Progress Pond

this in 1969

On 17 August 1969, Hurricane Camille crossed the Mississippi coast with winds of 201 miles per hour and a storm surge some 24 feet above sea level.  In its path, steel and concrete buildings, venerable homes, and deep-rooted oaks were simply obliterated.  As the storm passed, engineers swung into action.  The New Orleans District did superb work south of the city and also assisted the Mobile District that was responsible for most of the work along the Gulf coast and inland.  Mobile District officials sent civilian contractors into the devastated areas to clear roads.  Engineer troops from Fort Benning, Navy Seabees, and Airmen from Keesler Air Force Base joined in.  Aided by these forces, the District removed rubble, recovered bodies, cleared trees, freed 14,000 residential lots of debris for rebuilding, and dredged 12 million cubic yards of shoaling from Gulf harbors.

This happened 33 years before we had a Dept of Homeland Security, lead by the worlds most inept and excuse making asshat to ever enter public service.  Actually, Chertoff is just one of a running stream of political hacks who have benefitted from the largesse of the Current Fascist regime.

More below the fold:
I have been dazed and confused for the last 6 days, wondering what happened to my government, realizing that I already had the answers to that question.

The NeoCon fascists that have infiltrated and corrupted the Government of the United States of America, have one simple goal to achieve.  To completely and totally annihilate all social welfare aspects of the government and strengthen and completely take control of the military/industrial complex as the leading governmental agency in the US.

Why does the Pentagon receive 30% of the United States Budget?  What do we have to show for this massive influx in monetary supply to a throughly corrupt and unresponsive organ of our government.  Before anyone goes off on me, I am talking about the countless undocumented contracts that are initiated by current Pentagon hacks, who later become the employees of the Defense contractors.  How many thousands of former Colonels and above work in these Defense contractor companies and how much influence are they going to continue to be allowed, in the raping of our Nation.

When a country spends as much on defense as it does on social programs their is a coorelation between the quality of those programs and their ability to provide those same programs.  The NeoCon agenda is to completely strip our Nation of its long standing ability to provide a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens.  Their concern is not for those who have not, their only concern is to insure that the haves, continue to have more and as the ranks of the impoverished continue to rise, blame the victims.

The NeoCons have long been infiltrating our government to insure their agenda of starving the beast will succeed in its most viscious and cunning ways.  They see anyone who is not left of Attila the Hun as a communist/liberal/hippie who hates America and should leave if they don’t love the America they are striving to achieve.

My disgust for the current unelected President of the United States is complete and my disgust for the the past two Presidents is beginning to move more solidly toward complete also.  That our Congress has so little concern for the Constitution that it swore an Oath to protect is becoming frightening, as they methodically strip away our rights.

I have family who lived in Biloxi, they were fortunate in they had resources to leave the area on Sunday before Katrina hit.  However they have lost everything that they owned with the exception of the few things they were able to take with them when they evacuated.  I am struggling to maintain myself as I watch in horror the despicable photo ops made possible by our incompetent and inept commander in chief.  I am mortified that so many American citizens have been left to die in the aftermath of this horrific devastation.  

Yet the political hacks continue to spew forth lies and deceit as if they were water and food to those who so deperately need it.  The despicable and wanton disregard for human life by the current administration clearly shows the American people the nature and attitude of the NeoCon Fascists who currently control our country.  The continued spinning and blaming local authorities for the mismanagement of this crisis again shows us that the President is a person of low moral character, insensitive to human suffering and incapable of leading our once great nation.

I call upon all Americans to support the impeachment of the entire psuedo leadership of the United States of America, the Executive branch in total, the current majority leadership in both houses and any democrat who has continued to support these NeoCon fascists.

I urge every American to contact their representatives in Congress and demand the repeal of the Bankruptcy bill, the Patriot Act and the Energy bill as they now stand.

The Fascists believe they are invulnerable and will prevail, I say they shall not, I say they shall reap the whirlwind and soon, my fellow Americans, very soon, I see the criminal actions of these fascist leading them to a long and uncomfortable stint in a federal prison cell for their crimes against the American people and the world.

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