(Note: There are times when I just cannot take in anymore of what is happening all around us now. I know this means I need to “retreat” and reconnect with whatever sources of strength I have. The word “prayer” was ruined for me, so I do not refer to writings like this as prayers. They’re simply “words” that come to me sometimes, that I mostly just record.)
Morning Words
On this day, may we remain awake to all that is of light and love.
May we remain within the never ending flow of goodness.
Please be with our beloved ones this day.
Surround them in warmth and safety.
Fill them with whatever they need
to nourish their spirits.
Surround and nurture all people and living things.
Help us see and honor and care for each other.
Join us together to tend and nourish
our tender planet that has loved us so long.
Please flow into hearts hardened by greed and self concerns
soothe and soften hearts full of rage,
open them to awareness
of all that is, and a desire to change.
Should flow be refused entry,
please render those who would cause harm, harmless,
those who would kill, helpless,
and set apart from the vulnerable.
Be with us, as we seek clarity, balance,
right action, and communion with the flow of goodness within and without
in all our relations.
Please receive from us in return,
the portion of goodness and light we have to offer, to blend and flow with you
to wherever it is needed
to soothe, heal, comfort, strengthen.
Let us be one with you today.
Let us flow where you flow, go where you go
even as we remain
here on Earth.
And thanks for these words. I will take them with me into the day to guide the way.
And may you have a super day!
I hope you won’t be offended if I say… Amen.
Not at all offended and am glad the the words helped your greet your day well. 🙂
“LOVE AND PEACE” to you as well, from my heart to yours.
Thank you Scribe.
How beautiful. Thank you scribe, I needed that.
if I post a picture. Your words of light, love, and the flow of goodness reminded me of it.