What is the message Dr. Dean?  Like a few people in this country I tend to get my information (near as possible) from the Source:


I’ll save you a click.  Here’s the Front Page:

Above the Fold:

Join Our Freedom of Information Act Request
Bush Retreats on Iraq Promises
White House Denied Rove’s Role in CIA Leak

Bottom Half:

the blog

         SOCIAL SECURITY: The Republican Idea of Reform
         BUSH: How’s That Mandate Treatin’ Ya?
         WHO’S DOPEY: George Bush and the Seven Crooked Donors
         CIA LEAK: Bob Dole…Pereplexed
         IRAQ: A Cindy Sheehan Update


         ENERGY: American Families Struggling with Rising Gas Prices While Oil Companies Post Record Profits
         ECONOMIC GROWTH: Bush’s Rose Colored Glasses
         SUPREME COURT: Roberts’ Partisan Agenda
         IRAQ: GOP Ignores Reality
         SOCIAL SECURITY: Governor Dean On Its 70th Birthday


         MISSOURI: Cheney’s Empty Rhetoric Won’t Provide Missouri Veterans Benefits
         ALASKA: 50 State Strategy Succeeding in Alaska
         OHIO: Governor Taft Charged in Corruption Probe
         KENTUCKY: Fletcher Owes Kentucky Voters an Apology
         MICHIGAN: GOP Canidate Dick DeVos Outsourced 1,400 Jobs to China


         WOMEN: Social Security a Critical Legacy
         FARMERS AND RANCHERS: Bush’s Broken Promises
         RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES: Dean’s Remarks to the AME
         PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Statement by Howard Dean on the 15th Anniversary of the ADA
         WOMEN: The Supreme Court Nominee: A Conservative Choice

I wonder what message that mass of negativity sends.  Fix it.  It’s broke.