The diary below is getting too big, and I couldn’t reach Catnip by e-mail so am setting this up for a continuation of the Roberts hearing discussion. CATNIP IS DA BOSS LADY. Do what she says.
Recent Posts
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- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
Thanks. catnip didn’t check her e-mail today. 🙂
are you accepting responsibility for that?
I blame the locals… 🙂
Me? Accept responsibility? What do you think I am? Some kind of librul?
Session’s session will be cut short because there’s a senate vote coming up on the floor. He’ll have his extra 15 minutes of blabbering when he comes back.
Syas the poling data show that more people – young people are “hostile” to abortion – maybe beause they’re seeing sonograms etc…
my feed keeps cutting out…I need to fix that..
Abortion isn’t a great option — I personally regard it as a last-resort option.
It’s a first resort measure for some people, and always will be. And that’s fine … that’s their business.
But for a lot of people, it’d be a tough call. However, those for whom abortion would be emotionally difficult have a lot of other choices — from contraception / safe sex practices to the morning after pill (if available). When all of those options fail, or are unavailable, abortion may be the choice to make. It depends on many other factors.
I’m just sorry that abortion has become such a monster issue on both sides that millions upon millions of dollars have had to be spent fighting for both sides.
I always think to what other uses that money could have been put — from sex education to parenting classes to guaranteed pre- and post-natal medical and psychological care. It’s sad so much money had to be wasted on a hot button debate.
I don’t get into the abortion debate at all. I’m pro choice and I leave it at that.
He praises Roberts for giving a good overview of his judicial philsophy yet Roberts said yesterday that he doesn’t even have one!
Caesar salad and garlic bread, anyone?
Dang! Just had a Boca burger and am full! Save me some for later .. i don’t mind soggy salad 🙂
Kos is NARAL basing in the front page again in the midst of Roberts hearings… how much did he rake in for Tester again?????
What’s the Tester thing? I’m not familiar with it.
A poor showing of Kos’s credit card activist when called “To Action”…
…for some reason…
that Koramatsu was a shit-ass case, dcided in the midst of fear
Cannot say a thing about about torture and extraordinary rendition
YAY! Fiengold is asking about the Hamdi case!!
Okay…Feingold is up…my feed is going in and out but he’s asking R. about civil liberties as it relates to times of war.
F.: do you have any problem with extraoridnary rendition?
R.: can’t answer that
F.: asked about the feds using immigration laws to round up people
R.: can’t answer that one either
F.: Hamdi case – detaining a US citizen indefinitely…4 different opinions…
R.: can’t answer that one either…Jackson opinion sets the precedent for presidential power etc…
The more I watch Roberts the more I absolutely despise him, I mean viscerally. I have seen him, no less that five times in the past 30 minutes, smirk in that same inanae way that W does, his whole body language reminds me of W…..I am feeling very ill at the thought of him as chief justice.
Very ill indeed.
Seriously now, I need any and all information anyone can send me about immigration to Canada, Finland, anywhere ya’ll think is good. I will be done with the Ph.D. by next May-ish — I need to get my family the hell out of here.
Spent last week in Vancouver with a real estate agent. Decided against it. Although if you have lotsa lotsa money, don’t hesitate. It is better in every way. No joke. If you can prove viable employment and a certain amount of personal wealth, I’ve heard Canadian immigration is a mere formality. (I was born there, so my son and I both get Canadian passports.)
I’m here to stay, though. Hope you are too. We need more brinnaines.
did not recuse himself from the Hamdi case….
I’m really having problems with the streaming here, so I’ve missed most of Feingold’s questions. Can someone else please fill in? Thanks.
CNN is showing the hearings again so I can transcribe from there…
G.: (starts out with the usual butt-kissing)
R.: (is talking about various past justices)
G.: Rehnquist ran a good ship…would you agree with the idea that from the conservative point of view, he was the gold standard?
R.: If I am confirmed, I will certainly be my own man…
G.: Would you agree that you would be in the mold of Rehnquist?
sorry – I had someone at the door…
(no pics)
do people get so upset about the flag? I pledged allegiance to the flag for years, and I am fond of our flag. But people who burn it only bother me if I let them.
Graham, through his questioning, is really trying to get Roberts to admit how conservative he is.
G.: I think it stinks that somebody can burn the flag and that’s called speech. What do you think about that?
R.: can’t comment
G.: Why are judges more capable of talking about the unborn than elected officials?
R.: can’t comment on that
G.: when it comes to righting wrongs…(my feed died)..what’s it like to go through the nomination process from a personal view…I see some awful things said about does that make you feel?
R.: some of the mischaracterizations, you get annoyed at them…I don’t like them…
My feed is too disjointed to keep transcribing. I’ll try to post some highlights that I catch. Sorry.
how horrible “the politicizing” of the courts — PUUULEEASE — this is something that has just now started happening?!
And who is it exactly is it that is “politicizing” them, hmmmm?
And now Graham is going on and on about how we will be chasing away the “qualified” candidates because we are going to ask them questions and, of course, Roberts concurrs — has this been a theme all morning??
has this been a theme all morning
No. He’s just making his case for how superbly brilliant and qualified he thinks Roberts is.
I’m out on tha back porch having a cig — Lindsey Graham —- just eeew!!
i don’t know how you do it, catnip!
I will try to make it through Schumer but there is no way i’ll be able to listen to Cornyn for a 1/2 hour!!
So, here’s a question:
Is there ANY indication that the democrats are going to block this guy? I mean, any at all?
I am beginning to think this is all just a HUGE show and I really can’t take much more of Roberts. ick.
Is there ANY indication that the democrats are going to block this guy? I mean, any at all?
There will definitely be votes against Roberts from what I’ve seen today. The Dems don’t seem at all comfortable with him. They won’t be able to block him, but they’ll send a strong message if they stay on this course.
Do you really think so? i never doubted that there would be SOME votes against him, but they aren’t going to vote as a block, stick together in any sort of way, are they?
I think only if every single one of them voted against him would they send any kind of message at all…
Well, you never know what Biden will do, but I think Feinstein, Schumer, Kennedy (who has voted against Roberts before) and probably Feingold will vote against him. I don’t know about Kohl and I’m missing some of them here who haven’t questioned him yet…
I have been trying to keep up with you all today. I could not listen or watch this occurrance for I simply can not stand to watch the republicans and such. I want to send a special thank you for all involved here for the transcription of this bru ha ha.
Catnip, you have done a wonderful favor for us all.
is aksing about calls from wingnuts (Tony Perkins, etc.) to impeach judges when they disagree with rulings
Roberts says he disagrees, and that judges shouldn’t be impeached and personal attacks are beyond the pale…
The first is the 14th amend.
Do you agree that there is a right to privacy?
[now he’s reading back the transcript from Biden’s questioning]
On Griswold — reading back his answer to senator Cole
How will you devine what that right to privacy means??
here’s a link to some transcripts — Senator Kohl (sorry I spelled it wrong before)
some of Biden’s questions
— I think this is a waste of time, I can’t stand the lack of backbone, the lack of anything I can remostely be proud of in my government and so I am not doing a very good job with transcribing….it’s just making me ill.
Cat, babe. just remember the Freepers were wigging out this morning over Specter’s questions about abortion. They are not happy with their reps right now either. This may help us in the ’06 elections. We have to keep our eye on the big picture and shoot for ’06. We all know this guy is going to get confirmed. There is little we may do to stop it.
Think of it this way. He’s replacing Rehnquist, it’s a wash. He will just be more of the same. Now what concerns me is who will Georgie nominate O’Connor? My bet is on a real winger nutcase. That is where we need to focus. JMHO
a shmuck for bailing!!
You? A schmuck? Never!
No worries, we all want to bail these days. SOmething came over me and I am not sure when it hapned or why but I am feeling less urgency and more calmness than I have in like forever. The BushWackos are doing a number on themselves and all this copping to “responsibility” is just a sham. They took a poll and came up with the pulse of the nation. This is what they think we want to hear. They are wrong. Too much too little too late Georgie. People are shocked at the horror that happen in New Orleans and aren’t buying the so called I am sorry, I am responsible two weeks after the fact.
Alot of people that have working for this administration can see a sinking ship when they see one and they are all starting to bail. They have futures ahead of them, families to support, books to write. The whistleblowers will be coming out of the woodwork. How do I know this? I feel it in the depths of my soul where there has been to much hate livving and I am kicking it out.
And you could never be a schmuck. One has to be a repug wingnut to be a schmuck…so there! You have a heart of gold and a soul of passion! Keep the fire burning girl! We need you!
The fire will always be burning, I just have to bring a sense of balance back into what I do each and every day and I need to affect the change I can, where I can — the national stage of politics is not it.
No worries. Mental health is more important than this. I know how you feel–I’m slowly retracting my tentacles from all the volunteering hours, web work, and blogging I do, because while I was in Canada last week my 9-year-old boy suddenly started crying at lunch for no apparent reason. After we calmed him down, he basically said “Dad never plays with me any more, he’s always at those meetings, and we only went camping once this summer.”
He’s abso-fucking-lutely right. As good as I feel about the activism I’ve led, I am too selfish to rent my life. Ten years from now, I’ll care a lot more that he and I stayed best friends than having played a small role in politics. I’m shifting the balance starting yesterday.
The news is just crushing, every day, for years now. Do what you can, but do what you need to as well.
Lee, why in the world did you give him a 1 for this comment?! Please tell me it was a mistake!
ubikkibu, I need to take your words to heart: I will do what I can and do what I need to as well — and I think that starting today, I will let the balance shift as well….and i don’t call it being selfish, I call it making a difference where it matters most!
alohaleezy, I am inclined to believe what you say is the way it will go. Sad, but that is the way it will go.
.. reading all the time
catnip has left the building…