A few weeks ago, while reading yet another story about the Valerie Plame affair and how Karl Rove was going to slither his way out of any culpability in the matter, my mind suddenly shut down. It bluntly told me that it couldn’t take anymore. It couldn’t read another word about the insanity that is so extensively pervasive in US politics. It couldn’t read another word about how Bushco was justifying the endless, illegal war in Iraq while ruthlessly ignoring the thousands of people who have died at his command. It couldn’t read about how horrendously children were suffering in the Sudan. It couldn’t read one more pathetic word that would justify the appointment of the man who will destroy the UN as we know it: John Bolton. It couldn’t read one more excuse for spineless Democrats whose only purpose in life is to get re-elected. It couldn’t read one more pronouncement of hypocritical purity from the radical religious right. It called a wildcat strike. And I had no choice but to wake up and pay attention, so we sat down and began negotiations.
My mind was at its wits end, but it had very clear demands that included better working conditions, more benefits and a mechanism for faster resolution of its grievances in the future. The state of my union was in shambles. First and foremost on its list of complaints was the need for more rest breaks. It laid out a plan that included watching decorating shows instead of wall to wall CNN, every possible version of the show Law & Order as much as possible, a move back to more music, a promise to get major news coverage and punditry from The Daily Show and the BBC, a temporary boycott of online newspapers and blogs, a self-imposed writer’s block, more time to read fiction and more sunshine.
Acting as an advocate for the rest of my physical body, it decided that it could no longer allow me to sit for long periods in pain as a result of the pressure on my left kidney which had for months caused such agony, a commitment to more physical activity, more garage sale trips, a pledge to work on some of the many craft and yard projects that had been neglected, attempts to spend a bit more time with the roommates, better nutrition, more respect for my illnesses, a stronger drive to resolving the kidney problem in whatever way possible and lots and lots of rest.
Well – that was quite the manifesto. But at the time, without the cooperation of my mind, I had no choice but to acquiesce. So, as management, I had some serious changes to consider. My back was against the wall – and a painful back it was. I wish I could tell you that the strike issues have all now been resolved because if I hear the word “whimsy” on yet another decorating show one more time I’m going to scream, but my mind still seems to want to grasp the concepts of focal points and bonus rooms (I didn’t know anyone had “bonus rooms” – how bizarre). I wish I could tell you that my medical problems have been identified and dealt with – oh how I wish I could tell you that. I wish I could tell you that I did stay away from checking in on CNN every now and then – I did have to have a look at Wolf Blitzer’s new “Situation Room” – what a joke – all hat, no cattle. Same old crap. I wish I could tell you that I got a bunch of my craft and yard projects done and that I read a dozen books – but I didn’t.
What I did accomplish was at least a small step to a more improved state of my union. I no longer feel the need to run out in the streets and scream about the insanity of the Bush administration and how they are setting back society a few centuries with their draconian attitudes and policies, although when I caught a bit of Bush’s Idaho speech I had an overwhelming urge to spit at my TV. The man is dangerous. Period. And the fact that millions of Americans refuse to kick him out of Dodge infuriates me, however, fuming about it will only destroy me. I will never give Bush that power. He’s a pathetic, weak man who is so insulated that from reality that he has to run away from a simple woman like Cindy Sheehan because he can’t stand to talk to someone face to face who would burst the little bubble of so-called reality that he lives in. Lowest approval ratings ever. It’s about damned time. Wake up America. You don’t live on this planet alone.
So, I’m still on strike. To those who’ve been concerned about me, I owe you a huge apology for not letting you know what was going on. Burn out. I’ve been there before and the mush that my mind turned into was not a nice site to see. I’ve been in some dark places throughout this adventure into adjusting my view of reality and how I can better function as a whole person. I’m not completely mended yet – far from it. But I had to let you know that I haven’t walked away completely. I still think of you. I still care. I still need all of you. I still have passion. And, man, I’m tired of watching decorating shows but at least nobody dies.
Oops. I lost my trusted user status.
Thanks to all of you who’ve hung in there. You’re an inspiration.
emailed you today to find out what the fuck is your deal. At one point we only had 3 world diaries on the reclist do to youze European and Commonwealth types taking time off while we toil in BushCo.
Welcome back, and I hope your damn kidney gets better.
Did you see any of BostonJoe’s diaries on limiting himself to the NYT’s as his only source of news for a month?
I’m sorry if I upset you. It may sound like this was all a very clear process, but I was pretty lost for a while. I started staying on my feet more because I couldn’t sit more than 5 minutes without being in excruciating pain but then I kept myself so busy that I was burning out even more. I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. My head is a bit more clear now but I still feel kind of fragile. I just really wore myself out and didn’t even know how to explain it to anyone.
I have lots of diaries to catch up on. I’ve popped in now and then but reading seemed like such a chore. I also played alot of online mahjong – anything mindless that I could find.
As for my kidney, my dr thinks I should try and sell it on Ebay. Sounds good to me!
I’ve been playing a little online backgammon. Keeps the brain focused on nothing. Better than drugs.
I play mahjong to quiet my brain LOL!
I’ve been playing online backgammon, too. And I bet I’ve kicked your ass.
There is a very definite, and STRONG link between and pain and depression. Especially chronic pain.
Sometimes anti-depressants can help with both the pain and depression. Check with your Doctor.
I just got a little from my visit to your lovely country. I know it isn’t perfect, but it did feel like a trip to a more sane land. Up near Strathcona Park on Vancouver Island. Beautiful beyond words.
I hope you boycott the “news” some more. Spend some time at the FBC – it’s good for the heart.
Post some more comments on this diary – BooMan explained once that the system is set up to give us TU if we get 4’s on a number of different comments. You’ll have your TU back in record time.
Take care of yourself. Glad you stopped in to say hello. Here’s some virtual hugs. (((( ))))
I think you need to have ratings averaging 3.5 in 10 comments in the last 60 days. But I can’t remember.
Well, I fell in love with Gold River and looked at a lot of places. It’s going to be a few months til I know if I can get the finances together. I hope so.
Glad you enjoyed your trip to Canada! I could sure use a vacation too. Thanks for the hugs. 🙂
We’ll be in Vancouver starting next Friday for a week. Yes, we may move. I’m a Canadian citizen by virtue of birth, ditto for my son, so the emigration from the U.S. is simple. My wife’s employer has a Canadian branch and she’s already gotten her transfer tentatively approved. Should we go?
I am completely on the fence about this. I want a change, but I’m heavily involved in U.S. progressive politics and I know I can’t just shut that off, although I should, for reasons similar to what you described here, catnip.
But every time I mention our plans to people around here, the feedback is identical:
“Vancouver is the best place I’ve been in my whole life. You should move now, and we’ll visit you often.”
They all say the same thing. It’s getting creepy.
Anyone in Vancouver want to get together and have a pint? I’m buying. He’ll, I’ll buy you dinner.
Hey ubikkibu. At the risk of adding to the creepiness – Vancouver really is all that and more. There are downsides, of course, it’s not utopia – but it is a damn nice place to live. I can’t imagine another place on this continent that I’d rather be.
Feel free to email me at the address below – I’d be happy to answer questions or make recommendation – be a virtual tour guide of sorts. I might even take you up on that offer of a beer…. if I can shake this Catnip-like funk I’ve been in lately, and feel like I’d make better company.
GOD I MISSED YOU! Did you get my e-mails? SO GLAD TO SEE YOU!
I did get your e-mails. I was too damn depressed to answer anyone. I’m sorry, Susan. I wish I had your strength. You’re such a tremendously hard-working blogger and such a good-hearted person. I’m sorry.
My name is Catnip and I’m a Blogaholic.
You’re not alone. I’ve been there too…Right after the November elections I “checked out” for awhile.
But hang in there kid…2006 is coming.
Dabuddy (a/k/a mlkisler)
Not that you’d know it from looking at my house, a sparkling example of furniture-thrown-out-by-other-people chic.
And boy, can I sympathize with the need to just step away from the idiots! I’ve been reaching that level of boil myself lately.
I wish you strength and healing in body, mind, and spirit.
Especially if you DVR them. Watch the before, then skip right over to the after. Miss all the shit in the middle.
That’s almost evil
is often the best part…especially if it’s Sparky on “In A Fix” — yummy! 🙂
You must watch Trailer Fabulous – it’s the funniest home improvement show I’ve ever seen. I’m quite addicted to it.
I’ll look for it. This is the first I’ve heard of it.
It’s on MTV – the funniest group of designers and landscapers go into a trailer park and make over someone’s trailer. They do a great job on it – they’re really small spaces and some of the stuff is wicked cool. But they do all kinds of outtakes and bloopers and crazy stuff. Through it all though they do a good job on the trailer makeover. It’s a hoot.
My style is Sally Ann Chic. I’m not a materialistic person but I need a comfortable environment. I’m working on it! My problem is that I find too many free and cheap “projects” to work on and then let them sit until I figure out what to do with them. I think I’ve finally figured out that if I redo something and don’t like it, I can redo it again. I’m such a pesky perfectionist. Thanks for your good wishes.
I was a bit worried about you…I checked in, asked around..some thought you had moved and didn’t have internet access yet…but here you are…It’s good to refuel every once in a while. I hope you are feeling better. I have been glued to the Discovery Times channel..Not sure if you get it..but boy is it great. All that history stuff I thought was a bore during school has grown on me. I have also kinda zoned out on Bush..I went to a Sheehan vigil here in LA and that made me feel better. I am looking forward to tossing all the Fools out of office next year, impeaching the rest and getting our country back on track. It has been the most embarrassing 5 years the US has endured in a long long time. The history Book will look upon these days as some of the darkest in US history…but it won’t matter….we’ll all be dead.
Hope you don’t mind the new name I gave you above..Capnip…it’s late, I’m tired..but I am laughing.
You’re not the first to call me capnip and various other things. 🙂
I know what you mean about the history stuff. I used to think it was pretty damn boring, but I actually enjoy some of it these days. Maybe that comes with age for some of us (?)
Good to see you’re doing well, Chamonix.
who thought you’d moved…silly me!
Glad you’re still hanging in there…wish I could snap my fingers and make you feel all better… 🙂
I was this close to moving because we had some young roomies here who were causing major problems. They’re gone now (not without incident) and the house is much more peaceful. I’m sure tired of living with roomies but that’s the best I can do right now.
I understand about the need to take a break from politics and blogging. I’ve noticed many regulars are absent for awhile and then pop in.
There’s a collective depression or malaise on the left because of the continual onslaught of insanity. It’s like we’ve all been forced to live with an insane drunk on a binge (having lived (he’s now sober 10 months)with an alcoholic and seeing first hand the insanity I know of what I speak here), but it feels like one is being a co-dependent ranting and raging on the blogs and nothing changes. Sooner or later you realize that NOTHING you do will change the drunk so you learn to detach-take a step back and live our own life.
I’ve jumped back into the nature scene. Long walks and lots of bird feeders and while away lots of time on my deck watching the antics of ‘my’ birds’.
Life should be so simple…
We are living with an insane drunk — but he gave up the booze and is now drunk on power and his imaginary “political capital”.
Maybe my own vacation will be good for me too, even though I have to take the laptop to maybe get some work done (hell, sleep is overrated anyway…).
I really understand the co-depency issue since my dad was an alcoholic and I was as well until almost 19 years ago. I totally agree that dealing with the political insanity engenders the same feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. It’s tough – there’s no doubt about that. I’m glad to hear that your hubby is sober now. Things don’t change overnight, but it sure makes life a bit easier. huge hug
Yes – life should be so simple…
I was just wondering yesterday where you have been. I empathise with you. It has been five years of outrage overload for me. Every time I think…ah, this is the one that will sink these idiots the press drops the ball, the dems shrink away. We all need to step back once in awhile and give our poor minds a rest. I am glad you are taking care of yourself and that you have stopped in to let us know you are still around. Take good care.
Every time I think…ah, this is the one that will sink these idiots the press drops the ball, the dems shrink away.
Ain’t that the truth?? I just can’t ask what it will take to get rid of Bushco anymore because it seems the only hope is election 2008. I’m pretty sure that, by then, the US will have had enough of those damn Republicans. Until then, I just shake my head every time they get away with one more antic. It’s truly unbelievable and you’re right – I just didn’t know what to do anymore. It seemed I was just parroting everyone’s malaise and there was enough of that to go around, so I didn’t want to add to the noise. Now, however, I think I can come back with a different perspective that might actually add to the fight. I hope. Good to see you again…
So glad to hear from you Catnip. You probably don’t recognize me – but I came here to the pond the same time you did and had followed your writing both over at the other place and here. I had really missed you.
I have been thinking lately that we really don’t have a good way to deal with all the crazyness that we call our world right now. I was worrying about the fact that I seem to be able to go on with my life and feel “normal” a lot of the time. This made me think of the story about the frog who just adapts to the water heating up until he boils to death (oops, probably the wrong metaphor for here in the pond!!) Sometimes I worry that so much of the country continues to adapt to the crazyness, that eventually we won’t even notice anymore. And yet, as you point out, seeing the crazyness can be harmful to your health (both body AND mind).
I don’t have a solution, but for me it is likely to involve talking about it and bouncing in and out as you have done. Hang in there, and know that many of us are WITH you!!
I do recognize your nickname. 🙂 Don’t apologize for the frog analogy – it’s very true! I have stepped back and wondered exactly the same thing – how can all of this be happening? Have we all gone insane?? Well, at least those who support Bushco anyway. It’s hard not to just laugh insanely at times because it’s all so ridiculous, but I truly believe that Bushco is one of the most dangerous administrations I’ve seen in my lifetime. It’s just scary that so many millions don’t get that.
We all have to find ways to recharge our batteries for this fight. And it is a battle, make no mistake. Rest, and come back strong.
Thanks, duranta. I’m permanently attached to my heating pad. I actually wore out one and bought an older model for $5 at a garage sale that also has a massage feature. It sounds like a tractor, but it sure helps. 🙂
Make sure you’re using moist heat. Dry heat can actually do more harm than good.
If it’s a regular heating pad, you can still have moist heat with a wet wash-cloth/dish towel. Just put a piece of plastic wrap (ie Saran Wrap) between the heating pad and the wet towel.
welcome back, catnip. I know the frustration of which you speak. God, I think we all know that so well! We all do something that is best for us all at some point or the other. NOt to worry, child, I have faith in my fellow human and I think things are starting to turn around. Slowly but is turning. What we all have learned here is such a valuable lesson in life that for some unknown reason, we must learn from time to time, in order to give America what she needs most.
You and most of us here have our own methods of taking care of ourselves. YOu are doing just that. Just take very good care of YOURSELF. That is what is important. See ya in such time as you see fit. Drop by when you can. till such time “PEACE AND LOVE”
Slowly but is turning. What we all have learned here is such a valuable lesson in life that for some unknown reason, we must learn from time to time, in order to give America what she needs most.
True, true. You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone and then, sometimes, people still don’t learn. Thanks for your wishes, Brenda. hugs
Try acupuncture, stay away from aspartame and all those pain killers like advil. Whenever I take something like advil my kidneys protest. Aspartame is a kidney killer and treats the bladder like a punching bag.
I think everybody needs a mental break about this time. There seems to be no let up in unpleasant news. I no longer watch tv or read newspapers, except for on-line because I find myself tearing up the newspapers and the tv would be an endangered species.
Aspartame? Yuck. I don’t go near the stuff. I wish I could afford alternative therapies like accupuncture. I’m willing to try anything!
something. Aspartame is one thing that will cause my ankles to swell and my kidneys to hurt every time I drink something. But it could be that something you are ingesting creates just as big a problem. Try a food and drink diary. Include medicines. For me Ibuprofen and other pain killers really hit my kidneys – same symptoms – swollen ankles and hurting kidneys.
“Aspartame is a kidney killer and treats the bladder like a punching bag.”
It also collects on women’s ovaries. Not sure if they ever found any medical significance to that.
As an aside, the chemist who developed Aspartame won’t let his own family touch the stuff! (He’s here in Chicagoland)
PS–Have you been checked for diabetes?
– in the same family as diabetes but somewhat different.
So glad you let everyone know how you are doing. It may not help or matter, but I can empathize a bit. I had severe kidney problems and to boot my body ketp generating stones upont stones (I could have made a lovely bracelet…) while I was pregnant. Almost lost my daughter as well as … me. So I know the back spasms, the constant pain. Can;t sleep, can’t sit, can’t scream… spent most of my thrid trimester in and out of the hospital. But we made it 🙂 (now people may understand why right after I had my daughter, and the stonecrusher mobile unit, after months of treating infections and such, I was finally “approved” to get that treatment – that I ran out and took up smoking again.)
My heart aches for you, hon. Take care of yourself and PACE yourself.
I was told by the urinologist that grapefruit/grapefruit juice was a no no for people recovering.
I get lower back pain from time to time, and my first thought is “OH NO! Not kidney crap again”
I can’t begin to tell you how much I hope it all passes for you. Take care!
Wow. I can’t fathom how you made it through a pregnancy with these problems. Unbelievable! My dr still thinks I have stones and/gravel in there but they can’t see anything on the scans so far so I can’t get the super duper stone crushing techno procedure. I have to go for an ultrasound. Maybe something will show up there but I doubt it. I have had lupus and fibromyalgia for a few years now and was in pain most days anyway, but this daily stabbing kidney pain makes me realize how whiny I was before about much less severe pain. I promise I won’t complain (much) anymore about the other pain if this kidney pain goes away!
I remember after the first stone removal surgery (while pregnant) I woke up in the recovery room and I of course couldn’t feel anything. Couldn’t move my arms to feel my belly.
I thought I had lost her. Worst feeling in the world. One of them anyways.
And from then on after any surgery they had to have her heartbeat turned up LOUD on the monitor and a sign on the wall that said, “Baby is safe and fine and still INSIDE!” 🙂
Warning: when this does pass and it will, Catnip…
Your pain threshhold will be thru the roof. If we meet take a look at my hands and legs. They are burnt, cut, smashed, scarred and constantly bruised due to me not feeling immediately the pain.
Hi ‘Nip, glad to know you’re all right. Yeah, me too, I ain’t a trusted user no more nowhere. I’m bearing up well under the shame. I just have nothing really to say these days and I get more done. It’s the political off-season and everybody’s having philosophical fights I already went through, and the outrages continue to mount without remedy readily available. So it’s interested observer time and do-other-stuff time.
Like many, I’ll be back when it’s time for the round up. I have pictures of fuzzy immature animals ready for when I want to be a TU.
Suddenly I’m a trusted user. I’ll see your ten and raise you five.
Good to see you rolfy! I could use some of your constructive insanity. 🙂 huge hug
I completely understand your strike. I have gone on strike for a few days at a time also. These have been trying times for those of us in possession of an enlightened soul. As anguished as I have been at times, I wouldn’t have given up a moment of it after I got to experience Crawford. Only by experiencing human beings at their most selfish and ego driven and feeling so blighted have I been able to FULLY APPRECIATE human beings at their most beautiful and most blessed and finest selves they can be! We keep it alive together and because it is based on the true laws of life it regenerates itself, we carry the torch together through this darkness we have all encountered. We hand off in this relay because this is grueling tough work and rest is very necessary for all of us. I felt the emotion behind the movement swell though in Crawford. John Bradshaw breaks the word emotion down to e+motion and he defines e as energy, the emotion behind all of this hurt and pain and disillusionment and disenfranchisement is huge and the social mental block is beginning to move. We have all been pushing at that concrete block attempting to get it to budge. Rest until you feel well, you will know when and how and why you need to do something. I highly recommend connecting with individuals with like beliefs though in a face to face way if it can be accomplished. There is something about actual human contact that removes the doubt and fear that we all seem to feel here at Booman during these times.
Hi, Tracy. I so admire you for goinbg to Crawford and I’m looking forward to reading your diaries. I am so glad to finally see an organized antiwar movement in the US. It’s about damn time. Cindy Sheehan is a hero and I can’t say enough good things about what she’s done to get the message out there – finally.
Only by experiencing human beings at their most selfish and ego driven and feeling so blighted have I been able to FULLY APPRECIATE human beings at their most beautiful and most blessed and finest selves they can be!
That’s the crux of it and a perfect example of that was the idiot who drove his truck through the crosses at Camp Casey. That was akin to a lynching and just goes to show you how incredibly dangerous some people out there still are. It makes you realize that those who simply opt to stand up for their rights and get so much hatred directed towards them are truly the beacons of all time. Truth does win out and that shift is definitely in the wind now.
I highly recommend connecting with individuals with like beliefs though in a face to face way if it can be accomplished. There is something about actual human contact that removes the doubt and fear that we all seem to feel here at Booman during these times.
I need to find a way to do that. Thank you. Once again, thanks so much for all you’ve done. I hope your husband is doing well. A big hug for both of you!
I’m glad you’re taking some time for yourself, let us know if there’s anything you need. Paz
Thanks, Man! I apologize for not responding to your e-mail too. I appreciate you taking the time to write and I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. hugs
and wish you well in a recharge spiritually, emotionally, physically. The online and cable news information overload can be overwhelming, mixed with the frustration of great apathy by too many. I miss your comments, and have also been participating less and enjoying offline activities more. I look forward to your comments when you feel up to it, and best of luck with that kidney.
FWIW, a “bonus room” is called that (at least under California real estate law) when it does not have a closet, preventing it from being called a bedroom.
Ah – I didn’t know that about the bonus room phenomenon. Thanks. 🙂
Thanks for your wishes. It’s good to see I’m not the only one taking time away. This sure has been a long haul of dealing with Bushco’s insanity. I think we need to rent an island for a getaway!
I’ve been taking a little blog break lately, too, only posting sporadically and spot checking headlines rather than reading more comprehensively as I usually do. Of course, I’m not even a minor celebrity around these parts so I doubt I’ve been missed. 🙂 But I know it’s important to do whatever you need to in order to keep your head together, because otherwise you become just another person in need of rescue and there are too many of those already.
I hope you feel better soon!
As far as I’m concerned, whenever someone seems to be missing, they are missed, including you.
And hey, thanks also for going to Crawford and doing all that work, support, and picture posting. It was very moving to read the stories and look at the images.
I would have missed you if I’d been around. 🙂
But I know it’s important to do whatever you need to in order to keep your head together, because otherwise you become just another person in need of rescue and there are too many of those already.
No kidding!
Hi Catnip, so glad to hear from you. Yesterday I was getting ready to ask around about you and then here you are :o) So I guess the next time I feel like it’s time to ask, I’ll know that you and others are just around the corner :o)
I see upthread that you were at Crawford too(?) Excellent! I’ll have to check out your diaries.
you the other day! BTW, did you know my RL nickname is Cat? I missed you LOTS! 😉
Take very very good care of you and let us know if there’s anything you need. You know we’ll be here when you get back with cyberhugs a-plenty!
Thanks. I missed you guys too. I guess I didn’t realize how much until I got all of these responses to this diary! 🙂 Thanks for the hugs. Those are always welcome, Cat.
Do you work for
If so, get back to work. We need them both.
Passing by the picketers on the mainland, I give them the thumbs up while my son refused to honk. He almost had the kids on his side until I reminded them that their mom is a union worker. She works for the Feds.
I missed you but thought that you were creating your own blog to take down DKos and BooMan. How’s that going? 😉
lol – No, I’d never work for Telus and I sure don’t work for the CBC, but I’d consider it. 🙂
I haven’t started up my own blog yet. That’s one of my many projects on the shelf right now. As if I’d take down any other site. 🙂 I’m just a humble herb, after all – not one of those big political power brokers. (chuckle)
Je suis content de te voir de retour. Nous nous faisions du souci pour toi.
Take care
Merci. 😉
It’s very important to take care of you. I actually just came back from a month at home in Canada and was so refreshed by not seeing or hearing much about US politics the whole time.
Now, I’m back knee deep in it and I can feel my blood pressure rising. Not good.
Take care of you, catnip.
I feel for you! Watch that blood pressure. It’s a killer. Glad to see that you made it back to the homeland for some R&R. The atmosphere sure is different up here, huh? Or, “eh”? Gearing up for our election. That should be fun. I’ll have to picket Harper’s office. He’s my MP.
It’s a ‘whole nother country’ in so many ways. I just find that I’m able to relax once we get over the border.
I saw the pics of Harper from the Calgary Stampede – that should do him in like Stockwell Day’s jetski ride. Happy picketing!
We all could use a bit more of that – not to say leaving Booman and other fine places, however! Though I left for 2 weeks on a trip without computer access, I did notice you weren’t here when I got back and I hoped you weren’t sick.
Once piece of practical advice that combines a bit of “decorating” with blogging: that kidney thing, which my spouse has, can feel better if you can raise your computer up and sit/perch on a stool so one foot can kind of rest on the floor if you want it took. It stretches out your back.
And as for all the negative things, at least a couple of emotion researchers have noted that it takes about 10 positive things to overcome just 1 negative thing that happens in a close relationship. It’s like a balance beam where you only have 10 unit weights to stick on one side, and small 1 unit weights to stick on the other side. Takes a lot more of the small (positive) units. When the positive things are out of balance, things sour, and either the relationship suffers, our health suffers, our work, or something else, or a bit of it all.
I don’t think world events & politics are exactly “close relations”, but for some of us who get into it so deeply, as many writers here do, politics and world events are very very important. So if that describes any of us – as I think it does you, Catnip – we have to work at not going out of balance. The 10 to 1 ratio of good to bad may not be right, but I’m sure it shouldn’t be 10 bad to 1 good!
So I think you aren’t really on strike – just adding some much needed positive things on the other side of the balance. I’m glad to see your shining name in the right hand column.
Me, saying “you ain’t the only one” doesn’t really help much with any particular individual’s mental or physical health challenges. So I guess I won’t say that.
But it seems to me that this “virus” that’s been going ’round kicked in Nov 3 of 2004.
So it seems that for these past 10 months it’s as if a huge anchor had been tied on behind me, and applying “full throttle” doesn’t seem to move me forward anymore.
I know one thing that has helped me is that I feel sort of like it’s “deja vu all over again”-that is, I very much appreciate the wisdom gained from somewhat similar experiences in the late 60s early 70s. (Although I do believe this “disaster” is some 10-100 times worse, as it has impacted every last issue I’ve ever cared about.)
While we’re waiting for the “cure”, my prescription for treating the symptoms of said “virus” is this;
BELIEVE that Cindy Sheehan’s action in Crawford is the real beginning of the end of Bush&Co.
How exactly do I know?
Well, it’s like I’m standing out here on the prairie with no wind, no zephyrs, nothing, then up comes what we call an Alberta Clipper, a strong NW blast of very cool air.
I just sense a momentum, now, that I see as sustainable.
Good to see you back and that you are okay, catnip. I’ve been wondering.
Strikes are good… I regularly go on strike, recharge, think about many things or nothing at all, especially when I get to the point of looking around me and wondering why it seems so many people are just… out of touch with what is going on in this country and the really horrific ramifications of some of it. Then again, maybe they are all on strike too ;).
of a quote from Hakim Bey:
I think the same can be said of the blogosphere and our political discourse in general. I myself have even taken to NOT watching The Daily Show lately because, as brilliant as it is, it’s still damn depressing. We all have to find our ways to fight, but they must allow us the to remember what we’re fighting for – love, freedom and humanity – and to not destroy them in ourselves in the process.