disgust aimed at the REAL looters, from Liberal Street Fighter
an·ar·chy (ăn’ər-kē)
n., pl. -chies.
Absence of any form of political authority.
Political disorder and confusion.
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.[New Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhiā, from anarkhos, without a ruler : an-, without; see a-1 + arkhos, ruler; see -arch.]
There is a disturbing trend in the media to focus on looters. (A diary by mrcurmudgeon at dailyKos justaposes the captions describing white refugees and black refugees from Yahoo News is instructive of the tenor of these stories). As often happens in America, there is a nasty edge of blame in these stories, an edge of disgust and condemnation toward the desparate people stripping stores clean.
Lets look again at that definition: Political disorder and confusion:
BATON ROUGE — Gov. Kathleen Blanco called for an
evacuation of the 20,000 storm refugees from the
Superdome after she visited the hurricane-damaged
stadium Tuesday evening for the second time of the
day.She set no timetable for the withdrawal but insisted
that the facility was damaged, degrading and no longer
able to support the local citizens who had sought
refuge in the Dome from Hurricane Katrina.“It’s a very, very desperate situation,” Blanco said
late Tuesday after returning to the capital from her
visit, when she comforted the exhausted throngs of
people, many of whom checked in over the weekend.
“It’s imperative that we get them out. The situation
is degenerating rapidly.”
Now, this is an overwhelming disaster, but there seems to have been little or no planning, and this isn’t even the direct hit that some feared had been heading New Orlean’s way:
State officials are establishing evacuation sites,
which will be outside of Orleans Parish, where power
is expected to be off for many days if not weeks.
Blanco said the commodes are not working in the Dome.Details of how and when the evacuation will take place
are now being determined.
Meanwhile, the Boy Prince who is running this country into the ground and into infamy is busy playing golf and play(ing) a guitar presented to him by Country Singer Mark Wills:
No leadership is apparent. Several organizations are frantically trying to help, to plug the holes in the levees, to help stranded and injured people, yet two days after this huge storm there is no apparent leadership or coordination.
To the definition again:
Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose.
Louisiana governor calls for prayer as conditions worsen
Anger was rising along with the muddy water in New Orleans.
Mayor Ray Nagin on Tuesday night blasted what he called a lack of coordination in relief efforts for setting behind the city’s recovery.
“There is way too many fricking … cooks in the kitchen,” Nagin said in a phone interview with WAPT-TV in Jackson, Mississippi. (Full story)
Nagin was fuming over what he said were scuttled plans to plug a 200-yard breach near the 17th Street Canal, allowing Lake Pontchartrain to spill into the central business district. (Map)
An earlier breach occurred along the Industrial Canal in the city’s Lower 9th Ward.
The rising flood waters overwhelmed pumping stations that would normally keep the city dry. About 80 percent of the city was flooded with water up to 20 feet deep after the two levees collapsed. (See video of knee-deep and rising water in the French Quarter — 1:19)
Nagin told CNN that at least 30 buildings had collapsed but that no attempt had been made to determine a death toll.
“There are dead bodies floating in some of the water,” Nagin said. “The rescuers would basically push them aside as they were trying to save individuals.”
Nagin said that as of late Tuesday “a significant amount of water” is flowing into the bowl-shaped city and sections of the city now dry could be under 9 or 10 feet of water within hours.
“The bowl is filling up,” he said.
Frustration was also rising among people who now find themselves refugees in their own city.
Thousands of people were being housed in the Louisiana Superdome, where toilets were overflowing and there was no air conditioning to provide relief from 90-degree heat.
Nagin estimated the number of people in the Superdome at between 12,000 and 15,000 people as of late Tuesday. He said they could be there for a week unless evacuated sooner.
As fingers are pointed at desperate and frightened people, it becomes increasingly apparent that the government is asleep at the switch. This is, of course, a huge disaster, but we were told over and over that “things are different now” after 9/11.
Homeland security starts at home, and desperate people will do as they will when their government fails and social structures break down. Empty campaign promises of leadership are revealed as just that: empty. As the finger pointing ramps up, it might be a good idea to look at that definition again:
That’s why I posted the e-mail addresses for MSNBC — in the middle column, a few stories down — we have got to let those jokers know that this won’t fly.
Someone should tell Bush that trickle down doesn’t work in a disadter, either. No leadership. Lack of planning. No foresight. That picture of Bush with the guitar makes my blood boil every time I see it.
You’re right, Susan, we need to be writing the media outlets and let them know that what they’re shoveling, we’re not buying. This morning Bob Franken from CNN, speaking over a shot of Bush waving from the steps of Air Force 1, was reverently saying how Bush is rushing back to Washington so he could oversee the relief effort. He went on to say that this president isn’t going to let people say he responded slowly to a hurricane, like they did to his father. What planet does this man live on? It made me gag.
yikes, not a disadter, a disaster.
I just wrote this to Keith Olbermann — KOlbermann@msnbc.com:
And now I’m sending this to editor@msnbc.com and news@msnbc.com
It’s bad when I get on a warpath … I also sent this to:
Rita@msnbc.com (Damn straight! Take that, Rita!)
— And I added more about Cosby’s disgusting show and that I miss Tucker Carlson’s show (which I do!).
Dear ….:
(I wrote this to Keith Olbermann.)
Many of us are more and more frustrated with the media’s hype about the looters. One of MSNBC’s anchors — 5-6pm ET (roughly) — went on and on about it yesterday. And Rita Cosby played the tape of looters over and over on her show + then went into the Aruba case. I think she said she was reporting from Aruba. (Actually, I switched to Larry King, ugh, because I can’t stand Cosby’s show and miss Tucker Carlson’s more sophisticated, amiable show. I don’t care for FOX-style hyped stories.) People are desperate, for the most part. Nobody has secure access to food, water, clothing, anything! Of course, there are some criminals out there … but I’d bet most people are just panicked.
We need to focus on the BIG issues of this horrific disaster. Your report last night was thankfully sane, thoughtful, and poignant. We are so thankful — every day — that you are on the air. I just wish everyone in America had access to YOUR reporting and YOUR emphasis.
Even Aaron Brown and Jack Cafferty are slamming Bush for being on vacation. And that photo of Bush fake-playing a guitar yesterday just invited the name-calling: “President Nero,” “President Fiddler,” etc.
HERE’s a great report by Jerome Guillet, who just published an article in the Wall Street Journal. Jerome is a banker in Paris and an expert on oil production:
Vital Road Closed – coming shortages of oil and shrimps
Thank you, Keith!
Susan in Port Angeles
— phone number —
no it’s not “LOOTING”…
It’s “LEVEE”.
Why weren’t the levees repaird as wanted LAST YEAR? Oh diverted funds. homeLand security is in charge of FEMA.
That’s the story. But the news knows it is against Bush so they won’t report it.
Our media “LOSERS”
They’ve had five years to report the brazen looting of our federal treasury, and as a whole, it’s not been done.
But it’s time to ask some inconvenient questions, i.e.:
-Why the FUCK was money to be spent on levees being spent in Iraq?
Here’s a nice little snippet:
-Why weren’t evacuation plans in order BEFORE the hurricane…it’s not like they didn’t know this would happen.
-What is the real strength of the Natl Guard? 40% of the LA guard is in Iraq. The govs. are begging for help. WTF happens if there’s some other natural disaster? Hurricane season isn’t over until November and we won’t be at peak of Hurricane season until the 1st week of Sept., according meteorologists.
I am sick to death of people who CONTINUE to move through life in friggin denial. We knew this day would come and WE FUCKING CHOSE to pretend that it wouldn’t. And as usual, those who have the least will suffer the most.
Exactly Auntie Peachy. I saw that quote earlier along with the “Destroying FEMA” story from Washington.
The real looters are Bush Inc.
I have already heard CNN talking heads talk about how we can’t blame this on the Government…
Oh really? They took money that could have been used on levees, on schools, on health care… on JOBS and sent it to Iraq… – Haliburton.
And.. these same fuckers will profit from this misery as well. I just know it. Gas going up – that’s GOOD for Bush.
Fewer poor people – that’s GOOD for Bush.
I’m getting so sick of my country’s “news” and the apathy and willfull ignorance.
I have already heard CNN talking heads talk about how we can’t blame this on the Government…
Oh yes the hell we can, and I do. They know full well that the area is a major port, with refineries, etc. Screw the fact that people could die–Bush doesn’t care a/b poor people anyway, as they can’t cut him a check–this is an issue of national security.
And we can’t blame this on the government? Whatever. Somebody needs to be held accountable here.
Totally agree.
The media is more concerned with protecting President Nero than reporting.
Watch how they don’t air the strumming the guitar while Americans were in danger. But then they tell us “he’s doing the best he can” and “what did you expect him to do?”
I expected him to not SMILE all damn day as he golfed, ate cake and played cowboy star.
too bad there isn’t an opposition party to amplify our voices.
Oh, and that’s chafing my ass too.
I don’t expect Landrieu to get out there and blast his ass for not funding the levee repair at this moment, but dammit, I expect her Democratic colleagues to do so.
We were silent when Mullah Robertson issued his fatwa last week. We are largely silent on Cindy Sheehan.
No one is gonna give us SHIT. We have to get up and make a friggin argument and let folks know that we care, and not just wait for Boy Wonder to screw up further.
‘Cuz we’re already screwed.
Landrieu did just blast the feds’ asses for doing fuck nothing since 9/11 to improve emergency communications systems for first-responders. I didn’t catch all of her news conference, so I don’t know if she called bullshit on anything else.
Good on her! This must be personally heartbreaking for her, given the Landrieu family’s history in NO.
But really, I expect her Democratic colleagues to continue to fight on this point. People are dying and that fucker plays guitar.
speaking of the ports not being secure, wouldn’t the levees actually have been high priority targets as well? i mean, one well placed bomb could do a hell of a lot of damage as we now see. so why, really, would DHS not make sure it was not only repaired and built up as needed but also secured and protected? or are they really only worried about greasing the right palms (Halliburton!) so they can get elected next year?
‘Cause the Vandals Took the Handles.
And those vandals be…way up in D.C.
Eric Zorn’s blog is a long list of interesting links today, as well as some emails he received about prayer and disasters. The most interesting link leads to a Popular Mechanics article dated 9/11/2001
The article goes on to describe a new early warning system that went online in 2001.
yes. Mike Tidwell goes into that in depth in Bayou Farewell … I heard him on CSPAN2 and he predicted that a good portion of Louisiana will soon be under water, and unsalvageable.
What Are You Fighting For
By Phil Ochs
Oh you tell me that there’s danger to the land you call your own
And you watch them build the war machine right beside your home
And you tell me that you’re ready to go marchin’ to the war
I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?
Before you pack your rifle and sail across the sea
Just think upon the Southern part of the land that you call free
Oh, there’s many kinds of slavery and we’ve found many more
I know you’re set for fightin’, but what are you fighting for?
And before you walk out on your job in answer to the call
Just think about the millions who have no job at all
And the men who wait for handouts with their eyes upon the floor
Oh I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?
[This verse is not in the sheet music]
Turn on your TV, turn it on so loud
And watch the fool a smiling there and tell me that you’re proud
And listen to your radio, the noise it starts to pour
Oh I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?
Read your morning papers, read every single line
And tell me if you can believe that simple world you find
Read every slanted word till your eyes are getting sore,
I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?
And listen to your leaders, the ones who won the race
As they stand right there before you and lie into your face
If you ever try to buy them, you know what they stand for
I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?
Put ragged clothes upon your back and sleep upon the ground,
And tell police about your rights as they drag you down,
And ask them as they lead you to some deserted door,
Yes, I know you’re set for fightin’, but what are you fightin’ for?
But the hardest thing I’ll ask you, if you will only try
Is take your children by their hands and look into their eyes
And there you’ll see the answer you should have seen before
If you’ll win the wars at home, there’ll be no fighting anymore
HE is on my TV…. amoral fuckwad.
Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burns!
I don’t know that he’s an amoral fuckwad, but he certainly is a spoiled-rotten rich little boy who has successfully passed himself off as an ordinary guy. Unfortunately, if Bush is an ordinary guy, he’s the slacker in the garage who’s always talking about work, but never seems to get around to doing any of it.
On the hopeful side, it may be that Bush’s arrogance has finally grown to the point that he can’t even hide it from the faithful.
Anarchy when Haliburton can’t profit from it.
Perhaps even more so when they can….
Hello everyone. It’s good to be back online. I don’t know where to begin. The people of Louisiana are rescuing and coordinating efforts to help Louisianians. The Feds are just getting involved. Let me tell you: It’s come down to people having to rely on themselves and each other. The La. Wildlife and Fisheries, and private citizens, are the ones rescuing everyone. The Feds are talking more than acting. Military in big trucks are just driving by the citizenry that need rides to rides to get to the shelters. Baton Rouge is overwhelmed with refugees. The shelters are full here. North La., Texas, Oklahoma are stepping in to help, from what I’ve heard. The old Astrodome is being converted to one big shelter.
More than anything, the city needs food and water drops until people can be lifted out. The drops are not happening. It is much more important to influence elected officials for immediate relief, than to influence the media on its tone an tenor of coverage. Guess I better write a diary.
I’m glad you’re okay! And I’m so sorry for what’s going on down there. Is there anything we can do to help (we’ve all been donating to the Rc, etc).
Yes…Please keep writing about the issue. I’d like to see more people, as I said, call for immediate relief, food and water drops. Especially water. It’s very hot in New Orleans and the water is undrinkable, and there’s no electricity to boil it. Please keep writing about this horrible situation. I can’t tell you how much it means to all of us that so many of ya’ll care and are writing about the situation.
And I can’t begin to speak of my rage at the priorities of our government, for a long time, and the crumbling infrastructure of our cities. It’s been known for a long time, as someone said, that this was going to happen.
Glad you are okay!!!!!
Says it all that our neighbors to the North, Canada, offered their help and sympathy… a day before Bush “jetted” over the tragedy.
They offered what they had, while our “leader” played guitar. Bush Inc priorities..
I am so so so sorry.
The news this morning, Thursday, makes me wonder if we’re going to have civil war before Iraq does.