This dkos diary links to a reuter’s aritcle that is reporting that pictures or video of the dead will not be allowed. This censorship is being staged by FEMA.
The news media is already censoring pictures and video of the dead to a certain extent. Although the media has allowed America to finally view the death and destruction from failed policies and criminally negligent decisions, the self-censorship continues, in my view. I have heard reporters talking about floating bodies, but I have seen only one bloating body in the water. Has anyone else seen any bodies in the water?
There are quite possibly hundreds of bodies visible in the water, but we have had virtually no media documentation of this.
Apparently, the news media is taking matters in their own hands to spare Americans from the horrow of bloated bodies. We have also been spared from the horrors of American and Iraqi dead in Iraq, and of, for the most part, pictures of the caskets of American dead.
I had dinner with a couple from a small town near New Orleans the other night, and they and their teenage daughter expressed the view that pictures and video of the dead would be disrespectful somehow.
This echoes a largely complacent public that has given this administration a pass in regards to its censorship of war coverage and pictures.
Pictures of bloated bodies floating in New Orleans fetid waters might be the last straw for those clinging to their support for this administration.
Pictures of the dead would be further document the criminal negligence of FEMA, and this administration.
As I said before, I pray this now City of the Dead does not become the City of the Disappearing Dead.
I was encouraged by an interview with a Dr. Louis Catalfa on CNN yesterday, not sure I spelled his name correctly, who said each body would be preserved for later identification. He said this in response to a question by a reporter as to the possibility of mass graves.
This doctor said each body would be treated with respect and dignity. I’m not sure of his relationship to the decision making in this regard, but any bit of good news on this issue is encouraging.
I have wondered about this myself. Usually the media can’t wait to show gruesome pictures but this time it’s different. I would like to think that they are not showing bloated bodies out of deference to the people they once were and to family members who might be watching. Certainly they could show them from a distance. What an indignity to be shown bloated and floating around in the filthy water like some animal carcass.
But we cannot hide from the full cost of our failures. We as a country failed these people.
(I think it was last night) had enough dead bodies to warrant a viewer-warning blurb at the beginning of it.
Funny how when a huge tragedy hits some underprivileged nation, our media aren’t so concerned about the dignity and respect due all those dead bodies.
We are such a warped society — we love violence, yet abhor what it leaves behind.
Exactly Songbh!!! Thank you!!!
I remember all the photos of the bodies from the tsunami. And you made my heart sing when you state that we as a society LOVE violence and then want to shelter our “pretty little heads” from the result.
I would LOVE for somehow someway to get the message across to these Red Regime supporters that it was their lack of thought, lack of foresight and lack of compassion and empathy for the human race (ie their vote for Bush) that resulted in this catastrophe.
I’ve been a morning view of RubDMC’s Iraq Daily Grief Witness work… and I have always hollered that the Red Voters should be made to look upon the faces of hte dead children and the photos… after all it’s their g-d damn vote and their g-d damn values behind it.
We can not “avert” our eyes from the damage and the disasters we as a nation cause. It might PREVENT the next one if people had their eyes open.
Action item: I for one(I am sure I am not alone) fell that every media outlet should be allowed complete access to the pick up of these poor souls that George’s lack of competance has caused their deaths. It can be done with dignity. I don’t necessarily want to see the pictures but feel it is imperative that they be shown. The magnitude of these deaths will show this country just how incompetant this administration. Off to write the biggies for now.
it’s called covering their cowardly, inept asses.
There is a REASON for them (them implying the government-controlled media) to not show the
Our returning soldiers in any capacity, coffins, disabled, or joyful returns
The REAL footage of Iraq
Is because back in the days of Viet Nam, the American public got upset over seeing such footage day in and day out and it helped push them over the edge and made them.. gasp… “AWARE”. People who are unaware can’t really think about such issues nor can they act against them.
Reason for them not showing the REAL footage of New Orleans… they saw how quickly people got upset over Bush eating cake and pictures of him playing guitar while shots of dead bodies were in the water…
Land of the free….??? I think not. We are land of the lied to.
Nothing brave about allowing our government to continue lying to us.
As some would say – lie to me once, shame on you.
Lie to me again… shame on us all.
Show the damn reality. The damn results. It’s the only way some of those Red staters and justifiers of torture, abuses, war profitting will wake the fuck up.
Stay safe Duranta!!!
But what you must realize is that they do NOT want to see it. Ignorance is bliss. If they do not see it it doesn’t exist. They cannot be bothered in their little corner of the world with such messy things as legless soldiers, bloated dead children floating in the sewage filled waters. There has already been reports of disease and illnesses in Houston. You can bet your sweet ass these “imprisoned” people will now be quarantined. Just wait and see. Will they leave them in there to die now too? Tin foil you might say? Let us just wait and see.
My neighbor is a nurse and has been trying for over a week now to offer her services as she is not working right now. Redcross keeps telling her they will get back to her. Now the Redcross doesn’t need help? Medical help? God I really want to punch someone.
When my sister told me awhile back that she believed in torture I sent her all the torture pics I could find and just said…this is what torture looks like. She said don’t ever send me anything like that again. They can’t stand to face the trith so they choose to bury their heads in the sand.
They won’t be quarantined until the whatever illnesses or contamination had spread far and wide enough for them not to make any further distinctions between storm survivors and the rest os us.
The noise I have been making with my phone calls to local officials may have helped to contribute to this pollyanna-ish press release from the Texas Department of Health posted on the Texas Education Agency’s website
scroll down and click the link called “Texas Department of State Health Services Announcement: Evacuees Pose No Increased Illness Risk for Texas Students” (it’s a PDF)
It is this kind of “la-la-la we can’t think farther ahead than 5 minutes” bullshit that is no longer acceptable — the CDC has issued recomendations for ineterim vaccinations, but nobody seem to be listening….see the link updated Sept. 6.
Everyone seems to think I should just take their word for it that they have this covered — AIN’T gonna happen!
Exactly AlohaLeezy
They vote for it and then to them it’s all over. LIke a bunch of see no evil, hear no evil monkeys. No offense ot monkeys π
I am “sick” because I do the RUBdmc witness. So today… I posted the link to his diary over at the Kos cause I don’t want them here… at a site where they lurk my posts.
They support it – they should fucking see it every day.
Good for you about sending her the torture and abuse photos.
We NEED to make the news show it all. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Only way to stop killing is to show the dead. Show the result of this Administration in all it’s “GORY”
it isn’t for Americans! Americans are special and death is just, just, jus, just a concept that we toy with in thought occassionally while we attempt to justify to ourselves what our nation does to others who aren’t Americans. So long as death is only an IDEA to Americans, then Americans are easy to play with as a voting republic. One of the most life changing moments of any of our lives is the day that death comes knocking on our door. It often spurs intense personal growth and Americans don’t need any more of that stuff. If they were to get too much more of it you wouldn’t be able to manipulate them worth a shit. Hide the DEATH!
Long term effects…everyone in the shelters and still coming out of the feces of New Orleans needs to be tested for Hep C. I heard on MSNBC this morning that this is the #1 concern. Hep C may not show up for years. Having been around hundreds of recovering addicts the Hep C can take 10-20 years to show up. What then? If they do not know they are infected they can spread it rampantly. Am I overly paranoid? What are they being treated for? If anything?
(btw Afternoon,I love you girl!! :))
They just said the water has been tested and is postive for E-Coli.
we have shunned help from other countries… I can not be more shocked as each day goes on.
I keep waiting to hear the Bush, Inc say “if they are going to die they should do so and decrease the surplus population”… Scrooge
Right back at ya girlfriend!! I just read Pelosi asked George this morning to fire Brown. His response? “Why would I do that?”. God what an idiot. Janrt email me I have something I want to sent to you for your trip to DC.
alohaleezy at sbcglobal dot net
anone wanting to contact me feel free. I imagine the feds are reading my email anyway so I might as well help them out…lol!
I just was wondering about that Pelosi stuff. A hockey poster posted it this:
“Anybody see Nancy Pelosi talking about her short meeting with Bush?
She said Bush hired a man with absolutely no credentials to run FEMA. She told Bush yesterday he should fire Michael Brown. He said “Why would I do that?” She said because of everything that went wrong last week. He said “Well what went wrong?” The look on her face was classic as she repeated this story. She then said he is oblivious and dangerous(to the American people).”
Okay, I’ll email you π Thanks! π My email name is “Azul” that’s me okie dokie.
oh yeah, read that this morning. In fact I emailed Susan that article cause I have limited time to write here when I am at work.
We JUST this year got Travis country to demand that kids be vaccinated for hep A (the insurance co. will pay for it for the kids, but they’re still thinking about us adults…).
They are not going to be proactive on this, I have absolutely NO trust in them at all…I haven’t head a damn thing about inerim immuninzations being given ANYwhere in Texas, even though the CDC lays out VERY specific guidlines (see my other post for the link) that includes Hep C and A, and various vaccinations for ALL age levels.
Oh, and flu season is coming up — any idea whether or not we have enough flu vaccine on hand this year? I expect not.
Charmaine Neville :: Heartbreaking Story of Escape
Damion Neville, left, hugs his mother, New Orleans jazz and blues singer Charmaine Neville, who survived Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The two were reunited on Saturday in Baton Rouge after Damion arrived from Houston. Advocate staff photo by MARK SALTZ
Resting Saturday at a friend’s quiet home in Southdowns, Charmaine Neville was a world away from the despair and desperation that surrounded her New Orleans home last week.
Before Hurricane Katrina and breaks in the city’s levee system brought a great city to its knees, Neville lived on Pauline Street in the city’s Ninth Ward.
Neville: My soul is New Orleans
… it’s not human nature
Life's End Marked "X"
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... Rehnquist.
Death gives Bush historic opportunity to shape Court.
Political Opportunity
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