“Georgia fuel prices could drop by as much as 20 cents per gallon as of midnight.” — breaking news bulletin from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“Gov. Sonny Perdue today announced a suspension in the collection of state gas taxes, a move that would bring down prices on fuel currently selling for about $3 per gallon in the metro area. The suspension, which will cost the state about $75 million, takes effect at midnight tonight and will run through the end of September. Lawmakers are being called back to Atlanta for a special session Tuesday. …”
if president nitwit repealed the gas tax from the federal level that should put a dent in the cost of gasoline also. But the neocon criminals of the bush administration would raise a ruckus because that would endanger their continued looting of the US treasury.
What is the federal tax right now? (I should know, but …)
We’re at $3.01 to $3.11 per gallon for regular here, btw. It’ll get worse because it’s about a two to three-hour trip, each way, for tankers to bring us gas up here.
18.4 cents per gallon right now
But the neocon criminals of the bush administration would raise a ruckus because that would endanger their continued looting of the US treasury.
Reminds me of:
Don’t steal-the government hates competition.
. . . . no services. Schools, clinics, Medicaid, etc. How is GA going to pay for state services?
Looks to me like Grover Norquist will be dancing a jig – we can drown that baby* in the bath tub a lot sooner than I expected!
Just like 9-11 was a gift from heaven to these guys. Oh boy! We can start our war a lot sooner than we were planning!
* the government. AKA Social Security, public universities, the EPA, the Coast Guard, NSH, and so on and so on and so on. You know, all that stuff that folks like us NEED, but his rich friends don’t.
Just saw this on Cnn.com:
AP: Huge oil spill spotted near storage tanks on Mississippi River downstream from New Orleans, state officials say. Details soon.
That’s all they have right now.
that rewarding the gas-guzzlers who drive the most is the way to go. If the feds or the state gets a “windfall” from high gas prices, the fair and rational way would be to give a share of it to all residents, and let them decide whether to spend it on gas or something else. Encouraging more driving by putting out still more subsidies will only make the long-term problem worse.
Normally, I’d say, instead of lowering the tax, dedicate it to helping the hurricane victims or some other pressing and basic needs. But under the current administration we all know it would just be stolen, so better to just send everybody a check, or at least send a check to every state government.
New York is possibly soon to follow.
PA is working on that today, I heard.
Bush in Biloxi, Mississippi answering questions from the press. Stumbling for words, stressing the gravity of the disaster for both states, not a word of self-criticism or on the relief effort so far. The Taliban he calls those folks over there; just as easy, Bush talks about the residents of New Orleans as those folks over here. Bush must be in a state of single-mindedness, fighting a continual war of terror.
He felt a lot more comfortable, when he got a question he could respond by divulging his competence: fuel and oil transport lines coming back on.
[I am not an oilman, it’s not my business nor competence. I learned about the two major pipelines the Colonial and the Plantation running from Texas thru Louisiana when these were disrupted due to electricity outage caused by Katrina. I posted a chart I found on the web. – Oui]
What I did learn: the Colonial provides fuel transport to the New England states and the Plantation runs Southeast. Ignoramus not standing behind a lectern with ready text, nor wearing a bulge or ear plug with Rove’s wisdom whispering in his ear, ignoramus had to answer impromptu on an (Inter)national televised news conference:
“The Colonial pipeline is coming back on quicker than was expected, important as it provides fuel to the Southeast you know”.
George, you had a fifty-fifty change to be right; guess what: YOU FLUNKED – YOU’RE FIRED!
Colonial & Plantation Pipelines Down!
You would have thought Condi spend so much time with the Prez she would have covered more issues than Russia and Putin by now. I guess not. Bush isn’t sure where the Colonial states are located: could be North, perhaps they were the Southern states. The Plantations and the slaves, yeah – could be North or perhaps it was also in the South?
Isn’t anyone helping our President to survive? Rummy – Condi – Wolfie – Dicky – you aren’t abandoning our captain, or were you assuming a child of 5 should stand on its own two feet – ehh Texas boots? Perhaps it’s time our captain sinks deep in the marshes of New Orleans and gets hit by the Peace Now movement of Cindy Sheehan coming to Washington DC.
As Ann Coulter will explain in her next book, it was the evil Union that had all the slaves, and the South was trying to free them. Bush is just ahead of the game.
But, as usual, you commie liberal America haters just assumed he was stooopid!
Spotted in the State of Georgia: The ubiquitous “Pander Bear”.
Habitat: Public office (Governorship of Georgia)
Behavioural characteristics: Trades long-term benefits for short-term political gain
Chances of survival: Species will survive, but destroys its own habitat
Species that destroy their habitats don’t survive.