the anti-war movement a bit more-not saying much I know but still a start.
Ok IP here’s a big HELLLLL YAY going out and I’ll take my coffee with a big big shot of Kaluha and those ribs are looking mighty good …lets Party On Dudes while we have the chance.
Hooooooo Laaaaaaawd CI…you got dat cafeee com’n at ya wit da stuff you be want’n ; )
Hell Yah…so glad to see yah
Thank ya kindly, and now I think I’ll toddle off to make desert-something chocolate like brownies so anyone who happens to wander by later drop in unless you indulged to much at the Bar-b-que and fish fry. The front doors open.
Chocolate so glad you made it….
BTW cable media even FOX has covered this all day, Sheehan thing, had some roundtable discussions as well, all seemed to agree that the anti war movement will now be covered, cause it’s finally gotten their attention!
Every good reason to celebrate!!
I love these virtuatl parties so, but now I want to have a real one, for boo tribbers to come to cal. in our backyard Choco, and have a nice meetup sometime before the end of the year.
Say Oct. or Nov…
Tell all your families you are taking them to’ disneyland’, they will be happy.
Come one now, who is game for this, and pardon me a second, I want to take another turn of the floor with the Captain, before he gets grabbed away.
That sounds like something to work on diane…we’ll have to start using the regional threads more to see who’s out here who would be interested.
And as soon as the Caption gets too flushed from dancing I’d like to request he sit with me and keep me company for a bit as alas I can no longer dance. I do so like to converse with such a courtly gentleman as himself.
You can always do the’ virtual dance’, dear but you cannot tie dear Captain up all to yourself….lol…you must share,,,,so if you promise to give him back I will send him your way..
Isn’t this fun to do this again, we haven’t had a party in awhile!!!
I’m still waiting for the musical group to get here, maybe Willy Nelson will show up, or sinatra..
Anything by Sinatra and Willy’s Stardust Album and seeing as how much I loved the Bobby Darin biop-him and Kevin Spacey-dam but he’s got an incredible voice- both can do a little crooning -Mac the Knife to start with. Add some Billie Holliday and I’m here for awhile.
but I must depart for a short while, and retreive my son from his place of employment…or he’s gonna be pissed…LOL…
back shortly….
peace all
Oh dear, just when I was about to dance with you again, well I guess it will be Dada next, care to take me for a spin, or are you busy with the brownies Chocolate brought!
It would be my honor Maam’
Wow that pic is too cool, so shall we dance, how about a waltz, to much, then maybe the fox trot or shall we settle for the two step.
Oh Goody,, they are playing Caberet, yeah, life is a caberet my friend.
Gee where is everyone, at another party do you suppose?
to be back amongst such fine company, as a turn of events, muh journey was cut short, and now I may return to the endovuh’s of thuh even’n….
and whilest Miss D is a otherwise captivated, I shall enjoy the plesur’s of a fine convershun, provid’n the invitation of Miss CI…Madam, May I ?
when you catch a breath captain I am waiting here for our dance, shall we do a ‘fandango”…lol
LMAO…that icon of the cuppie doll is toooooo much…
what a treat
to entertain the ladies in my absence…the kettle calls:
Later, if the Nighthawk’s are about.
enjoy sir, and I shall see you later on…
Cupie doll, that’s my pic, sir, and this is the car I came in!!
Wanta go for a ride, I’ll drive, I haven’t had anything to drink!
How bout you chocolate, want take a little spin in my cool new car!
well now, that’s a fine automobile you have there, and surely hope it gets great gas mileage, as our fearless leaders have bestowed such marvelous energy policies upon us….hmmmmm. do you suppose they might have a “hand” in those prices?
or would you care to guess them having a few bodies in the stead of their hand?
I’m voting for the latter ; )
Mighty fine auto to be sure, it got me all the way to the virtual party here.
I’m not talking politics anymore till monday! so no comment on the other part.
Say are you tending the barbe?
I’m smelling some gator smoke, how’s that comin!
I certainly do ms. diane and you kindly for the invite. I’m sitting here listening to the link susan provided of a great sax cd composed by john from crooks & liars…as I told her, I’m a sucker for a good sax player. really great.
I finished the brownies and they are a cooling so anyone with a sweet tooth tonight stop on by.
Well now did you like the ride Choc, I dropped Infidel off, skedaddled back here with you, took a call on my cell phone from shirl and now I’m ready to turn in as well.
All you late nighters have fun!
Hallo everyone,
I’m happy tonight, having followed the links on the Crawford gathering all week and feeling hopeful again.
So, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna break out my fiddle and play a couple of tunes. Maybe one of BooTrib’s banjo players will want to join me?
And also pimp the most recent of my Nature Blogging diaries, though blushingly, as pimping isn’t really my style. It’s about lightning bugs. I hope that there are lightning bugs at the FBC Sat. Night Celebration and BBQ.
(tapp’n foot, and slapp’n hands) Hooooooooo Laaaaaawwd
play it now…play it
and welcome to da par-dee
Indeed, I shall. Thank you!
y’all been havin a par-dy while I been swimmin’ with those dangfool young’uns and their friends? And now I’m done filled up with pizza and fallin’ sleep from watchin that thar Napoleon Dynamite movie?
I miss ever’thin’…
well now lady, it ain’t over till it’s over…so c’mon in, and enjoy a while…Hoooooooo Eeeeeeeee
Well, I ‘spose I can hang for a couple of minutes..How ya, been Infi?
just absolutely wonderful, and thank you for ask’n, and hope all things are well for you and yours
peace…and by the way, is’nt this just a wonderful time for a lil’ celebration.. ; ) it’s about time
The fellas have friends overnight, we watched movies, and I’m just so happy to see things coming to life in the world. Definitely time for some celebrating!
Mr Bwren and I watched that there movie last weekend and fell asleep giggling. “Oh my”, said he, “that’s my family”.
Got your ‘vote for Pedro’ t-shirts yet?
Not yet, since Mr Bwren has expressed a desire for the Flying Spaghetti Monster Global Warming vs. Pirates T-shirt instead.
ha..tough choice.
It’s a hot night in and around the Emerald City–80F an hour before sundown. Our two terrific totos enjoyed their long walk of the day early, before the heat set in.
she has done what we all wish we could have.
Chez Gooserock is unanimous that this is something only a very select few Americans, chosen the hard way, could do. But we can certainly back the project in many ways, once launched.
So we celebrate Cindy Sheehan’s effort tonight with a few toasts, and tomorrow with a check and maybe an LTE or two.
“Wha’s like us?!”
LOL…I like the reversed pun there…good one..; )
I’ve seen it on bumper stickers.
Also seen:
and my current fav, on one of those oval, black on white country stickers, “WOOF“.
“God, help me be the person my doG thinks I am”…to true dat.
A goodnight to you all.
Gooserock – How is your one-eyed Toto doing?
He was in the back seat with mommy who was freaking out at what daddy was doing with the camera. Good thing these photos don’t have audio. The monototo is back as chipper as ever, and after half an hour of demanding tummy rubs, has now switched to demanding supper.
aargh! that be too cool. Give him a tummyrub for me.
But don’t tell Bill-the-Dog.
80 degrees? Hah…we had 97 degrees here today, with a heat index of 108…
and I kept thanking the God of air conditionaer installation (who recently visited our house) every 10 minutes, I think!
Well ladies and gents, this will be g’night from this ol’ boy, tis time to lay this body down.
Has been a long and hot week, and tomorrow I have several hours of weed whack’n, and brush cutting, and then back on the project Monday…so g’night all and sweet dreams abound ; )
Peace be with you and yours always
Didn’t know you were in Crawford with the President… 🙂
Have a good one…
Good night IP, did enjoy the fine conversation sir.