Enough is enough. What the fuck America? What does it take to get a lying, incompetent, treasonous president impeached around here these days??

I mean, jesus freakin’ buddha folks Clinton had a circus trying to get him outta office because he had the audacity to want a blow job outside of his marriage (ack! consensual sex between two adults, one of which is married and is frankly no ones business! call Ken Starr! Vincent Foster was murdered! Hillary is a man! Ack! The Republic is falling, the Republic is falling!).

Seriously. WTF?? Am I missing something here? Evidently I am, but really, is it that hard to get a goddamn GROUNDSWELL happening in the States that doesn’t have its roots in the Religious South these days?

I’m very disappointed and pissed off at you guys (not you personally, although who knows, the night is still young… 😉 for this nonsense & demand satisfaction on behalf of the rest of the planet… WE are suffering horribly as well for this administration and WE can’t do anything about it. It’s even more frustrating… so really, you have to help us out here…
Let’s recap one more time…

Downing Street Minutes ~ Illegal War ~ No bid contracts ~ Enron & the Energy Policy meetings ~ Florida 2000 & 2004, OH, PA, GA, etc. 2004 ~ Venezuela ~ John Bolton ~ Negroponte ~ Afganistan ~ Abu Ghraib ~ Gitmo ~ Patriot I & II ~ John Roberts ~ Terri Schaivo ~ Valerie Plame ~ ANWR ~ Drug “Wars” ~ Non existent WoT ~ Holy Fucking Shit I am getting sick of typing this list and now want to drive to DC and stand there and shout until I am hoarse and/ or people actually GET THE HELL OFF THEIR ASSES AND GO PROTEST THIS WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION THAT YOU CALL YOUR PRESIDENT.

Not just support of Cindy and a rightful demand for a meeting and answers; a concrete, serious and dedicated drive to set right a series of very, very agregious wrongs. Impeach them all. I don’t care about line of succession, send a message now and then take the elections in 2006 & 2008. Take a fucking stand. If Iraq was illegal you must Impeach. Whoever leaked Plame’s name must be brought to justice. If they are stealing from you and the country you must Impeach. If they are being barbarous in their treatment of human beings you must Impeach… okay, you get the picture, I’m just so sick of it already.


For serious. Please??

I’ll buy you all a cookie & cross the border again, I promise… 🙂