“[T]he savages have declared war. [I]t’s far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York (where the residents would immediately surrender).”
– From an Ann Coulter column, via Alternet‘s PEEK and Crooks & Liars.
I hear that you’re in the Big Apple a lot, Ann. I know you go nuclear frequently. But, so far, tougher-than-you-can-imagine New Yorkers have survived you with civility, if disdain. (Not to mention shock and horror when they see your skeletal frame in the elevator, as an Air America newsman said on the air recently.)
Last night, Cali Scribe tells us, Keith Olbermann gave Coulter the title, “World’s Worst.” Crooks & Liars, which has the video, reports: “Keith Olbermann picked up on Ann Coulter’s column … and gave her the dubious prize about her comments regarding New York and terrorist attacks.”
Meanwhile, “[r]esponding to last month’s bombings in the London subway system, transit officials in New York City decided to hand one of the nation’s largest defense contractors” — Lockheed Martin — “$212 million to dramatically increase surveillance efforts throughout the metropolitan transportation system. […] Civil liberties groups have expressed concern over the growing use of public cameras and other surveillance equipment. ..”
— From today’s always informed, reputable NewStandard News. (There are some soldiers in Iraq who could use $220+ million too.)
Arts & Crafts Project: Make your own bullshit deflector ear piece! (That’s an outside-the-frame link to Wiseass.org.)
Thanks to Susan T in Michigan for finding the Wiseass make-it-yourself site! Susan talked to John Conyers one-on-one last night … she’s still in a state over it.
Susan T also sent this today:
*Don’t know who wrote it – However, I think I’ve found a good song for us to sing on our way to Washington DC, next month.)
BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICANSMine Eyes have seen the bungling of that stumbling moron Bush;
he has blathered all the drivel that the neo-cons can push;
he has lost sight of all reason ’cause his head is up his tush;
The Doofus marches on.
I have heard him butcher syntax like a kindergarten fool;
There is warranted suspicion that he never went to school;
Should we fault him for the policies – or is he just their tool?
The lies keep piling on.
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
His wreckage will live on.I have seen him cut the taxes of the billionaires’ lone heir;
As he spends another zillion on an aircraft carrier;
Let the smokestacks keep polluting – do we really need clean air?
The surplus is now gone.
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Your safety net is gone!
Now he’s got a mighty hankerin’ to bomb a prostrate state;
Though the whole world knows its crazy – and the U.N. says to wait;
When he doesn’t have the evidence, “We must prevaricate.”
Diplomacy is done!
Oh, a trumped-up war is excellent; we have no moral bounds;
Should the reasons be disputed, we’ll just make up other grounds;
Enraging several billions – to his brainlessness redounds;
The Doofus marches on!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
Glory! Glory! How he’ll Screw Ya’!
It is of my humble opinion that cameras are not the answer. Anyone can disguise their appearance and motives on said excursions. I would think it is a way of government intrusion to our daily lives. I could be wrong, but doubt it. They simply want us to fear anything and everything. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. What has happened to my land of freedom? What has happened to my America? Now I can see their motives as saying it is for your protection. I can ALMOST agree, but then I have to step back and take a long hard look. OH, yes, BTW, look at the company given this contract!!!!! Call me paranoid or suspicious, what ever, it is, I am just not with the group mentality on things this government has to offer me as a citizen. I really want us to stop and think this thru.
The other day on the radio, I heard a news promo that said that the cameras in London may have actually made the investigation more difficult …. but then I missed the actual story. Did anyone else hear that?
I would not be surprised about that. Life is not a definite. Over all we must be able to use our minds and think! We must not over-react. I am one who believes in logic and thought. Sometimes I fail on this, but over all, I am that kind of person. My friends like to say I am way too analytical for my own good.
I am so sick and tired of things happening for the result of fearing the outcome, otherwise. Why am I so skeptical of this government???!!!—after all it is like all others, in many ways. I think, I have just matured to the fact that when things change, the more they are the same. It is the illusion of the words or rational of said illusions we are made to believe in.
Am I making any sense to you here?? :o) It seems I am somewhat clear of mind today than usual…:o) at least in my thinking I am…:o)
Coulter is a pig.
Why do we waste bytes to this twit?
Is this sort of idiocy what Jenine Pirro represents for the future of New York State? Coulter-isms? Is this what Pirro offers?
I want to hear Pirro on this subject.
last night had Ann as “Worst Person in the World” for the comment (they disqualified Pat Robertson as “a given”).
But the winner, an old favorite here, Ann Coulter. In a recent column, she writes of terrorists, “It is far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York, where the residents would need immediately surrender.” Ms. Coulter evidently did not know that most of 9/11 occurred in New York, New York, where the residents would immediately surrender. This is from somebody who ran away in terror from a pie.
Does this woman even live in this country? Ann Coulter, today worst person in the world.
Great photo of Ann as well, complete with eye patch…wish it had made it to the web site…
Saw that last night and actually starting cheering and clappinf for keith’s take on Coulter. She is one of the most dispicable human beings on the face of the earth in my book.
Love the pic Will work for Armour. That would make a good rally poster for sure.
THANKS! I so hoped that Crooks & Liars had that video. And — OF COURSE — he does! Love that John, and it’s not just for his saxophone playing.
You got the photo — awesome! That goes in the iPhoto library pronto…
And mentioned on the front page! You like me! You really like me! I’d like to thank the Academy… </sallyfield>
I stole the photo from Crooks & Liars, but i think he’s cool about that kind of filching … he can filch off me anytime he wants.
It was so cool you mentioned that! I wonder if C&L/ John tapes Keith every night. He might.
If you SEE some must-see video, send me a fast e-mail or send John a fast tip. He likes to get tips, although he’s so busy he can’t always do it.
Since we were already fighting the bad guys in the streets of Kandahar and the mountains of Afghanistan, Coulter’s argument makes no sense. Same stupid “over there instead of over here” stuff. Afghanistan is overthere and its where Bin Laden was hiding and may still be hiding. They have no interest in finding Bin Laden alive or dead. When are Coulter’s neocon buddies going to get back to the business of getting the mass murderer? Never! They’ve surrendered to him and moved on to fight Sunni’s and build Islamic states based on Sharia law.
New Yorkers have never surrendered to terrorists but the administration has become the terrorist’s puppets and recruiters.
If there was justice in the world, we’d be able to confine Robertson, Coulter, Malkin, Limbaugh and the always insane and cowardly Michael Ledeen, (see Wolcott’s latest bit on him here), all in the same cell together.
There are of course many many other candidates for such treatment IMHO, but these 5 in recent days stand head and shoulders above their wannabe counterparts in their disgraceful behavior.
To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough!
You got rats on the west side
Bed bugs uptown
What a mess this town’s in tatters I’ve been shattered
My brain’s been battered, splattered all over Manhattan
Uh – huh, this town’s full of money grabbers
Go ahead, bite the Big Apple, don’t mind the maggots, huh
Shadoobie, my brain’s been battered
My friends they come around they
Flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter, flatter
Pile it up, pile it high on the platter.
Fuck you, Ann.
and bred, and can’t even get upset over Coulter’s nonsense. She’s a poster-child of the “will bash liberals for money” set.
Speaking of morons, did anyone see Bush’s speech to the National Guard audience in Idaho? It was met with wild cheering and applause. How do knuckle-walkers manage to clap their hands?
you will see I have that version as well (as well as a “family friendly” version of that one) available for download.
Let that skinny slut come to NYC and call us punks. Sorry for the profanity, but it’s nothing next to that BS. There’s nothing like a punk ass Republican who talks shit when they know nobody will sock em in the grill for it. If Anne is so tough let her head over to E. NY or the S. Bronx, hell let her come to Midtown and talk that stuff. Betcha she won’t need mascara for a couple of months.
Take that, Ann Coulter … you’ve BEEN SERVED!
By a REAL New Yorker. I’m buyin’ tickets to this one.
I’m not a “real” New Yorker- I was born and raised in NW Philly (Germantown)- but I’ve lived here long enough to know that NYers, like Philadelphians, aint the type to back down from a fight, espescially one from some uptight prep-school hussy from the burbs.
Really! I can’t figure out what in the hell she meant by that.
A few New Yorkers have moved to Seattle, and changed the entire dynamic of a city with their no-shit aggressiveness.
to the bullshit. New Yorkers are tough. Philly is dirt tough. Boston is tough. Baltimore is tough. You want no-shit aggressiveness, check the Jersey boys. If Missouri is the show-me state, Jersey is the tell-you state. The east coast is different. It’s higher-paced, more competitive, more diverse, less polite. It breeds that into the people it nurtures and it attracts the most aggressive, confident, risk-taking people from the rest of the country.
Hell, the kids in my neighborhood still fight with fists and knives. It’s not that they don’t have guns, or access to guns, but that shit isn’t honorable. They’d rather get their ass kicked in front of everyone than pull some wussy ass shit and shoot at someone. You tell me what’s tougher, stacking the deck in your favor, or taking your chances with your fists and your toughness.
What’s tougher? Running a gauntlet of beggers, pimps, muggers, gangbangers, and street toughs to get to and from your car, or driving your SUV into your fenced-in security guarded complex in the burbs? Jesus, Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson are cruising for a bruising with their continuous insults on the honor of east-coasters.
To paraphrase Casablanca:
There are some parts of New York, Colonel Coulter, I’d advise you not try to invade.
My guess is that Columbia is probably too far uptown for her comfort level. Would she walk off that campus after dark? Would she think of walking down the hill towards 125th?
Of course, New York looks a whole lot meeker when viewed from the back window of a Lincoln TownCar.
…but can we change the link you are using to this one?
So the people can access the rest of my sites content?