Mr. President:

Since it is illegal to call for the assisination of the President, I thought you might like to take the matter into your own hands. This is the right, honorable thing to do Mr. President.

This s a President who after flying over the Gulf Coast of the Nation and commenting that the ” Entire Gulf Coast has been obliterated”. went golfing the following day.
This is a president who cannot ride a bike.
This is a president who is disabled by a pretzel
This is a president who chose a virgin to be the Secretary of State.
This is a president with “Daddy” problems.

This is a president who by most accounts was a cocaine abuser and alcoholic for much of his adult life  (up until the age of 40). At that point he began drinking from the polluted, hallucinogenic well of Christianity and is now a Christianaholic.

This is a President who has repeatedly said that God speaks through him and God told him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. (as reported in Haaretz and speaking to Abu Abbas, Bush said,  “God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.”)

This is a President who is delusional.

This is a president who staged the rescue of Jessica Lynch, framed and staged the capture and guilt of Sadaam Hussein.,2763,956255,00.html

This is a president who started a pointless unnecessary war in Iraq that has killed thousands to show his dad he could be a better, “stronger” president than his dad.

This is a president who has looted the United States and looted Iraq through Halliburton and friends. Halliburton has the contract now to clean up New Orleans. The President is looting New Orleans.

This is a President has staged his entrance into the Gulf Coast areas on Friday to the detriment of the needy and dying in forgotten neighborhoods, islands, small towns, villages and even boats at sea. So says Senator Landrieu of Louisiana.

This is a President who refused help from local caring U.S. Citizens.

This is a president who has slapped Americans in the face and betrayed them for volunteering to save stranded victims with their own boats, cars and planes. This president has told honest citizens to go away, they don’t know anything about what’s going on. Their help is neither wanted nor appreciated. A big “fuck you” to the heart of America.

This is a President who exposes his own loyal CIA operatives for political gain.

This is a man who as governor of Texas presided over 152 executions of presumably guilty men and women, setting an all time record. And as a Governor he mocked at the pleas of Karla Faye Tucker,  to spare her life. She was executed,

Your suicide would be your redemption Mr. President. It’s the right, honorable thing to do. Many world leaders in similar situations have done the same. Join them, wont’ you?

May I suggest the method?


It would send a message of to the whole nation that we in the United States have zero tolerance for cruelty, looting, lying, traitors and Evil Doers.