In almost every respect, our public life now has come to resemble the Soviet Union,giving new meaning to the adage “Choose your enemies wisely, because they are the ones you are going to resemble the most.”

Consider the following:

1.We now have a toady Press, populated by shills of every stripe, bending over backwards to cater to the whims of the powerful.
2.The U.S.,in open mimicry of the Soviet dictatorship of the proletariat,now has a large network of satellites,essentially stooges doing the bidding of the U.S.This includes Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Iraq, Syria, Jordan,Lebanon and, last but not least, Israel.
3.The U.S. Press is now for all intents and purposes, a propaganda organ of the ruling class, in much the same way, TASS, Izvestiya and other Soviet era organs were propaganda organs of the Soviet Communist Party.
4. The U.S. for all practical purposes, is now a one party state,with hardly any distinguishable differences between the Democrats and Republicans, especially in matters of war and peace.And, to make the comparison with the Soviet State even more striking,the lies that have been invoked to commit aggression against Iraq reminds one of the lies the Soviet Union invoked when it invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan.

Disinformation, Naked Aggression, total defiance of popular will, rigged elections have all become the norm.Something we could not have dreamt two decades ago.

We have fallen far in a short time.Looks like we are on an irreversible course with only the lone figure of Cindy Sheehan providing any hope for our redemption.