Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.
Sir Thomas More (Saint)
FBC Bulletin Board
BooMan announced the migration of the site to a new, faster server for better site performance, so “Quitcher bellyachin’, kids” and hie thyselves to the BooTrib store while you’re at it.
Katiebird announced in a diary last week the postponement of the inaugural Froggy Bottom Photography Fair due to exigent circumstances until October, now rescheduled for the weekend of the 8th-9th.
Anyone going to the march in DC on Sept 24th should give a holler! A few of us attending are planning on getting together over the weekend, as well as marching together. Those who can’t come to DC should keep an eye or ear open for corresponding local events that day.
G’morn’n All, and yes let us reflect to those numbers 911….the attack, an emergency number to call, and now, it’s 9/11 again, and people are still dieing…
I don’t know quite what to say but this….
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH this administration and the corporate shills must be held accountable for the death and degradation of the America that I love.
I am hearing not just a rumbling, but what is becoming a roar amongst the general public everywhere I go. In stores, restaurants, work place, gas stations, and people are finally fed up with the situation, so it is time….to make the roar so loud that it cannot be ignored nor covered up anymore.
We must not relent in our duty to bring this blight on our country to justice.
I will say no more,
Chime in with any remembrances, 9/11-related or not. I almost didn’t include the picture above, knowing that it’s had jingoistic overtones attached to it — it’s also perhaps getting a bit maudlin. I wish I could find a simple, apoliticized way to remember those who died that day. But it seems that everywhere you turn, the right wing has manipulated the memories of that day for their own narrow purposes, cf. the Pentagon-sponsored “Freedom Walk” or whatever it is here in DC today. Snow fences four feet high border the route. I’m not sure what the marchers need to be protected from. Exuberant, unauthorized freedom, perhaps.
I live just across the Hudson river from the WTC-site. Went out for a stroll a bit earlier after reading BooMan’s 9/11 Article. Yet another beautiful morning with crisp blue skies – today a bit warmer than four years ago. I am old enough for 4 years to feel like a fairly brief time. Not so now. It feels like so long ago.
I wonder if it is because we are living in a long, drawn out nightmare. Neverending scandal, mayhem and disaster.
But optimism is returning – while there are still many media outlets and shills that continue to be ready to push the Rove-spin, we seem to see an increasing number ready to turn away from the crap. Hope we’re soon reaching critical mass.
And I hope everyone will have a great day today.
You’re right — 4 years does seem like an eternity ago. The events that have followed in 9/11’s train have been a series of successive fiascos, going from one to the next. I think you’re right, as well, to detect that maybe we’re seeing a turn of the tide. It seems that most mass movements have taken place only after long suffering & hardship, spurred by one final straw. If Katrina isn’t that last straw for America, I hate to see what even greater disaster will be required to wake this country up.
Through an egregious bureaucratic snafu, the Monastery this morning has no half-and-half. In my Peet’s coffee I had to put <shudder> 1% milk. That’s what I get for putting “Brownie” in charge of stocking my fridge.
Good morning y’all. Today’s theme song is sung by the Beatles – go find those dusty old record albums or whatever you store your music on and listen to this one:
Here Comes The Sun
(George Harrison)
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it’s all right
Little darlin’ it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darlin’ it feels like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it’s all right
Little darlin’ the smiles returning to their faces
Little darlin’ it seems like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it’s all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Little darlin’ I feel the ice is slowly meltin’
Little darlin’ it seems like years since it’s been clear
Here come the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it’s all right
Here come the sun, here comes the sun
It’s all right, it’s all right
Here comes the Sun, imaged yesterday through The Humble Telescope pinhole mirror setup. East is at the top of the image, where you can see the fuzzy presence of the sunspot group that is presently disturbing communications here on earth.
The actual viewing image is much clearer, but due to atmospherics and the somewhat casual nature of the telescope mount, the image jiggles too fast for a clear photograph. Engineers are working on the problem.
The Humble Telescope
![Image Hosted by ImageShack.us](http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/9237/humble3ti.jpg)
The great eye itself, in position projecting the Sun’s image into the darkened garage. At bottom right, a front-silvered mirror fragment partially masked (white area with small dark round opening). It sits on the pavement, aimed by leaning it against the half-filled windshield wiper fluid jug. The unmasked portion of the mirror to the left–which is exposed in order to aim the projected image–shaded by cement garden pig so that only the pinhole spot is used for viewing, to get a crisp image.
Dr. Science…Kudos, Goose-man, the pig is a nice touch…Ha! :{)
Dr. Science Made Stupid.
I was completely unaware until a friend called me from portland,or.Teevee was put away so the carpets could get cleaned.This friend happened to be from the Netherlands, had been in Afghanistan on a sort of Peace Corps mission in the 60’s.I will never forget what he said to me that day—“I’m surprised it took them this long”.
Such a simple idea-to fly airplanes into the tallest or most easily identifiable buildings in the US.
And then pathetic Condi– saying ‘nobody had any idea that airplanes would be used as missiles’.Heard of kamikazis Condi?
Would like to say again-in case anyone missed it on the other thread- that my home(s) are open for Bootribbers or Kossacks traveling from the south to DC -Rte 17 is the closest- but hey take a detour from 95!Let me know at addy below.
Four years ago I was still living on Kauai. Seems a lifetime ago. My best friend from Tucson called and woke me up at 4:30am. A call that time in the morning is always bad news or my sister that would always say, “I forgot about the time difference.”
All Linda said was “Leezy, go turn on the tv, we are under attack. It’s really bad.” I caught it just as the second plane flew into the second tower. Then the Pentagon, then Flight 93. I felt so helpless, so afraid. I called by boss/friend and told her to turn on the tv. I called my son. We cried together. We all tried to go to work that day. No one could concentrate. We closed the office after we reaccommodated folks that were due to leave the island that day and all the flights were cancelled. We had 35 vacation rental condos at the time and most were occupied.
Later that afternoon, my son called from his car on his way home from the office downtown. They were evacuated due to possible threat on all skyscrapers. He said there were people standing on overpasses on the freeway waving American flags and he broke down. We consoled each other. It was probably at that time I made up my mind to move back to the mainland. My priorities shifted dramatically that day. I had had eight wonderful years on a beautiful island with many friends and support. That wasn’t enough. I needed to be with my family,sisters, son and daughter inlaw, my grand daughter. Life was too short to be so far away, to miss those precious moments watching my little grandbaby grow up.
I called my sister and said, Life as we knew it will never be the same. Little did I know how much worse it would get under BushCO. There are those moments in history that we never forget, JFK assassination, MLK, Bobby Kennedy, walk on the moon, shuttle explosion, 9/11 and now Katrina.
I’m just gonna be a baaaaaad boy this afternoon. I’m gonna take a nap in the hammock under the oak by the lake, and I’m sure Ol’Yellar will manage to climb in as well…LOL
I went to the store, and just could’nt turn down the powdered sugar coated doughnuts, so I just finished a few ; ) and a big ol’ glass of milk, and now…Illy Meeney Chilli Beenie, I see a hammock in my future (for a couple of hours anyway ; )
It’s been a long week, and on the phone most of today as well….so it’s time…..catch ya later…(slipp’n off barefoot, with swim trunks, and flowered shirt, coffee/Bailey’s …to da hammock)
I too am going to head out for a little bit: there’s a street festival right outside my door. I hope a civilized regime of self-serve will hold during my absence.
Grabbing camera … loose bills for street food … tyin’ on the walkin’ shoes.
The images I carry from September 11, 2001 come from the stories printed by Salon that week. They printed the stories of the people in the WTC and on the street. What they saw, how they survived.
It’s the only place I read or saw stories of regular people. Not that I have anything against the firemen or policement — but they were doing their jobs and they went to the Towers prepared to deal with a disaster.
The people who were in those buildings and on the streets that morning were another story entirely. And it was a story that was completely ignored by mainstream media in the rush to war. These people went to work that morning at their boring jobs and ended up fighting for their lives.
For a powerful reminder, their stories are still there:
Chaos Erupts
Everything went black
Running against the grain: a survivor’s tale
Our daughter and her husband lived in NYC then. They witnessed it all. Thousands of miles away, we waited for hours believing that our son-in-law was in one of the collapsed towers. He wasn’t even there that morning. When I talked with them this week they spoke of anxiety, of sleeplessness, of the return of familiar nightmares.
Here, too. For weeks after 911 I had the same dream – desperately needing to get home but having my way blocked by some form of water. Now the dream returns, but my way is blocked by fire.
and the pie war …
which led to Diane with the WELCOME diaries and …
enthusiasme by old and new BooTribbers to jump into the frog pond at BooMan’s Place …
which led to a real fine community with much more chatter,
must have gotten NSA and GWB nervous …
too much chatter leads to increased alert for terror from WHithin
let’s just try to make the site for BooMan
very active and a sound place for advertising!
<click on pic> …
for server contribution!
It will be a joy to make use of the extra speed to compensate traffic from C&L, Raw story and dKos, when those excellent diaries are cross-posted.
Diane - love and hugs from all!
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I’m not sure this would be a good link to use if you want to place an order. I think (someone correct me if I’m wrong) that the links have to include some identifiying information for the boomantribune to get credit for the sale.
Is that right?
I just tuned into recent comments to see this title, and I thought it was pretty funny Oui…I guess I will have to accept full responsibility, the buck stops here, I did it, I confess,……. but…….what did I do….
was it cause 9/11 as in a time compression thing (i.e. governments “Final explanation” for the Roswell incident and the recovered material had to be ‘weather baloons’ even tho they were not produced until some years later….When the military official in the briefing was asked by reporters how that could be his answer, struggling to keep a straight face was…”Time Compression”.
Does anyone else remember that.
Hi everyone, how are you all today.
Oui, thanks for the love and hugs and I am sending them right back to you.
Oh BTW I am watching an interview right now with John Barry, Rising Tide on Cspan, verrrrry interesting! Everyone tune in…
Well, it’s technically still morning on the Left Coast…
Slow day today — still trying to get the energy back up to speed. Tried to make the bed and pooped out halfway through, so the spouse is finishing the job for me. Have to get out sometime today; got a nice long shopping list to fill, including stopping by the fish market for some nice fillets for tonight. (I’m making an effort to serve and eat more fish, though it’s not one of my favorite dishes…)
Let’s see…four years ago…
I was just waking up. The spouse was finishing up getting ready for work, and came in to tell me a plane had crashed into the WTC. Being half asleep, and only having part of the story, I thought maybe it had been a small plane, a pilot with a health problem or something.
The spouse left for work, and I went and turned on the TV. That was my first experience with “information overload” — I watched the coverage all day. (Even now, the spouse has to warn me to turn off the TV when something catastrophic happens.)
Our main concern was for friends of ours in NYC, especially the spouse’s best friend — he works for a consulting firm and often had meetings at the WTC. That evening, we had an email from him that he and his spouse were safe — thank goodness for the Internet. He’d actually planned to go into work late that day, so was still home when the planes crashed; he spent most of the day up on the roof of his building, watching the smoke rise.
9/11 affected our little family in more subtle ways as well…too numerous to list here. In a sense, we’re still recovering from the aftermath…
Have a peaceful day, folks…
On this day, as we struggle with our worst overseas military debacle and our worst natural disaster response debacle at home, we pause to honor the memory of our worst security debacle.
“When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?”
the answer ,my friend ,is blowin’ in the wind
Today I would like to remember The People of Gander, Newfoundland, Canada. My parents were on Air France 004. The People of Gander are an example to us all of how we should react to the displaced people of New Orleans (and elsewhere in the south) and how we as a people should have reacted to 9/11.
Thanks you Gander.
I had a long call yesterday from a Newfoundlander potential customer and wasn’t mentally oriented to the date. I should have offered a tip of the hat to him for their remarkable sacrifice of hospitality.
I was in the Central Coast of California, near Cambria. My lady and I were staying at a friend of mine’s house, and had completely dropped out of the news and information cycle…no tv, no radio, no internet…just relaxing and taking in the visual pleasures from Big Sur down to Santa Barbara. It came as quite a shock, as we did not become aware of it until several days later.
I suppose in some respects, that 48 hr delay spared us some of the intensity of the day. It is interesting how my perception of the events of that day have been colored that delay. A tale for another time, perhaps.
A photo from that trip:
San Simeon/ Hearst Castle
there dada, but now when you get ready to move up in da world, c’mon down to da swamp ; )
LMAO….peace bro
ps. I was really hoping to see some pics of the local “cash crop” ROTFLMAO….(only jok’n here ; )
Well, ya know Pig…they really don’t like snoops w/ cameras “in the fields”, as it were. It is good tho…“Taster’s Choice”, kinda like the vineyard and winery tours in the Napa Valley – makes for a pleasant afternoon…:{)
Later bro
The spouse went off to visit his folks, to pick up some packages we sent home c/o them (so we wouldn’t have to shlep them home in the luggage), books, brochures and transit schedules. (I bought half a dozen plastic storage boxes and will insist that he store the stuff!)
He let me stay home to rest up and watch football — the 49ers are scoring touchdowns while the Rams are scoring field goals. Maybe this season won’t be as bad as everyone thinks…hmmm, I could probably score a pair of tickets to an upcoming game & surprise the spouse…
I have trouble watching football when the temps outside are over 70 deg., but Faux just switched to the tail end of the Niners game. My dad became a fan of them while in school in the Bay Areal, when they were terrible int he 50s & 60s. He never was able to adjust to their glory days in the 80s. I think he views like them like the Cubs: they’re not supposed to do well; it’s more fun to root for ’em when they’re bad.