Hi everyone!
Katiebird, I hope you don’t mind me hopping in on your hosting day – I tried to hunt you down by checking your comments, but then became hopelessly confused trying to figure out the time zone difference, etc… and had a whatever kind of moment. If someone is already scheduled for tonight, please let me know and I’ll pull this down – but otherwise… can I treat this like a coming out (from under my rock) party? I’ve been lurking a little, and silently checking in on many of you… but as Catnip so eloquently said the other day – My brain has been on strike!
Until … – Diane found me earlier today and dragged me out of my heavily armored protective shell. (Thanks so much sweetie) – and now I’m tentatively ready to hop in. How has everyone been? Am I the only one to experience this ‘kinda-not-pretty’ headspace? Does anyone else contemplate the nature of good and evil as if it were a full time job? Has anyone else read John Crawford’s amazing book? (go buy it now!)
And finally – will anyone show up and humor me so I can play bartender again? I can’t think of any way I’d rather spend my night…. I miss you guys…
any empty bar here people….
It’s kinda’ creepy all by myself…
I meant to get something up — but I’m working on an idea for the Froggy Bottom Photography Fair. And time slipped away.
And I didn’t have anything very inspirational planned for tonight.
Welcome Back — I’m happy to see you!
Hi katiebird…I was thinking the very same thing..I am looking forward to seeing all the lovely pictures for the contest.
I’m happy to see you too. When is the fair? I’m tempted to join in – just for kicks…
It’s scheduled for September 10 & 11
And everyone is welcome (and encouraged) to particpate!
We’ve discussed at a couple of Cafes and a previous diary We’re looking for 4-6 volunteers (we have 4 for sure but we’re hoping for a couple more) to help finalize the guidelines and set up templates for the diaries that will hold the photos.
That’s one of the things I’ll be talking about in the morning.
I’m glad you’re excited — I think it’s going to be wonderful!
I can’t help at all with the templates, but I might find a photo or two to submit… my theory is to take thousands, and hope and pray that a couple of them turn out well…. sad, but it actually works.
Hi Zander, forgot to say hi to the host tonight. Good to see ya again. hope things are well for you tonight.
Hi Zander. I know what you mean about that good and evil quandry. Sometimes you just gotta admit there is no solution. Except for a nice glass of gin and lime on a hot night. My husband has taken over the tv for the Bucs-Dolphin game so I’m hangin here in the FB lounge looking for a philosopher to amuse me.
Good to see you out and about again dear.
A philosopher I’m not – but my harmless and quite pathetic struggles can be really amusing.. (so I’m told). Gin would be nice… I’m working through a 6 of Heineken…. don’t get me started on the beer vs liquor aspect of Canadian licensing laws… <grrr>
Philosophers? Any philosophers in the house? Hello? We need you! Please!
the resident philosopher and thanks for making me spell that…y’all.
Maybe someone could start him off with a topic and I am sure he will rush to join, eh Boo.
How about ‘meaning of life’, that could be a good one.
he is also on the philosophy staff.
There you go booman, you and Sirocco, I did forget, but just for a minute.
So what’s it gonna be, for a topic that is. I might join in should you decide to accept this challenge as long as you keep it on a laymans level for me…lol.
it isn’t the meaning of life…lol.
Can you explain that I’ve been stuck on the phone??? Sorry folks… apologies….
Zander has been stuck on the phone with important phone call and she cannot comment at the moment. How’s that…
Booman, suggest some topics and let us pick one, for the philos….subject.
Zander has been stuck on the phone with important phone call and she cannot comment at the moment. How’s that…
Booman, suggest some topics and let us pick one, for the philos….subject.
Are you asking me to give myself homework?
Here are some quotes from the man who destroyed philosophy forever:
A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A man’s thinking goes on within his consciousness in a seclusion in comparison with which any physical seclusion is an exhibition to public view.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A new word is like a fresh seed sewn on the ground of the discussion.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Don’t get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to where there is a free view over the whole single great problem, even if this view is still not a clear one.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
For a large class of cases – though not for all – in which we employ the word ”meaning” it can be defined thus: the meaning of a word is its use in the language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
For a truly religious man nothing is tragic.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I don’t know why we are here, but I’m pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse’s good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
If a person tells me he has been to the worst places I have no reason to judge him; but if he tells me it was his superior wisdom that enabled him to go there, then I know he is a fraud.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
If you do know that here is one hand, we’ll grant you all the rest.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
In order to be able to set a limit to thought, we should have to find both sides of the limit thinkable (i.e. we should have to be able to think what cannot be thought).
Ludwig Wittgenstein
It is one of the chief skills of the philosopher not to occupy himself with questions which do not concern him.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
It is so characteristic, that just when the mechanics of reproduction are so vastly improved, there are fewer and fewer people who know how the music should be played.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
It seems to me that, in every culture, I come across a chapter headed ”Wisdom.” And then I know exactly what is going to follow: ”Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language is a part of our organism and no less complicated than it.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Logic takes care of itself; all we have to do is to look and see how it does it.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Man has to awaken to wonder – and so perhaps do peoples. Science is a way of sending him to sleep again.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Not every religion has to have St. Augustine’s attitude to sex. Why even in our culture marriages are celebrated in a church, everyone present knows what is going to happen that night, but that doesn’t prevent it being a religious ceremony.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
One often makes a remark and only later sees how true it is.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Our greatest stupidities may be very wise.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophy is like trying to open a safe with a combination lock: each little adjustment of the dials seems to achieve nothing, only when everything is in place does the door open.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Resting on your laurels is as dangerous as resting when you are walking in the snow. You doze off and die in your sleep.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Someone who knows too much finds it hard not to lie.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I know is what I have words for.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The limits of my language means the limits of my world.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The logic of the world is prior to all truth and falsehood.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The real discovery is the one which enables me to stop doing philosophy when I want to. The one that gives philosophy peace, so that it is no longer tormented by questions which bring itself into question.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
There are remarks that sow and remarks that reap.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
You get tragedy where the tree, instead of bending, breaks.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
You must always be puzzled by mental illness. The thing I would dread most, if I became mentally ill, would be your adopting a common sense attitude; that you could take it for granted that I was deluded.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
I get the impression from those quotes that he probably wasn’t a very happy person.
It sounds like he pretty much scorned the idea of ‘philosophy’ but couldn’t stop himself from getting caught up in it; kind of like the kid who hates playing football, but is so good at it he can’t quit because of external pressure.
that’s a pretty apt diagnosis 🙂
Ludwig actually knew what he was talking about though. He essentially proved that all philosophical conundrums are not really problems but confusion about grammar. All philosophers hate him for doing that.
that he seems to be pretty language-obsessed.
Although…that being the case, I feel less guilty about attacking this assertion:
A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.
It seems to me that only 2 of the 3 qualities of this hypothetical work could coexist, as something consisting entirely of jokes could hardly be deemed serious.
to think about that. I have seen deadly serious essays that were made up of essentially jokes. I think some of Jon Stewart’s, George Carlin’s, Lenny Bruce’s, Richard Pryor’s work was serious.
I think Ludwig would tell you that you and he are not using the word serious in a compatible way.
Jon Stewart is the one of those that I’m most familiar with. In regards to his stuff, I’d say that it isn’t his work that is serious, but rather the subject matter.
I’d probably tell Ludwig that if he’s half as smart as he thinks he is regarding language, he would have chosen a less ambiguous word.
At which point I’d expect to get my ass whipped, both philosophically and linguistically.
I’m afraid I couldn’t stay up long enough to enjoy these quotes – good old alcohol. Thanks for introducing me to a cool guy. Do you think he’d mind if I called him Lood?
What is it about today? I’d been toodling along in a fairly happy place and then, boom, today overwhelmed with an aching sadness. I’ve found myself worried about the possibility of some nasty goings-on in Crawford, and I haven’t really been following the Crawford actions. Maybe not on the surface, I guess. But deeper. I’ve been thinking about my parents – my mom’s 81st birthday would have been this week. When I think about my mom I have to think about my late father, USAF retired with all of the baggage three wars can pile onto a man. And how that baggage affected our family, and how we’ve struggled all our lives to understand. And how this war is affecting other families, now and in the future.
And coming up to another anniversary of 911, our daughter then in NYC, her husband who worked in the towers safe in midtown at a meeting but we didn’t know. And Mr Bwren, waking last night screaming, “She has a bomb!”
So, while I’d love a single malt, straight, soda back, I think I should have fizzy water and lime juice, with one of those cheerful umbrellas and a red cherry to remind me of other happier days.
I toast ya on that Hon…just my same mood here, but deeper resentment I think. :o(
bwren – I’ve noticed a lot of your comments in other diaries lately and been.. um.. really moved by the perspective you’ve offered.. and then I’ve cried some.
I don’t have much to say, but I thank you for being here – and appreciate the hard experiences you’ve shared with us.
oh dear, now you’ve made me cry.
But these are OK tears, all mixed with delight seeing that umbrella and the lime slice and the margarita glass full of (ahem) fizzy water. You rock, Zander.
Hi, zander, good to see you. I have both a cold AND hay fever so I am even more witless than usual tonight. Or perhabs I should say I hab a code and hay feber. And in a fit of fever-induced stupidity (I like to think) I ordered the first pizza I’ve had in probably years. So now we’ve added diary products to the mix, the worst food you an eat when you have sinus congestion.
I will spare you the rest. In fact, I think I will rest.
Night, all. (kerchoo)
Does pizza really have enough cheese to trigger bad stuff? I thought there was nothing pizza could cure
I really hope you didn’t do too much today??
I meant couldn’t cure!!!
I’ll contribute to that cause…:o)
If you order “extra cheese.”
Hi kansas…I want to speak to you tonight as well. HUGS
Uh-oh…no more BooTrib? 😉
I’m sorry you’re suffering… that is just cosmically cruel to do to a human being during the summer… shit!
Hope you’ve gotten some sleep…
I want a stool and a new bottle of Baileys..I want to be full of the stuff tonight…I have a burr under my saddle and I want it out..before I retire tonight. I want some good things to talk about for a change.
I am simply depressed and tired of war tonight. I suppose I have been for a very long time. So what you say…got anything good for me in here tonight???
The chickadee slipping out from under cover of the cedar tree to cling, upside down, from a ripe sunflower. The perfect pale blue sky I see from my window now, as dusk approaches. The neighbor kids practicing their fiddles across the road. The dishes left over from dinner with friends last night, clean in the drainer. Just washed linens hanging on the line. Bill-the-dog, lying at my feet mouthing a ball he would really really like me to throw for him right now. You all, gathered at the Saturday Night Lounge.
what kind of dog is he? How old is he?
I posted a pic of him at the Thursday Night Dog-Blog. That’s a real, non-photoshopped picture, teeth, ball and all. He’s maybe 5 now. We adopted him early in 2001 from a wonderful rescue home. He crashed through the dog door and stood, panting and grinning, to look back and forth at Mr Bwren and me. Then he carefully walked over to Mr Bwren, nuzzled into his chest and sighed. “Uh. Uh. Uh.” said Mr. Bwren, “This is a nice dog?” Could we resist?
so he could be a dingo and something else mixed? I thought they [dingos] did not take to ppl much…he is a handsome dog BTW
I think no dingo, just cattle dog and something else, shepherd? husky? border collie? Dingos, I believe, are a mix of cattle dog and ?? gone feral. He’s just way too sociable to have any wild thing still hanging about in his genes. And yes, he’s terribly handsome – I wish there was a way to make a breed called “Bill-the dog” – “A dog of keen intellect and great enthusiasm…”
This picture always makes me happy, for some reason.
I scanned it out of my Pink Floyd Division Bell guitar tablature book…
isnt that so cute…it looks like he is a giant….this makes me happy too.
BrendaStewart…. sorry the baileys took so long…
I think I may have lost my knack as a bartender… <shrug>… that depressed and tired thing might have something to do with it – mind if I share your Baileys?
Where is asif, I need a beautiful sunrise…really bad…
Fishing boats at a pier on the outskirts of Anacortes WA as behind them the ferry to Vancouver Island Canada heads into the morming mist.
HOw lovely…and calm…Thank you very much…
Here’s another :o)
Southold, Long Island
awesome!!!!!!!!! such a beutiful site to behold…makes one very thankful for being alive at sunrise…Don’t you just live that time of the day?????
This is the sun coming up over Mt. Teide, in the Canary Islands. I took this when I was over there last April.
OMG, you folks are making my day here!!!!!!! this is simply so beautiful!!!!!!! Thank you so very much….
not really a sunrise… but how’s that for some beach front property…
Howdy folks, how’ve y’all been?
I was wondering where you’ve been. I thought maybe something happened to you, and you became happy or something and couldn’t rant anymore ;p
sad but true… I was happy and lost my will to rant… but then the CBC went on strike and I was forced to watch Country Canada ad naseum which then led to a relapse into CNN which then led me back to the art of the rant & today…
I blame this whole relapse on the CBC. I’d appreciate it if you would as well.
I apologize in advance that you poor folks are being made to suffer the consequences.
Good to see ya!
Watching CNN will definitely inspire some ranting.
Hell, listening/reading left-wing news inspires ranting these days.
You know we’re in sad shape when it isn’t the spin, but the facts, that are unbelievable.
The will to rant… sigh, what the hell happened up here? Me too!
I think my funk began before the strike began though – no excuse for me. But I feel your pain over the strike – I’ll scream if I see Antique Road Show one more time.
I think you guys probably just got overwhelmed by our bullshit down here.
It’s threatened to overtake me sometimes as well, but fortunately I’ve got some great coping techniques 😀
Any perk I get from thinking ‘I’m not stuck there’ – is automatically negated by ‘some of my family is stuck there’. I don’t know if I should gloat for myself or feel powerless to help my loved ones. Sometimes I wonder if having a constant contrast is really the scariest thing…. there is no way to ‘normalize’ the progression of horror when you’re watching from the outside.
I observe a constant contrast all the time too, of a different sort.
It has to do with ‘paying attention’. My apartment-mate is completely oblivious to any and all current events kinda issues (other than sports).
It often makes me wonder if ignorance, in this regard, truly is bliss.
I think it probably is, but I also think that once you’ve become aware of it all, there is no going back. So all that’s left to do is to try to effect change, in what little ways I can (which are admittedly not much, right now).
I admit it – I have a friend I use as a test subject. If some fragment of news has filtered down to his awareness – it has special relevance for me. It becomes…. super-penetrative-news…
Sometimes I giggle at the absurdity, sometimes I’m so freakin’ jealous… !! … <whimper>
it gives some perspective, huh?
Speaking of perspective…I’m looking through the bottom of an empty glass. Be back in a sec, gotta get a quick refill…
Helllooooooo Zander….yeahhhhhh…
So glad you came back from the shuttle mission to join us again. Did they have you in quarantene and look at you with posting a diary.
How about putting FBC in title, lol, just to humor me.
So are we having a party tonight, get out the music, bring in the band and lets have a gooood time.
I raise a glass in toast to the last days of this Administration, who will join me.!!!!!
I will gladly join you on that one!!!!! How is your shingles doing?
Hi Brenda, I am doing great with the shingles, in fact the attack is over and I don’t know why but a lot of it was the epson salts, and I only took one pill, right at the beginning and maybe the great energy that many of you sent my way.
Previous attacks have lasted for weeks if not months. Epson salts really helped tho and that was your advice so thank you my dear and thank all that sent good thoughts my way.
I am very glad for you Diane. I could tell you must have been feeling better for seing you out and about. Glad I could help. any old time for my friends…:o)
Has anyone heard from anyone at Camp Casey II this evening?….any new uptake on how things are going?
Could we use this area of the cafe, yours looks kinds spooky…
this sorta remeinds me of the French Quarters in NO…the picture I mean…:o)
I want her back and I want her back NOW!
It just isn’t the same without her there online in Port Angeles.
for sure…we all want her back…I have a good feeling about her being ok…anyhow that is what I am praying for, anyhow.
I tried calling her hospital room but no one answered. It might have been dinner time, or she might have been sleeping.
I hear Janet Strange talked to her.
Thanks, Booman, I will be waiting for more updates on her. Until she is back to her home and feeling up to par, I will worry seriously about her.
So they’re keeping her in another night?
Isn’t she just the sweetest person and so smart too!
Damn, the things I miss in transit…better check out the main page before dinner… 🙁
Will send her healing energy…
I just hope she’s resting (at home). And not watching or reading any news!
For your viewing pleasure:
No Federal Funds were expended in pursuit of this image. This image has not been approved by the FCC, CIA, NSA, NEA, NCAA, NAACP, AARP, DLC, etc………………………………………………………
Welcome back Z!
Anybody seen iPig?
oh thanks dada…this is gorgious….can’t ya just feel the calm and peacefulness of it? just so lovely…
IP popped in and out over here earlier today.
Please come to the Cafe tomorrow morning:
I have an idea for the fair that I want to discuss with everyone.
I will try hard to be here in the am. Like I am not….:o) I always share my mornings with you here at booman and my coffee…I want to tell you that I really like the contest. I am really looking forward to it.
I will try hard to be here in the am. Like I am not….:o) I always share my mornings with you here at booman and my coffee…I want to tell you that I really like the contest. I am really looking forward to it.
please excuse me for hiccuping here…maybe I have had enough to drink…I suppose I will need to call a taxi now to take me home…:o) I will leave my car keys here and will pick them up in the am, if that is ok with you, Zander.
Your keys will be behind the bar – right beside my wings… feel free to pick them up anytime… and please be so kind as to excuse me if I’m stretched out on a table snoring when you arrive – it’s been one of those nights.
Zander, she left hours ago, you are a little late…she took a taxi, and wings, you have wings
Yep.. I haven’t been keeping up with anything lately… <sigh>… are you sure I’m in the right time-space continuum????
but it depends on the spouse’s plans for the day, of course…not sure what’s on tap for Sunday in LA. 🙂
So glad to see you here! Knowing when to step away from the laptop … that’s been my m.o. since returning from the mental health break. Welcoming hugs from BTers help also: (((((zander)))).
Hi Olivia…I might need that mental health break too here very soon….
Good to see you tonight… I’m finding that I reach my saturation point a lot faster these days.
You’re a nurse – an RN – right? Me too, so you’d think I’d know how to look after myself a little, ahem, ::stuffing the last of the cheesies away::, better. ;^)
yup..rn for many many years….you know we take care of ourselves less than we should. I made a vow to myself this beginning of this year to do that very thing..I just need a vacation in the worlds worst way is all…bs
Where do you practice and what is your speciality?
…and epidemiology. Miss the hands-on, but really, really love the research.
just in, breaking news! Katrina is going to hit NO and the gulf coast really hard and they said it will be the worst ever seen. Everyone is seen evacuating quickly.
has anyone heard from the iPig? Hope he’s got the hatches well battened down…
Oh, BTW, greetings from LA! Had a few minor mishaps on the way down (trackwork required us to be on the bus an hour longer than planned); but even though our train left 24 minutes late, we got into LA Union Passenger Terminal 15 minutes ahead of schedule! Not too shabby…
Our LA place is fantastic — hop, skip and jump from the train station; the perfect location for a couple of transit fanatics who aren’t renting a car. Only drawback is there are no dressers for storing clothes, so most of the stuff will have to remain in the suitcases for the 3 nights.The spouse is downstairs stocking up on brochures, we’ll be heading out to dinner shortly. I’m just mellowing and enjoying the free wireless Internet access (extremely cool!).
Took some pictures going along the coast, but they’re still in my camera; I will post later. Actually ended up taking a couple of naps on the train, so missed some of the coast scenery, but I can catch it on the return trip 9/4.
Wish all of you were here with us…then again, we’d need a bigger room! 🙂
I too was wondering about him and Military Tracy too. and all fo the folks along the gulf coast.
Words from Ipig….I talked to him earlier today and he is heading to the East coast of Florida where his job is located, to batten down some hatches and will be there for the next week, but will be online tomorrow I think.
He says all is fine and nothing to worry about.
Said to say hi’ to all.
They were saying on my news here that it was getting very hairy down there.
hey folks, I must call it a day. good night to everyone and have a peaceful and restful night.
you still tending the bar?
If so, I could go for a jack & diet coke. It’s been a long day.
Feel free to pour one for yourself too, I don’t think there are too many people left in the bar at this point 🙂
Help yourself… I will too..
This might be the one to push me over the edge – I’m soooo trashed. How ya’ been? Recovered from the mosh last night?
The mosh pit turned out better than I could have hoped…who knew that so many BooTribbers were metalheads? I’ve just about recovered, though I’ll admit that I didn’t wake up until after noon today.
Other than that, I guess I’ve been good. I’ve had a chance to do some wandering lately, which always soothes my soul. I’ve kind of realized that I don’t really like being somewhere different so much as I like getting there, if you know what I mean.
I bet we can finish this bottle before the night’s over 🙂
Know whatcha’ mean – <slosh> – schast’ya.
Just found an interesting one online:
The Shirley Rectum (Surely Wrecked ’em!)
2 parts Rumple Minze (peppermint schnapps)
2 parts cinnamon schnapps
1 part spiced rum
1 part grenadine
4-6 maraschino cherries
Mix schnapps, rum, and grenadine over ice. Pour into rocks glass. Garnish with cherries. Then try to figure out the confusion your taste buds are experiencing!
Cheers man…
(maraschino cherries are bad for you…)
I had to write away for them. They came today and that’s what we’re hearing on the Wurlitzer.
Low down, scary or fine and mellow, with the great Willie Johnson on crazy guitar. Ohh, the Wolf is gonna sing “My Last Affair”, “Riding in the Moonlight” and “Cadillac Daddy.”