The Great BooTrib Science Fair continues on into the night. . .
When last we met, over in the previous diary where there were no exotic dancers, we were experimenting to try to find out if we could influence the click ads by what we write in these things.
Here’s what we think we know so far:
l. Google keyed into my diary titled, “Good Vibrations” and gave us Beach Boys ads. That was pretty funny. There were no exotic dancers gyrating to “Little Deuce Coup.”
2. Then, no matter what we substituted in the title, body of the diary, or comments, it ignored us. Even for perfectly respectable subjects like bookstores. All day long, the click ads alternated between music/Beach Boys and ads for building blogs. Even an exotic dancer can build a blog.
3. So this is a test to see if a whole new diary will make the difference. One thing we’re also testing is to see if google screens adult sites. If it does, it will be interesting to see what it gives us for the subject, “exotic dancer.”
Maybe tap dancing schools?
So far, it looks as if what we’re going to find out through our exhaustive utterly pristine scientific study is that google loves first versions of diaries, but updates? Not so much.
Beautiful Christian singles???? With exotic dancers in the title?
Sheesh…what are these Christians REALLY into?
Was there really an ad for that?? Too funny. Do they know their right-wingers, or what?
I noticed that right away. They are not only single, not only Christian, but they are beautiful.
But why not exotic? How about Hot Ethiopian Flesh-flashing singles who are not too shy to join you in communal prayer?
Boo, can you let us know at the end of the day how we did on click ads today?
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Page Views (minus Firefox screeners)
14,437 Clicks
That is so far, but as I said, it only updates every so often.
I guess Booman has been sampling the exotic cheroots as well…
Hi, Scientists!
Please recommend this one and unrecommend the previous one.
And click like crazy. We’re trying to set a new Boo World Record. Until today the click ads were earning Boo under $5 a day. As of many hours ago we were already up past $7. It may not sound like much, but it helps pay the server fees.
And speaking of servers. . .
Who’s drinking what?
Munchies are at the bar.
There’s ALWAYS fresh coffee.
Kansas, are trying to imply that we are smoking exotic cheroots in Finland?
Is that you, Sven?
Yep, something like that. In fact we were just sitting on the patio in the dark with a couple of candles and I had to pull out some black leather jackets for my friends as it was getting a little chilly.
We remarked that it looked like an SS debriefing 😉
Please stop being funny so I can leave for the library.
Just go – I am so high right now I can keep this up till Infidel gets his crocodile skin boots
and when I say high I mean that this was such a good evening with friends – its hard to come down after such a cool night out
I’m certainly glad you clarified that… but no doubt on a “cool” night you had to burn a little wood imported from Norway… ah… to keep your warm.
Oh, god, those are the BEST nights.
They should be accompanied by the sound track from Harold and Maude. If you’re gonna be high, be high. . .
Okay, I’m LEAVING. Adios, amigas y amigos, wherever you are.
Dum-di-di-dum-di-di etc
14 bucks now. Probably get to Ghostdancer’s goal of $20 since Google only updates every hour or so.
Hi everybody, I’m sitting at Cafe Equinoxio on the main drag of Ensenada, Mexico, B.C. enjoying a Chai Vainilla. This was the best idea to get away. I drove for seven hours yesterday and made it just in time for the sunset on the Pacific Ocean. My BooTrib shirt has gotten alot of second looks as I’ve walked the street, perhaps I’ll run into someone else who visits the site. Paz.
Hey, Man!
I’ll join you in a late night cup of tea here in Helsinki.
Was just at a new restaurant opening called ‘Rafla’ which -loosely translated – means ‘Joint’ (as in the joint was jumping)
Fantastic band – Drums, Hammond, Sax and trumpet – what a swinging band!! Haven’t head hairs rise on the back of my neck for ages!
This is one of the big ports of entry for cruise ships so there is music in almost every cafe and cantina–at every hour. I’ve heard Rock en Espanol, Mariachi, Norteno, Ranchera, etc. It has been great. There’s a cool breeze off the water–I’ll take this weather any day over the seering heat of Arizona. Cheers!
Oh dear you just reminded me I am late with a project for the new Royal Caribbean ship being built in Finland at the moment. Goddam – I haev to produce some new designs for artwork installations by the end of the month…
Enjoy your holiday!!
Y saludos backatcha, tambien!
This is so cool to have such an international cafe this evening. You guys carry on with your tea and cheroots. I have to head for the library again.
Enjoy the books! I brought a few but haven’t made time to sit on the beach yet, perhaps tomorrow.
Hola Man Eegee!
I love Mexico…I managed to make it down there twice this year, and hope to do the same next year. Thought I’d share a picture with all the FBC’ers here tonight of the sunset in Acapulco, from this past January.
that you don’t need…
Acapulco Gold is badass weed”
Ha! Gringo…![](
We don’t need no stinkeen seeds!
Maybe we should revolutionize television!
the immigrant “problem” and all shift our derrieres to Mexico and enjoy a sunset on a Pacific beach with Man.
Sort of reverse the trend of emigration. Change that seemingly semi-permeable membrane into a really open border.
best “immigrant problem” solution I’ve heard yet.
just south of L.A. I think (?) that’s in the news periodically.
But let’s extrapolate all the way. If nations are going to be allowed to free themselves of the types of work they are not “efficient” at–the way businesses do–then they should also be free to free themselves of the populations that have those skills–the way businesses do.
No business would outsource, say, its shoemaking line while retaining its entire staff of shoemakers.
and the Big Bambu. lol
Hola amigo,
Great idea – just take off and arrive in paradise. Mexico is a great place for vacation. Did it once (with curly) and want to go again.
Hope you have a great time (and much of it).
Reminds me of a performance of Ubu Roi (Alfred Jarry) I worked on in London ’66 which I used a Beach Boys soundtrack. Good Vibrations was the climax.
I’ll see you all later, I’m off to find some al pastor tacos and a Pacifico. Que les vayan bien!
Take care
Pastor Dan cooks?
Now I laughed out loud
Coincidence — the spouse and I went out for Mexican food tonight. Small Northern California chain; actually quite good. Unique item on the menu was empanadas, which I thought were only found at Cuban restaurants (used to be a little Cuban place in our old hometown that did great empanadas); this one had them both on the appetizer menu (plate of 5) or included two on the combo platters.
Just a little over a week till we leave on vacation, and I’m definitely looking forward to it now… 🙂
OK kansas is off to the library, Man is searching for a Pacifico, Booman is counting change – so who’s next? I want company
And if Dan comes in now I will be all sweetness and light. Not a word about my Gnostic tendencies. And I shall not mention The Da Vinci Code.
Did you read Angels & Demons as well, Sven?
Not yet. I was looking for it in a discount book store, but my daughter was in a rush to get her Vivienne Westwood trousers.
It’s great. Though I wish I had read them in their proper order.
I also made it through Deception Point, after Angels & Demons. Again, I wish I had read them in the proper order. His books keep getting more complex with their twists, so going backwards through them…well, each successive one is easier to predict.
I was actually more bowled over by the source of Mr Brown’s fiction – ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ a brilliant read, with much more challenging visual info too
By ‘much more challenging visual info’ are you speaking of more in-depth/obscure observations and interpretations?
While I was reading Da Vinci Code I made it a point to have my laptop nearby, so that I could look up all the paintings he referenced, and brief myself on them before he got into it too much. I think it made it much, much more intriguing.
You should. I actually got the collectors edition of Da Vinci with all the pictures.
‘Holy Blood’ was published in 1982 and is full of pictures. It contains all the ‘factual’ material (and a lot more) from which Brown developed his fiction.
After that you should check out ‘Morning of the Magicians’ – second hand copies sometimes availabe at Amazon, but otherwise out of print for a couple of decades.
That will REALLY blow your mind 😉
Have you heard of this book, Sven? I looked up Holy Blood, Holy Grail on Amazon and they’re telling me I’d like this one too.
Sounds like it covers the same ground as ‘Holy Blood’ but what the heck – for 18 bucks you can have both!
They’re on their way! 😀
let me know how you get on. Holy Blood is IMHO a far more radical book than DVC. And more rewarding.
You might also be interested in this:
I don’t think they’ll arrive until September, but I’ll let you know!
Wikipedia doesn’t have a particularly benevolent tone on Holy Blood…
That is what it is of course – fascinating conjecture.
I find it less important as a factual argument, and more important as a reminder that history is always rewritten by the conquerors. And that the Bible is a Reader’s Digest that has been constantly re-edited to serve the political trends of the day.
Now I have to go to bed before the sun comes up….
Good night!
Agreed. In fact, I was just thinking that maybe they make the history that we’re taught in school boring on purpose, so that we won’t think twice about it. And that in turn makes alternate views and theories all the more interesting.
I guess that’s more or less the root of why I read this site for news instead of CNN and MSNBC as well.
I read it before the illustrated one came out. If only I had thought of it before they did…
As most people probably did, after finishing the book I spent quite a while reading up on the Priory of Sion and many of the other things Brown mentioned…I guess I gave him too much credit as a researcher, I thought he put a lot of that stuff together himself.
Thanks for the tip!
Books still represent the best source of collated argument, espceially when you know there are still hard-nosed sceptics called publisher’s editors out there…
I understand why you are doing it, but it’s a direct violation of google’s terms of service. You cannot in anyway incentivize anyone to click their ads.
They are very serious about enforcing their rules. I have heard many stories of people losing their google accounts because they made innocent appeals. In one case, a forum host created a thread announcing he was going to donate all his google profits to a particular charity. The forum members wanted to help, so they began clicking on ads for the purpose of raising money for that charity. Google examines click patterns very closely, and when the patterns changed for that site google took a closer look. They found the thread and determined that it violated their TOS and pulled that forum’s advertising account.
Google is not evil. They just want to protect the people who spend advertising dollars with them from having false clicks.
But you’d have thought that they were smart enough to have built that into their business model. You don’t have to be a professor of behavioural psychology to know that rats press levers
I tried to find a good place to jump in here with you, you seem to be having a great time today, I think it is pretty late there, or else early.
How are you doing beside being hi, if I got the drift from above.
We so missed you on this site, and soooooooo glad you are back with your rapier wit at the ready…
It’s 04.18 and I don’t have any meetings tomorrow until the evening, so I am just grooving on a great evening out on the town. But not high, except on pleasure ;-9
That’s why I said Hi, and not high, cause I knew you weren’t….high that is, or at least I thought not.
Thank you for the word! I’m glad I haven’t left yet. We definitely do not want to do harm.
I usually give the sites I click a fair look and have even thought about returning to some of them. If I were an advertiser, I think I’d want to take that chance, but I can see how it could get out of hand.
I’ll remove the appeal from the diary text, but I can’t do anything about the comments.
Boo, what do you think?
Kansas – can you just get down to the library pronto, before Bush promotes book burning as an alternative energy source?
I know, I know!
On the ads, you know what we’re really doing is just trying to get people in the habit of looking at the ads. As someone in the earlier diary said, she had never paid any attention to them before. Seems as if attention is better than no attention.
Of course it is. I am all for frikkin with people’s business models. I know that they know that I know that they knew what would happen.
don’t you vurry non, Sven, we gonna roast that chap’s chestnuts first…
I’ll click, and if the site intrigues me I’ll bookmark it for future view. Did that recently with one of the blog-hosting sites (I think it was Squarespace, but don’t quote me), since I’m toying around with a blog of my own one of these years if my so-called life ever gets back to normal. (I’m also thinking of a podcast, but on Bay Area transit news so no one here will probably be interested…)
yeah I’ve been thinking about that too. I’ve always loved radio and I have all the tools and equipment sitting right here in front of me.
I don’t think it matters about the subject really – Bay Area Transit or whatever. What counts is interesting insights – about how little microcosms of human activity relate to the world in general.
I started thinking for instance about patented pigs + Monsanto. There is a half an hour of very funny material that could be written around that. I imagined two pigs discussing mutual identity crises, and music copyright issues (as relevant to the pigs world, since our local farmer plays classical music to his Finnish pigs)
So it would be a PigCast.
Signed with the LA Kings… oh baby this will be a fun one to chant at games… 🙂
especially as they brandish their digicams…
Thanks for all the “4”s. It felt nice to be acknowledged.
Thanks for the recommends. It was good to help spread the word on some of the critical issues we face today.
Sad! I just dropped her a tribute.
That’s too bad. She’s a great writer. She was one of the few I’d search diaries for without the need for a whoremonger alert.
I like it here because you don’t have to fall into step with the major diarists opinions. None of the insults and namecalling. It’s okay to make a mistake here.
But.. there are several there that I call friends and adore and I can’t leave Cheers and Jeers 🙂
However if we could just get Congressman Conyers and Senator Boxer to post here… 🙂
this diary to raise awareness of European Tribune and Jerome’s appearance on today’s Wall Street Journal editorial page.
you’re at the top of the rec list over there!