I just finished transcribing Howard Dean’s segment on the Ed Shultz show, airdate September 8. Ed is a lot better at letting Howard talk than Randi Rhodes was. They go over some familiar ground, but there’s some new stuff (to me, at least) too.
Here’s just a piece of it:
“And I must just say, that it’s not enough just to put the Democrats back in power. I don’t want the same old Democratic party that sat around on its butt and thought that if it was like the Republicans it might win an election once in a while. We’ve got to have real change in this country.”
Under audio highlights, I was able to listen to that interview today. You might want to check out some of the other interviews that are available through that page, such as interviews with Joe Wilson, Cindy Sheehan, and Paul Hackett. During the interview with Howard Dean (transcribed below) there are references to what Ed is doing himself to help the evacuees. Check out his home page for the details about that.