Bush chooses new FEMA director
Career firefighter, ranking FEMA official will replace Mike Brown LINK: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9315184/
DUCT TAPE man to the rescue.. Fatwa should love this.
CNN reports: “Americans have apparently heeded the U.S. government’s advice to prepare for terror attacks, emptying hardware store shelves of duct tape.
“In his advisory, Paulison recommended that households have on hand three days worth of water and food; an emergency supply kit for both home and automobile; radios with extra batteries; and plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors.
With concerns growing about al Qaeda’s interest in acquiring weapons of mass destruction, Paulison cautioned that aid after an attack could be hard to come by, at least initially. He said that in the first 48 to 72 hours of an emergency, many Americans will likely to have to look after themselves…””
DO NOTE “many Americans will likely to have to look after themselves” he says 48-72 hours, but looking at katrina, I have a hunch it will be longer. :> More :>)
LINK: http://www.kubik.org/pt/PT021503.htm
Third article down.
What a tool, what fools are we to accept this kinda behavior from the master of disaster, president bush.
What will bush do next, stay tuned for the bush and cheney circus, brought to you by fox news….
September 24
Be there or be square.
I find it disturbing that this terrorist threat comes on the heels of the worse bungling of this administration in a long time.
Call me paranoid, call me irrational, but what a great way to redeem themselves if there is actually one.
Actually I meant to say the worse bungling of the federal government possibly ever.
in Canada, so don’t even bother to come across the border. We need it for ourselves in case of attack from US nukes.
I have sealed myself up in my home with duct tape to make sure no poison air gets in. But wait a minute what about good air, I am feeling faint, gasp, cough…can’t breathe…
I’ll send Bush over to give you mouth to mouth.
I’ll send him back to give you a big bear hug! while squeezing crocodile tears from his beady little eyes.
ewwww….he has cooties!
I heard that FEMA is going to be renamed under Paulison because of the negative connotations now associated with the ‘FEMA’ name.
It will now be the Federal Emergency Team for Imminent Disasters.
So now instead of non-stop editorializing, the press can finally just come out and say “The Federal Government’s FETID response…”
In his advisory, Paulison recommended that households have on hand three days worth of water and food; an emergency supply kit for both home and automobile; radios with extra batteries; and plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal windows and doors.
Three days worth? Geez. With last week’s performance and no changes being made anytime soon because government is so f-ing slow to change anything, I’d suggest a month’s supply.
I love duct tape. You can use it to make neat duct tape origami figures. Buy lots of different colours!
It has many uses. The teens around here make lovely purses and wallets out of duct tape. Alas they won’t be so fashionable when everyone has their 3-day supply.
New FEMA boss is ‘Duct Tape Man’ ◊ Keith Olbermann
SECAUCUS Sept. 12, 2005 — If Michael Brown’s resignation this afternoon as the head of FEMA was supposed to end the political controversy over the administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina, it probably won’t.
In another gesture symbolizing the continued confusion of the federal response, the man President Bush immediately named to succeed “Brownie,” proves to have been the same FEMA official who, two-and-a-half years ago, suggested that Americans stock up on duct tape to protect against a biological or chemical terrorist attack.
<click on pic for article>
David Paulison, then the government’s Fire Administrator, joined with the then-head of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, on February 10th, 2003, to say that duct tape and plastic sheeting should be part of any home’s “survival kit” in preparation for a terrorist attack. That set off a run on duct tape at stores, and widespread criticism of the administration. It might have been the first time after 9/11 that a large number of Americans wondered if the government really knew what it was talking about when it came to disaster preparedness.
And the man behind that politically explosive proposal, has just been named to succeed the man, who had been the face of the politically explosive response to Hurricane Katrina.
IAFC President Bob DiPoli addresses the summit regarding the importance of speaking with one voice to strengthen the message of the fire service. Seated to his right is the USFA Administrator R. David Paulison. IAFC
Paulison brings an extensive resume to the post. He ran fire operations for Miami-Dade County in Florida, and was past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. But in light of the response to this hurricane, another comment he made at the time of the Duct Tape announcements rings especially loudly. Paulison said in February, 2003 that in the first 48 to 72 hours of an emergency, many Americans would likely have to look after themselves.
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
February 28, 2003
For Immediate Release
Executive Order
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-296) and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and in order to reflect the transfer of certain functions to, and other responsibilities vested in, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the transfer of certain agencies and agency components to the Department of Homeland Security, and the delegation of appropriate responsibilities to the Secretary of Homeland Security, it is hereby ordered as follows:
[Links and bold emphasis are added – Oui]
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