The lack of comment on the situation in New Orleans has begun to attract international attention. The Canadian CBC writes: “Democrat heavy-hitters have been about as visible as Vice-President Dick Cheney over the past week. There’s been little word from Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Joseph Biden or Al Gore, to name just a few of the party’s biggest names.”

Worse, they have a theory about what is happening with Bill Clinton: “Clinton, the party’s most beloved and eloquent figure, has been enlisted by President George W. Bush to help in the aftermath – an appointment that has served to silence any criticism from him.”

Where are they?
What do Canadians think should be the Democratic position?

“The howls of the Opposition parties in Canada would be deafening had Ottawa responded to a similar disaster like Bush and his Republican administration. The daily question period would put a Canadian leader’s performance front and centre, and if the House of Commons wasn’t in session, an opposition leader wouldn’t hesitate to demand an immediate recall of Parliament.”

“But there’s no opposition leader in the United States…”

That just about says it all.