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For ten terrible days now a shocked nation has looked on as one of our greatest cities has been destroyed along with thousands of square miles of the Gulf Coast. The final number of dead is yet unknown and the financial toll still to be calculated. At this point it has become clear that Katrina will be the greatest disaster to affect this nation in our lifetimes.

Yet, as the country cries and mourns for those who have died, the administration has seemed most concerned with damage control of a different kind. Instead of marshalling the full force of the US government to relieve the anguish of those effected, they have spent endless hours spinning the facts, trying to control perceptions, blaming others and most importantly lying to the American people.  As has been the case so many times before, this administration’s chief goal seems to be to sweep the truth under the bed trying to hide it from the Americans people. This has been a hallmark of the Bush cabal since its inception.

Today launches a new reference tool we hope will shine the light of truth on one aspect of the administrations greatest  lies: “Misled to War” a complete timeline.

Started earlier this summer, the timeline/database is now complete and ready to go. “Misled to War” is a searchable database containing almost 1000 entries about the events that led us on a path to war. It presents a wide range of events, public statements, government documents and other references that relate to the Bush administration’s case for and waging of the war in Iraq.  We’ve attempted to make this the definitive resource of its kind.

As recent poll numbers show, the American public is finally waking up to the fact that they have been thrust into a seemingly endless quagmire in Iraq, and many are beginning to question how we have come to this awful position. Hopefully “Mislead to War” can be helpful in answering those questions.

As we approach one of the most important election cycles in our lifetimes, perhaps you will find the database useful in countering the endless stream of lies and misdirection that come out of this White House and its minions.

We invite the internet community to make use of this reference tool, and to help us make it better with constructive feedback.

Misled Into War: A Timeline/

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