Let’s Do It For the Troops!
Any and all funds raised by our debate will immediately be donated to DISABLED VETERANS! Whaddya say, Annie baby?
That’s right, Ms. Coulter. I hereby issue you a challenge: Meet me in St. Louis, or wherever you please – and let’s have ourselves an honest-to-goodness debate.
Now, I realise that the concepts of both “honesty” and “goodness” are foreign to you, but you can do the research, right? — you’re a big girl.
(Metaphorically and chronologically, of course — god forbid you take that phrase literally and make the panicky teenaged decision to eschew even the meagre sustenance you’ve allowed yourself thus far. By the by, Ann – may I call you Ann? – where on earth did you get the idea that heroin chic was still fashionable? My god, woman, that is SO 1993).
Where was I? Oh, yes – a debate. ‘Twixt you and me, Annie baby. We can find ourselves a suitably impartial moderator – say, anyone who hasn’t ever seen you or read you. I wouldn’t want the inevitable revulsion of any sentient being to your previous work to create a bias in my favour.
Weight, for one thing – but never mind that now.
If I were you, Annie darling, I’d be asking the same question. Let’s start with the purely superficial advantages to your accepting this challenge:
• I’m a good 40 pounds heavier than you – you get to look even THINNER!
(Be still my heart! – I’d wish you the same, but I’m pretty sure yours has been still for at least a decade.)
• It’s one more chance for you to demonstrate your superior debating skills while looking as fabulous as you can. Perhaps it might even be televised, thus assuring you another chunk of film for your archives.
• If you DO manage to talk someone into televising it, you can get your roots touched up and call it tax deductible.
• Free publicity – now what media whore (and I use the term with every ounce of disrespect I can muster) could resist that?
I have absolutely no doubt you will reject this challenge, should it cross your unprincipled path. Cowardice and self-interest demand you never set foot near a podium facing anyone who has even the slightest chance of upstaging your shallow, venal vernacular. Your rabid right wing talking points wouldn’t do you a bit of good, Annie dearest, in the face of actual facts delivered by someone who actually outmatches you in obnoxiousness AND wit (granted, the latter is an unfair comparison, since you seem to have plagiarised most of what you try to pass off as wit, anyway).
And trust me – I have it on excellent authority that I not only outweigh you physically, but intellectually, as well. (That authority being, oh, everyone I’ve ever met.)
Nevertheless, I am compelled to issue this challenge to you, Annie, sweetheart; too often lately, I have accidentally been exposed to your risible claims as to the inferiority – nay, TREASON – of the average liberal, and it will not stand.
Accustomed as you are to the cushion of your Fox News berth; to the faux-gallantry of your fellow traveler in fascism, Sean Hannity; to the woefully inadequate foils offered in sacrifice to you like so much rotting meat to a vulture… it is high time someone who is your intellectual, moral and physical superior threw down the gauntlet and dared you to pick it up.
I dare you, Annie, dollface, sweetums, puddin’ – I double dog dare you. Debate me. All I need is a couple days’ notice to raise sufficient funds for travel and accommodations wherever you decide to meet me.
(Okay, it will take less than an hour to raise the funds — but I need the rest of the time to arrange babysitting and get MY roots touched up.)
Let’s see if my hunch about you is right; let’s see if you really are the craven coward your curriculum vitae evinces you to be…
p.s. — I crossposted this at DKos — this is one I wouldn’t mind seeing on the RD list…
I have posted this just about everywhere. Snarky it may be, but sincere I am: maybe if we make a big enough stink with this, she’ll be forced to at least RESPOND.
“Ms. O’Connor, if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?”
Of course not. I don’t support the death penalty in ANY case, why would I make an exception for this man and this case?
Next question.
You need more STUFF in your store, dude.
Check out My Left Wing’s Store
Granted, it’s Cafe Press — but I just got a boatload of stuff and it’s just dandy. Plus, I got to design the store and the stuff and all…
lost my shirt on what I bought. Surely you already have you shirt and mug, right?
Seriously, I took the risk of buying my merchandise, which increases my return on each item sold, but also means I can’t afford to offer a wide variety of items.
But your stuff looks great.
I figure that you will have little challenge in dropping this walking talking point coward, like the proverbial bad habit.
I will send an email to her with the link to My Left Wing and Booman Tribune, lets see if Ann the Fascist Coulter can indeed walk the walk, she has little problem stealing her talk.
You GO, Maryscott!!
Reissue this challange every time AC spews one of her despicable tirades! Well, ok not every time, you’d have no time for anything else!
I opened up this page while I was eating lunch. Now, after seeing Ann’s visage, I have to puke!
Excuse me.
Yeah, the sooner that top picture is off the front page, the happier I’ll be. It borders on “work-unsafe.”
How can TV pass this up? ‘Course they don’t KNOW Mary
Scott O’ Connor, too bad for them. Since the level of aggression in an hour-long format would be off the scale toward the end, it would also become reality TV. Moderator: Jerry Springer. My money’s on MSOC to win both the debate and the fight. As millions cheer.
They better have the cuss word beeper handy.
Both because it should be prefectly obvious I’d kick her ass (metaphorically speaking) AND because I am a virtual (heh) nonentity, with everything to gain and nothing to lose. What has she to gain? Nada.
Since you made a decision sometime in adolescence you have NEVER been a nonentity.
‘Scuse me while I get behind this door here, I don’t want to get hit with a stray shot.
I’ve always been hot shit in my OWN minds…
I have to go with Rolfy on this one… and add to that that your not a GLOBAL entity. To me, globalization means culture and “personalties” that are as bland as white bread toast.
Your well known here. Plus, we all know you have a brain.
Coulter may be better known but i would bet she’s better known known as a shill and a crack pot than as an individual. So, by simple logical deduction, using the premises that I have established, I have to conclude that she’s the non-entity.
Aims raspberries at Coulter!
with someone carrying raspberries as a weapon?
PLEASE. . .may I carry your suitcase Maryscott!!!
The outcome is not in doubt. . .but it sure would be fun to watch up close and personal. I’ll be glad to be your gofer.
Have my plane tickets on hold as we speak
a double dog dare is all well and good, but time to go nuclear. Issue “The triple Dog Dare”
I’ll bring the pie.
… That may be the most frightening thing I’ve ever read.
Anything that involves Ann Coulter is frightening!
You are so fucking incredible!!!!!
There’s an ass-whumpin I’d like to see…well, except that it involves Ann Coulter’s ass.
I got frequent flyer miles to go watch, though.
You know, maryscott, try to get her to submit to a bloodtest or obtain something with Coulter’s DNA on it. I’ve never been able to watch her or look at her still photographs and believe that she was born female. Look at those wrists and hands, look at that adam’s apple, there’s just something so wrong there. I would happily pay for the test
Should’ve been a warning when a Coulter picture was sitting below the fold, as I’ve not yet been immunized for this illness that occurs on each viewing.
As to the challenge;
I’d hop a BNSF freight car if need be, to hear MSOC debate this vacuum head.
Er… is that Ann Coulter pic photoshopped, or are those her real hands?
I found the pic on a FAN SITE.
Yes. You read that right. A FAN SITE dedicated to A.Coulter.