Progress Pond

In the year 2000

Cross posted from It Affects You

Any Conan fans out there?  If you are, than you’ll understand the thread title…

I’m going to make a few not-so-bold predictions about the 2006 races.  It’ll be far from all-inclusive, and pointing that out just provides me with a way to save face later.

At any rate, here goes:

That’s the good news.  Here are two we need to be concerned about:

By all accounts 2006 should be a good year for Democratic candidates.  We absolutely cannot, however, count on that.  The Republican Noise Machine’s track record of sleight of hand politics is far too extensive to ever assume things will follow a set course.  They will do everything possible to create new crises to divert our attention while undercutting traditional Democratic support.  We cannot let them dodge their fate.

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