For everybody close enough to KC to come–here’s what I just received from a friend. There’s also info about Des Moines and St. Louis. Cindy, herself, will not be here. (I’ll be at the rally on the Plaza. Look for a woman in white pants and an orange shirt. Hope to see other Frogsters, too.)
Dear Friends:
This is the information about Cindy Sheehan’s “Bring Them Home Now” Tour stop in Kansas City tomorrow, that was just released, In spite of the short notice, I hope you will be able to spread the word among friends and encourage them to join us in greeting those on the K. C. portion of the tour tomorrow afternoon.
Although Hurricane Katrina is crowding out lots of other things in the media, we’re hoping to get some broadcast coverage later today and print coverage in the Star tomorrow morning to alert the general public.
There are three bus tour routes leaving Crawford today en route to D. C. for the national rally on Sept. 24-26. This is the northern route which will continue on Thursday night to Des Moines for Friday morning events. The midwest tour will arrive in St. Louis on Saturday and remain there overnight. Contact names and numbers for various stops are to be posted online later today at
If you have any questions, feel free to call the Kansas City office of the American Friends Service Committee (816-931-5256).
Bring Them Home Now Tour
From Camp Casey, Crawford, TX to Kansas City
Join us on Thursday, September 1
Support Gold Star Families,
Iraq Veterans Against the War,
Military Families Speak Out,
and Veterans for Peace
Call for answers from President George Bush!
From Camp Casey, Crawford to Kansas City to Washington DC
From George Bush’s door step to Communities along the way, demand that:
· Elected Representatives Decide Now to Bring the Troops Home
· We Take Care of Them When They Get Here
· We Never Again Send Our Loved Ones to War Based on Lies!
On Thursday, September 1
4:00 to 5:00 pm Join concerned community members in a pot luck meal at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 4501 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO 64111.
5:00 to 6:00 pm Hear military and Gold Star family members, veterans of the Iraq War and veterans of previous wars speak at a rally at the J.C. Nichols Fountain, 47 & Main Street, KCMO.
August 31 will be the last day of the Camp Casey encampment in Crawford, Texas. Cindy Sheehan and others who have lost loved ones in Iraq have been in Crawford seeking to meet with President Bush and speak with him about the Iraq war. September 1 will be the start of the Bring Them Home Now Tour. The Tour will launch three buses from Crawford, Texas, each carrying military and Gold Star families, veterans of the Iraq War and veterans of previous wars. These buses will travel different routes across the country, converging in Washington, DC on September 21, for the United for Peace and Justice Mobilization September 24th-26th.
The Bring Them Home Now Tour gives voice to the concerns of military families who have lost loved ones and those with loved ones in harm’s way or about to deploy. This tour will provide opportunities for veterans, both of this war and of previous wars, to call for real support of U.S. troops by ending the war and bringing the troops home.
The Kansas City event is co-sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee, the Kansas City Iraq Task Force, PeaceWorks, KC, All Souls Social Justice Committee, KC Military Families Speak Out and other groups. For KC information call AFSC at 816 931-5256.
Information about Bring Them Home Now Tour Organizations:
Gold Star Families for Peace
Military Families Speak Out
Veterans For Peace: Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!
Iraq Veterans Against the War
J.C. Nichols Fountain – Lovely spot for a rally! Try to post a picture if you can, and be sure to let us know how it goes. Hope the weather is good for you and the rest of the KC contingent – I’ll be with you in spirit.
Thanks, DinK. I’ll see if I can get a friend to bring a digital camera.
5 o’clock?
I can be there!
Maybe I’ll see you?
Absolutely!! I’ve sent out e’s to friends, hoping they’ll go and also tell their friends. As somebody says, Cindy probably needs our support now maybe even more than ever. We can’t let this movement die.
however my employer will not let me change my shift and I am in Topeka until 6 pm and could not even get to KC, MO before 7:30 that night.
You all will however be in my offerings to Great Spirit and I will do a smudge and prayer in my medicine wheel tomorrow morning before I leave for work.
That should really set off my neighbor, who thinks I am a satan worshiper. lol
Bless you! I’m sorry we won’t get to meet you, but imagining your neighbor almost makes up for it. š