In almost every respect, our public life now has come to resemble the Soviet Union,giving new meaning to the adage “Choose your enemies wisely, because they are the ones you are going to resemble the most.”
Consider the following:
1.We now have a toady Press, populated by shills of every stripe, bending over backwards to cater to the whims of the powerful.
2.The U.S.,in open mimicry of the Soviet dictatorship of the proletariat,now has a large network of satellites,essentially stooges doing the bidding of the U.S.This includes Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Iraq, Syria, Jordan,Lebanon and, last but not least, Israel.
3.The U.S. Press is now for all intents and purposes, a propaganda organ of the ruling class, in much the same way, TASS, Izvestiya and other Soviet era organs were propaganda organs of the Soviet Communist Party.
4. The U.S. for all practical purposes, is now a one party state,with hardly any distinguishable differences between the Democrats and Republicans, especially in matters of war and peace.And, to make the comparison with the Soviet State even more striking,the lies that have been invoked to commit aggression against Iraq reminds one of the lies the Soviet Union invoked when it invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan.
Disinformation, Naked Aggression, total defiance of popular will, rigged elections have all become the norm.Something we could not have dreamt two decades ago.
We have fallen far in a short time.Looks like we are on an irreversible course with only the lone figure of Cindy Sheehan providing any hope for our redemption.
The press, let me count the ways the so called press or the 4th Estate has screwed us over…here’s one.
The Washington Post has decided to be one of the sponsors of the DOD tribute to 9/11 with their ‘Freedom Walk’.
This whole Freedom Walk is even creepier than it sounds. First of all not just any American can show up for this ‘Freedom Walk’. You have to go to the DOD website and you have to REGISTER …which means you have to give name/address/email/phone number and believe it or not your SHIRT size…or you will not be allowed to register. Once you register it says you will be given a number that you can print out to PROVE you’ve registered and which you must present at check-in point for this ‘Freedom Walk’.
Shirt size?….are they going to give everyone some sort of shirt for the march ala Hitler Youth…jesus. Oh yeah the first lucky one thousand to REGISTER will re a free ‘freeddom walk’ lapel pin….this is the link to where you can go register. Think I’ll pass.
This is ‘supposed’ to of course be non-partisan but with Clint Black headlining I rather doubt it. Wonder if he has to REGISTER or Rummy gave him a free pass?
And a newspaper is actually going to help sponsor this event put on by the military-this registered freedom walk. I really find this scary.
The Freedom Walk concept comes straight from Goebbels who realized the value of staged spectacles as a way to sway the masses who may sit on the sidelines as spectators.Rumsfeld has given a modern tilt to the idea of a staged spectacle calling it Full Spectrum Information Dominance.With the convicted felon John Poindexter in charge this program will be a roaring success, IMO.
All of us know, of course, that Judith Miller, the True Believer,Propagandist using her NYT correspondent’s job as a front did all the dirty work assigned to her by the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove trio.What may not be widely known is how Matt Cooper, her partner in crime from TIME, bragged about getting a “double supersecret background” briefing from Rove to his editor at TIME. That little nugget told me how completely enthralled these shills are at getting these briefings and how ready they are to crow about it without a trace of skepticism or shame.Of such imbecilic and infantile minds is our Press populated.
We have no right to expect a Bill Shirer or a Harrison Salisbury to emerge from this group of swine, as Hunter would have called them.
Maybe not. There appears to be a rebellion of sorts happening at the Post. Their guild leadership committee has voted against sponsorship, and is taking their request to the publisher. Even Howard “The Duck” Kurtz knows this is wrong, and is on record saying so in an online chat. Here’s the low down.
Thanks for that link. Good article and states very well why the Post shouldn’t be a sponsor to a DOD event. Also nice it mentions instead the the Post should honor Veterans Day by giving the Guild members Veterans Day off..I’d say that’s kinda like saying put up or shut up. Freedom Walk is fine but doing something concrete for Veterans is a hell of a lot more important.
And as usual Rummy and company are conflating 9/11 and Iraq they never get tired of shoving that lie down the public’s throat?
I had a friend in Illinois say the same thing recently…
Internal passports: See Real ID
Communications: The Soviet Union limited the number of long distance phone calls to the availability of KGB agents to listen in. we’re not quite there yet, but the Clinton/Reno CALEA (Communications Access to Law Enforcement Act) mandating wiretap capability for any communications provider, was a big step in that direction.
Bans on :”degenerate Music”: Not here yet, but Biden (RAVE act) Hillary (Grand Theft Auto), and Hatch are trying.
The late Frank Zappa, a man way ahead of his time, predicted as much when he said that the illusion of geniality will be kept up by our rulers so long as it serves their purpose;when that is done, the curtains will be parted and the brick wall behind will be revealed.
I am not surprised by any of these revelations because the totalitarian instinct was always there in the American scene.Until the Soviet Union collapsed, it was more profitable to keep up our democratic facade.When that deterrent collapsed, the true face which was always present had no need to remain hidden.Hence the Patriot Act and all its offspring.
Let’s count the ways that the USA is different from the CCCP:
We have a bad administration right now, and they have damaged our country in ways that will take years or decades to repair, but that’s no reason to give up. Take a look around your community – surely something good is happening. Try helping them, if you can, or start something new yourself. There is plenty to do, and all of us can help build a better America.
We may have a free press but according to global standards we don’t even rank in the top 20 of having free press. Our standing is 29th I believe. A rather sorry state of affairs for a country that is supposed to be the leader and beacon for the rest of the world.
Yes, we should all look around and try do something but we also have to know what our problems are before we can try and change them such as getting people to understand how much the so called Patriot Act is encroaching on many basic freedoms. forgot to post link to info on ranking of freedom of the press globally.
And the USA hasn’t? Not recently, sure, but that’s mostly because our leaders had already exterminated or conveniently relocated all the ethnic groups that they classified as “troublesome” decades ago.
You say the Soviets occupied a dozen countries. What criteria are you using to declare a country “occupied”? Do countries that have compliant governments that “request” military assistance count?
Using that same criteria, I don’t think the US total stands at the two (for 3 years) you declared. I think you should add Japan and Germany to the list (60 years), Korea (south), etc.
Or are you only counting countries where we call the shots, and a compliant puppet govt jumps? Then we should count our “allies” in South and Central America…
No, the US isn’t as big, bad, and evil as the ol’ USSR. But its damn scary how close we’ve become, isn’t it?
When the difference are not in the crimes, but only in the degree, what exact moral high-ground do we occupy?
#2 sounds to me an awful lot like the racist prison-industrial complex that we have in this country built on the back of a selectively-enforced “drug war.”
We’re Back in the US, Back in the US, Back in the USSR.
I’ve always thought that it’s China the neocons most admire.
A single party in power. Unbridled robber baron capitalism. No enforcement of environmental laws. No enforcement of labor laws. Untouchable leaders who can change the law at will.
Sounds like the neocon dream state.
Another beacon of hope, for me:
Marcos and the Zapatistas
See: A Penguin in the Selva Lacandona I/II