“Leadership: ‘Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott’s house — he’s lost his entire house — there’s going to be a fantastic house. And I’m looking forward to sitting on the porch.’ – George W. Bush [posted at the White House site!], 5 days into this.”
— From Salon‘s Peter Daou (Daou Report)
Equally astonishing (CNN video + Crooks & Liars video):
Bush to women: “There’s a Salvation Army center that I want to, that I’ll tell you where it is, and they’ll get you some help. I’m sorry…. They’ll help you…..
Woman 1: “I came here looking for clothes…”
Bush: “They’ll get you some clothes, at the Salvation Army center…”
Woman 1: “We don’t have anything…”
Bush: “I understand…. Do you know where the center is, that I’m talking to you about?”
Guy with shades: “There’s no center there, sir, it’s a truck.” …
Bush: “There’s trucks?”
Guy: “There’s a school, a school about two miles away…..”
Bush: “But isn’t there a Salvation center down there?”
Guy: “No that’s wiped out….”
Bush: “A temporary center? “
Guy: “No sir they’ve got a truck there, for food.”
Bush: “That’s what I’m saying, for food and water.”
Bush turns to the sister who’s been saying how she needs clothes.
Bush to sister: “You need food and water.”
Thanks to Brinnaine for spotting this. Unbelievable.
Breaking news … a charter bus taking refugees from NOLA has overturned. At least one man is dead.
News just gets worse by the minute.
Well, I can sleep better now, knowing that the Federal Government is doing their damndest to rebuild Trent Lott’s house. Why care about anyone else?
I love this line:
Um shouldn’t the first help be fucking FEMA??? Isn’t that why we pay taxes?? Isn’t the Federal Government supposed to protect us after 9/11???
I am outraged beyond words.
was mentioned in one of the comments here earlier. I had to go to the White House site to see if it was just a parody, but there it was, right under the flag and the Seal. I bet all the newly homeless people were so relieved that Lott would have a “fantastic house”. If a screenwriter had put these words in Bush’s mouth I’d regard her as a genius for coming up with a line that so brilliantly revealed everything Bush and his party stand for.
They are doing such a horrible job of things that I wonder if Karl Rove has lost control entirely of messaging … they used to be better at this.
… anyone heard anything about Cheney. Where is he? We haven’t heard a peep from him.
Cheney is MIA. And the news has taken note … Chris Matthews et al. are talking about him.
It’s inexcusable.
Hoping it’s in the marshes of Louisiana – left behind like his fellow citizens wading through feces and filth of days.
needed a new battery for that pace-maker!
My parents always told me that I shouldn’t hate people. I could dislike people all I wanted, but hate should be reserved for special people. I always intensely disliked George Bush. Now I hate him.
He’s spewing crap on my tv now.
very, very special.
Pathetic. I was watching when he siad this and I just thought what a f’ing embarrassment he is to our country. I’ve got the handcuffs…you guys ready to rumble?
Have you seen this that kos has frontpaged??
I saw this earlier today but couldn’t quite catch it all as the anchor was talking over the conversation….my son may have missed his cartoons this afternoon if I had.
THAT my friend needs to be on the front page of every GD newspaper in America. Lock this idiot up and throw away the key.
I’m adding that to the front page. What a fucking idiot.
You know … we need to dump him in a big city with no money, old clothes, no food … and demand he try to make it for a month.
I just saw a clip on the Leherer News Hour of Bush praisng Michael Brown and the good work he’s done with FEMA.
This tells us all we need to know to remain certain that Bush is still the clueless “Imbecile in Chief”.
Again, my attitude is, if it’s not going exactly right, we’re going to make it go exactly right. If there’s problems, we’re going to address the problems. And that’s what I’ve come down to assure people of. And again, I want to thank everybody.
And I’m not looking forward to this trip. I got a feel for it when I flew over before. It — for those who have not — trying to conceive what we’re talking about, it’s as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by a — the worst kind of weapon you can imagine. And now we’re going to go try to comfort people in that part of the world.
Thank you. applause END
… to comfort people in that part of the world.
Who does he believe he is? He’s CEASAR and rules the world – NERO after all :: watch New Orleans burn Nero!
Thats the quote!
Does he fancy himself as NERO?
Or does he fancy himself as (“Let them eat cake”) Marie Antoinette?
he said, and I quote:
“And Brownie is doing a great job”
We have one less glass in our house because of that utterance from the “clueless-in-chief” (that’s kos’ but I like it)
Brownie? Fucking Brownie?
Here is what I wrote
“You are an embarrassment to this country. While you were out playing golf in AZ, people were dying. WHile you were playing air guitar in San Diego, people were dying. While you flew over the devastation people were dying. While you sat in the White House people were dying. You are the worst President this country has ever had and history will write of you bitterly. You had no plan for the war based on lies. You had no plan for the hurricane you knew about for five days coming. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. YOU ARE NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!”
The people now have their turn to speak…..
I think I’ll put in an FOIA request for your Secret Service and/or FBI file. After this I know you’ll have one.
Oh, and Leezy?
Prepare to be audited.
Bring it on!!!!!!!
Oh please do. I would love to see if I have a file.
Bush in Biloxi, Mississippi answering questions from the press. Stumbling for words, stressing the gravity of the disaster for both states, not a word of self-criticism or on the relief effort so far.
The Taliban he calls those folks over there; just as easy, Bush talks about the residents of New Orleans as those folks over here. Bush must be in a state of single-mindedness, fighting a continual war of terror.
He felt a lot more comfortable, when he got a question he could respond by divulging his competence: fuel and oil transport lines coming back on.
[I am not an oilman, it’s not my business nor competence. I learned about the two major pipelines the Colonial and the Plantation running from Texas thru Louisiana when these were disrupted due to electricity outage caused by Katrina. I posted a map I found on the web. – Oui]
What I did learn: the Colonial provides fuel transport to the New England states and the Plantation runs Southeast. Ignoramus not standing behind a lectern with ready text, nor wearing a bulge or earplug with Rove’s wisdom whispering in his ear, ignoramus had to answer impromptu on an (Inter)national televised news conference:
“The Colonial pipeline is coming back on quicker than was expected, important as it provides fuel to the Southeast you know”.
George, you had a fifty-fifty change to be right; guess what: YOU FLUNKED – YOU’RE FIRED!
Colonial & Plantation Pipelines Down!
You would have thought Condy spend so much time with the Prez she would have covered more issues than Russia and Putin by now. I guess not. Bush isn’t sure where the Colonial states are located: could be North, perhaps they were the Southern states. The Plantations and the slaves, yeah – could be North or perhaps it was also in the South?
Isn’t anyone helping our President to survive? Rummy – Condi – Wolfie – Dicky – you aren’t abandoning our captain, or were you assuming a child of 5 should stand on its own two feet – ehh Texas boots?
Perhaps it’s time our captain sinks deep in the marshes of New Orleans and gets hit by the Peace Now movement of Cindy Sheehan coming to Washington DC.
Just got back from dinner with the kiddos. Fiday night ritual. I came home to a message on my voicemail from the local paper, The North COunty Times wanting to know if I had in fact written a letter to the editor and please call back to verify. I verified alright. The problem is, I can’t remember whom I wrote what I have written so many this week. Guess I will have to start printing and saving huh? I will let you know if it gets published.