That is the meme… that is what Russert was screaming about on IMUS today…
So where the hell are all of those so-called “Security Dems”???? This is was the one reason he was re-elected… he told the country that he could keep the US safer than the Democrats…that is not true.
So why is not Al From and Simon Rosenberg screaming that this is a failure in keeping the US safe… why??… because they are as big liars as Bush…
The Centrists like Al From, Simon Rosenberg, Joe LIEberman, Breaux and Bull Clinton… security means one thing… funding from the military industry… They want to swagger around with big guns… so they keep reenforcing the credibility of the Iraq War all advocating that the “War on Terror” a GOP construct created in a right wing “think tank”…can be won… yeah and I got a bridge in Brooklyn I wanna sell… they just want to get rich(er) by selling the Democratic party to the military lobbyists.
The only Real “Security Dem” I have seen in the past three years… has been Dean. He warned in the primaries that Iraq was no place for the National Guard. Dean warned that we were dangerously low on first responders… He warned that great photo ops like Saddam being captured did not make America safe… but our Democratic “Military Hawks” poo poo’d him… no place for dirty hippy talk.
No Dean is not a “Military Hawk” because the definition of war is a Diplomatic FAILURE … and two ingnorant entities have decided to slug it out instead.
So… for all those Dems wringing their hands that people don’t vote for Democrats is because we don’t prance around bullying people… well here the reality…
All those Military-Hawks-Security-Dems are strangely silent….
No, we are not safe under the “leadership” of this dangerous administration. The world is not safe.
If you’re the CEO of a multinational corporation… you may be safe.
If you’ve donated $100,000 to a Bush campaign… you might be safe.
If you received an inheritance that was subject to an inheritance tax… you might be safe.
If you earn your living pushing paperwork representing the lives and jobs of other people… you might be safe.
If you’re merely an American Citizen… you are infinitely expendable.
I think the security angle is better than what we have, but I’d rather see us go on “What is the role of Govt?”
But the point is, its time to attack them on something — as long as we have an alternative we’re proud of they won’t co-opt. That was a big advantage they had over us the last few elections, its time we find a counter to it.
pre- 9/11/01
Scary things happened. Presidents read their PDBs. Somehow, I survived.