According to the AP this morning the Governor is calling for all people remaining in New Orleans to be evacuated, but she doesn’t say just how that is to be accomplished.
“She said she wanted the Superdome evacuated within two days, but it was still unclear where the people would go.” We’re talking 20,000+ people in the Superdome alone folks.What does she want them to do, SWIM OUT?
Once again, our leadership is failing the American people in what just may be the worst natural disaster in our history. Once again, there is no plan.While George spends one more day in Crawford, hundreds of people are dying from dehaydration, hunger and drowning. What the fuck does he need to go back to the White House for before going to New Orleans. Brief the Idiot on Air Force one. He will not be going there for two more day?
“I can only imagine that this is what Hiroshima looked like 60 years ago,” said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour after touring the destruction by air.”
I am calling for everyone to start raising the question of the National Guard being in Iraq and our fellow citizens are left out to fend for themselves, with no food, water or a way to get out. This is beyond all comprehension.
I am so at a loss right now. I want to do more than send money. What else can we do to help these stranded people?
I just saw the former mayor of New Orleans on CNN saying that people are trapped and that they need Bush to start paying attention to New Orleans and send in help.
He was emotional and it’s just so goddamn tragic.
He needs to marshall the forces from around the country and ask Canada to send in our emergency response teams as well. Mexico would probably help to.
Show some real courage Bush… ASK FOR HELP from your neighbours… even though they didn’t support your imperalistic adventure… we all still care about the people of Louisiana & Mississipi.
I just saw this too Spiderleaf. The mannequin reporter tried to cut him off but God bless him he just kept pleading for the President to do something, “we cannot wait until Friday for help. We need it right now, Send troops now Mr. President.”
I also caught that segment. The way Soledad O’Brien bristled and defended the Army Corps and especially Bush prompted me to fire off an irate email to CNN. She’s no journalist, she’s window dressing. She obviously does no research and pissed me right off. The former mayor was right on. You know, it’s hard to watch this unfold without some sort of plan in place. For all the yak before the storm hit about how it’s been discussed for years, why does it look like no one knows what to do? Is it because New Orleans officials are overwhelmed? Is it because there’s no coordination between local/state/federal? Is it because the federal response is achingly slow? It’s hard to know why everything seems so out of control and chaotic. They don’t even have coordinated communications.
Why aren’t the people being evacuated on cruise ships or navy ships? Why aren’t huge army transport helicopters and planes being utilized for evacuations? How is 3700 National Guardsmen going to be enough… even just for New Orleans? Where are all those stockpiles of food and water we heard about before the storm hit? How could they even have thought using the Superdome without power or sanitation was a good idea? If I see Bush handing out ice or on a debris pile with a bullhorn I’m going to have a stroke.
FEMA and Federal funds will alleviate mosts costs needed for rebuilding homes and the community in declared disaster areas. Up to 90% of cost as was the case in Florida before Election 2004.
The flooding has worsened due to levees breaks and lack of National Guard units for support. The costs in lives and damage will increase due to negligence and choice of federal spending :: read Iraq War. What is Homeland Security when you are fighting a war of choice.
Levees break
These days are for survival, to stay save and get water and food supplies. Red Cross offers relief efforts – shelter, water and food. Receive contributions from large corporations.
Use money wisely, IMHO for political action and regime change
:: our Orange Revolt!
FEMA and federal funds will NOT pay for rebuilding homes. I lived through a disaster (although I did not lose my home, many, many of my friends and neighbors did). The rude awakening after it was all over was that the so-called federal aid consists of low-interest loans. So they’ll pay up to 90% of your rebuilding costs, just like they’ll pay for 90% of your college education. Not.
and Houston?
Now what about the one million homeless from the entire southern gulf coast? Where do they do?
TX Gov. just announced it.
A giant refugee camp needs to be created for the remaining estimated one million homeless of the Gulf states.
There’s 1583 acres of prairie, nice and dry, that should work just fine. It should handle a million people and their pets. Nothing much there now except 4 or 5 cows.
It’s near Waco, TX.
yeah, used to be a sleepy little town called Crawford and now it is called Camp Casey!!!
Do people not understand the question or do they really think people “looting” for food and water are criminals? Poll here:
“Governor is calling for all people remaining in New Orleans to be evacuated, but she doesn’t say just how that is to be accomplished.”
They will fly to Houston on gossamer wings where the magic fairies will cater to their every need.
Ah fairytales, aren’t they grand?