Photoshop pop-up: “Some of the data in this image are damaged. Do you still wish to open it?” That was the message I got as I opened this Aug. 28 image from the White House site.
CAPTION: “President George W. Bush is handed a map by Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin, center, during a video teleconference with federal and state emergency management organizations on Hurricane Katrina from his Crawford, Texas ranch on Sunday August 28, 2005. [See Larry Johnson’s TIMELINE BELOW.] White House photo by Paul Morse.” (Cropped, resized by susanhu.)
As Jerry Policoff, who sent this image to me, said, “Some pictures are worth a thousand words.” And, who knew on August 28 that — because its subject did not pay attention to the maps and television before him, or to the experts on speaker phone with him — this image would also reveal a lie as big as those lies exposed in the Downing St. Memo, a lie that cost over ten thousand U.S. lives?
MY STATEMENT: “George W. Bush, as a citizen of this nation, I arrest you in the name of the people. You must not murder any more of our citizens — the heart of our country — through your indifference, your ineptitude, and your cruel, sadistic proclivities. You are a murderer. You must stand trial and meet your fate under current federal law.” (What is YOUR statement?)
…House at least get its grammar right when it’s lying?
Data ARE damaged. Just like the brain cells of that miserable excuse for a president.
That was Photoshop, not the White House. And I think Photoshop’s grammar is correct. The verb relates to the word “Some,” not the word “data.”
I could be wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. And who in the hell am I to challenge one of our nation’s best editors/writers?! Ha!
Bu-buh-but data are always plural…the singular is datum…(just some more useless trivia for you all to digest)…
I know that. The noun in the sentence is “some,” not “data,” which is properly plural in that it is implicitly referring to hundreds of pixels in the image.
…singular when it’s NOT an expression of numbers, as in “Some author I read was arguing that …”
But, in my never-ending effort to snark Dubyanocchio, I missed that it was PhotoShop that missed the grammar boat. Mea culpa.
Thanks! I learned something today! Something that didn’t just piss me off!
My LTE was published today in the North County Times! Small local paper but they do have an online edition.
Here it is:
“Time for administration to step down
It is time to bring our National Guard home, where they belong in the first place. It is time for this incompetent administration to step down and let humanitarians run the country. This needs to be done immediately.
“We need our troops here. People are starving to death, dying of thirst in the heat and humidity of a hellhole that was once New Orleans. There is no excuse for this level of incompetence.
While people are dying here on our shores our troops are “saving” Iraq for nothing. It is time to take the helm away from these people and take back what is left of our country. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month – today.”
Keep in mind that I wrote this on Friday before anyone was evacuated from the Dome or convention center.
Sorry…forgot to include link.
North County Times
I just made a citizen’s arrest of George W. Bush. What shall I do with him?
Nope. Darn it.
I do know some environmentally oriented mountain climbers though … they could take him mountain climbing … and … leave him dangling!
I also know a lot of hungry raccoons.
(Showing MY sadistic side! ;):))
Well then. perhaps he would be better served if we just turned him over to the good folks down in Narlins’…
Umm Good! :{)
I’m not sure rope would work. Doesn’t a person need a SPINE to break?? 🙂
Bush hasn’t a spine nor a brain.
Reminds me of a pace picante salsa commercial.
Wish these dumb assholes would realize Bush isn’t from Texas. All Asshat.
Susuan, I say we send him off to Kerpleckistan and put him and his family values in a tank full of sharks with freakin’ lazers on their heads… Wait a tick.
I say we let him go back to vacation, after all, he did “cut ir short”.
of a retired USCG officer made to me three days post-Katrina, “Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and all their sycophant minions should be taken out to the end of the runway and shot.”
A new way to think of hurricane relief and Federal aid, no?
Just curious:
What do you think Bush is doing in the picture? Cleaning his nails?
I think he’s daydreaming about Poland.
You think I jest. I do not.
Bush’s death toll rising*:
Number Americans killed in Texas: 152 executions
Number people killed in New York, DC and Shanksville: 2,986
Number American military killed to date in Iraq and Afghanistan: 2,122
Number Americans killed in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana – est. thousands
*no numbers available for civilians killed on foreign soil
Arresting MP to President Bush: “Sir, you are under arrest for dereliction of duty as Commander in Chief. You will be transported to Guantanamo Bay where your court-martial will be held.”
Bush Twiddles His Thumbs While Killer Hurricane Closes in on Gulf Coast.
Get this out to all the media… NOW!
I can not believe this was on the official White House site.
Brillian Susan!!!!
I sent it to every media person I know … ‘cept Keithy. Should send him a copy.
It wasn’t I … it was my pal JPol. Who is working on his OWN timeline. And let me tell you, when Jerry does a timeline, it is a timeline. Oh yeah.
(Still conjuring up evil images in my mind of Bush’s fate. Any of you ever read Blood Meridian?)
Maybe that’ll be the next nomination to fill in the void of Supremes – Judge Holden ACK!!!!!
I hear it’s being/been made into a movie. Haven’t heard much since and that was… shhhhhhhhh… years ago
I just heard that, but I’ll be darned if I can remember who is directing. Someone good. Will try to recall.
There is an article about McCarthy in the Vanity Fair with Martha Stewart (I think) on the cover … it’s not a great article but it does tell about all the time he spends hanging around with physicists, etc.
Hey I just noticed something…
on the White House official site.. there’s a link to Tsunami Relief.. but nothing for Hurrican Katrina.
Really? What part of the site?
I’m just thumbing through it now …
God almighty. Look at what Laura Stepford is doing to this poor child:
That kid’s going to need a full body cast for months!
I found some hurrican relief info on the front page -sorry. Along with this Bushshit..
President Bush on Tuesday said, “…We’ve got citizens who are willing to take time to love somebody like they would like to be loved themselves, welcome a stranger in their midst. And for those of you who have done that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’re a part of the strength of this country. You’re what makes America a great place.”
Reminds me of his OB-gyn bushism. ACK
sound like something Hugh Hefner might say…
Aboard Air Force One
En Route Glendale, Arizona
10:43 A.M. CDT
MR. McCLELLAN: All right, good morning. Another McClellan brothers briefing. I will turn it over to my distinguished brother here in a second, but would like to begin by updating you a little bit on Hurricane Katrina, from our standpoint.
Here shortly some White House officials on board, including Joe Hagin, will be participating in a video conference call with federal and state officials from aboard Air Force One.
Q On the plane?
MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, from the plane. We have video conferencing capability on the plane.
Q Is the President —
MR. McCLELLAN: I don’t know if he’ll be participating, but I’ll try — I’ll keep you posted if he does. I think there is a little bit more of a staff participation in this call. This is something the White House has been doing both from D.C. as well as from Crawford over the last few days. We’ve been participating in these video conference calls with the federal authorities and with state emergency management operation centers.
The President, this morning, spoke with our FEMA head, Mike Brown. Mike gave the President an update. Katrina remains a dangerous storm. We are coordinating closely with state and local authorities. We continue to urge citizens in those areas to listen to local authorities. Medical assistance teams and rescue teams have been deployed, and we’re continuing to coordinate all activities very closely to make sure that the focus is on saving lives. That’s where the top priority is right now, and that’s where it will remain.
The President also, just a short time ago, approved emergency — approved major disaster declarations for the states of Louisiana and Mississippi. This will allow federal funds to start being used to deploy resources to help in those two states. This is something that was done verbally, and the states have been — the governors of those states have been notified of that approval.
And I think that’s the latest update I have, in terms of Katrina. And with — I’m sorry —
Q This is a semantic thing, I guess, but what’s the difference between the disaster declarations he made over the weekend and what he’s doing this morning?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the ones yesterday enabled federal authorities really to pre-position supplies and teams so that they were in close — in full coordination with state and local partners. Today really allows FEMA now to start drawing down or using federal funds to get resources to those areas to help with the response and recovery from this disaster.
Q What about the oil reserve? Is he going to make a decision about whether to release?
[Minimum time paid to hurricane Katrina - Oui]
* * * * *
MR. McCLELLAN: Quick update. He [The President] spoke with Mike Brown again on the plane, and we did — the staff participated in a video conference call, or they’re ongoing. One of the main things that our FEMA head, Mike Brown, emphasized was that it remains a serious situation, and there’s still a lot of concern about storm surge, flooding, the damage and destruction on the ground, power outages, and things of that nature. And on the conference call, there were updates from all the different states that were being received, as well.
And federal and state and local authorities continue to work round the clock. The storm is still over these impacted areas, and it remains a very serious situation. And the President continued to ask questions of Mike Brown to make sure that we were doing everything in our power to save lives and to help those in need. And so I just wanted to update you on that.
END 12:35 P.M. EDT
Naval Air Station North Island
San Diego, California
9:34 A.M. PDT
MR. McCLELLAN: All right, let me start over. I wanted to get this information to you all as soon as possible, but the President did make the decision this morning to return to D.C. tomorrow — tomorrow, after we return this afternoon to Crawford. Tomorrow morning, I expect the President will probably participate in a conference call with some federal officials to receive the latest update and make sure we’re doing all we can to coordinate the response efforts. And then we will depart around 10:40 a.m. tomorrow from Waco. He’ll return to Washington.
When we return, probably around 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon, the President will chair a White House task force meeting on the response efforts to Hurricane Katrina. The White House has established an interagency task force. It consists to supplement and strengthen our response efforts. The interagency task force will consist of all the relevant agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, and others. Those are some of the agencies that will be included. The Department of Energy will be included in it, obviously. And that meeting will take place at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Q — further decision on SPR?
What did the press talk about :: OIL
With whom did the President communicate: Mike Brown.
The conference planned for August 31, Wednesday afternoon 16:00 hours, involves all top dog bureaucrats for an interagency task force. No phone calls to the governors of the disaster stricken states? At this time, thousands of Americans along the Gulf Coast have drowned, many hundreds will not be rescued and will die in the coming hours as the bureaucrats convene an interagency task force, awaiting the presence of VP Cheney from Wyoming – our top dog Energy crisis – meaning :: OIL
The two main pipelines Colonial and Plantation are pumping full capacity according to State Secr. of Transportation.
I couldn’t understand strategic oil pipelines dependent on electrical power and not self-generating diesel units. Emergency units were placed in pumping stations to get transport back on line. Corporate power!
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Curious – at his Crawford,TX “ranch,” Bush wears a long-sleeved white shirt and a suit?