“Must…not…give…Robertson…press,” writes Evan Derkacz at Alternet’s PEEK. Well, yes. Wise thinking. However, as Evan writes on, “Gah! I can’t help myself…” Neither could I.

Did I miss this one? Was this all over the blogs …? [A]pparently Robertson’s sworn off the meds for good (or maybe Rush pilfered them after some late-night rendezvous), blaming the choice of lesbian Ellen Degeneres to host the Emmys for the catastrophe in New Orleans.

She’s from New Orleans so, you know, God didn’t strike New Mexico …

Robertson then put 1 and 2 together and came up with 4:

“This is the second time in a row [9/11] that God has invoked a disaster shortly before lesbian Ellen Degeneres hosted the Emmy Awards… America is waiting for her to apologize for the death and destruction that her sexual deviance has brought onto this great nation.”

Uhh, if God struck New Orleans because it was her hometown then why New York the first time? Maybe she visited once and got her gay all over the town. (Dateline Hollywood [a parody site] via Amie Newman)

I haven’t heard, but can imagine, Robertson saying Ellen’s last name: “De-generate-sss.” A hint of T, and a lot of hissy esses. (Wonder what Robertson thought of yesterday’s brown-out in sinful Los Angeles.)

Update [2005-9-13 12:2:32 by susanhu]: From PEEK: “Fool us twice, shame on…you. This was originally posted as truth — or gospel, if you will. But it says everything that it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility, doesn’t it?”